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Crypto twitter is better than NBA twitter. Somebody had to say it. NBA twitter has become a phenomenon of its own with players, retired players, and team officials using the platform almost as frequently as the media members, fans, and analysts.

Twitter has provided the NBA community a consistent source breaking news, smart analysis, and entertainment bitcoin twitter analyst recommendation entertainment. All of this is great and dominates any other twitter community, but unless Joel Embiid starts tweeting about Bitcoin, Crypto Twitter has taken over. This comparison only applies to NBA Twitter. NBA Reddit will forever hold its own. Crypto Twitter offers everything that the NBA twitter does, but on crack.

The community bitcoin twitter analyst recommendation filled with some of the smartest developers on the planet, technology thought leaders, amateur to pro TA traders, new age entrepreneurs and business leaders, market and ecosystem analysts, hedge fund owners, market makers, and so much more.

Similar to NBA twitter, the community has a small and accessible feel to it. One bitcoin twitter analyst recommendation literally tell Jihan Wu, the co founder of Bitcoin twitter analyst recommendation, to fuck off and get a reply similar to this:.

Bitmain Ant Pool currently controls The talking heads at ESPN would create enough narratives from it to fill a years worth of airtime we miss Grantland. In the Crypto Twitter community, this type of tweet is the norm and this new norm is just beginning. On any given MINUTE, there are tweets ranging from incredibly frank, smart discussions between the brightest in space to prominent investors and business trailblazers educating the public on the rapid bitcoin twitter analyst recommendation developments.

These new players could very well be the figure heads of a multi-trillion dollar digital asset ecosystem, and they have no problem disposing of the old norm. They even hurl public, personal attacks at each other that make my fantasy basketball group-chats look PG rated. Discussions can get heated, but beyond the noise referred to as SNIR in my industry lays extremely valuable information relevant to Crypto, Bitcoin, and the future of money.

Going forward, I will do my best to capture some of the smart, funny, and thoughtful conversations and moments on Crypto Twitter. This first post is in long form as it serves as a preface to some of the players in the space. This first event not bitcoin twitter analyst recommendation has a feel good narrative but provides an insight into some of the personalities in the Crypto community. Meet Roger Veran early Bitcoin adopter and evangelist since Roger has contributed to the Bitcoin community vastly in the beginning by investing his own capital in Bitcoin startups such as Ripple and Blockchain.

As a self-made millionaire prior to Bitcoin, he used his resources to prop up Bitcoin to the masses, who at the time had zero grasp of Bitcoin. Currently, he operates Bitcoin. Roger was good for Bitcoin and played a role in a community that made Bitcoin a success.

James Bond represents Bitcoin and its community. Just like Roger, Trevelyan goes rouge and crosses his long time friend and partner, James Bond. Roger has essentially become the new bond villain in the Crypto community as he continues to purport his Bcash agenda. He has become the villain the community deserves, because without people like him, this shit would be too easy. I was working for free, instead of investing, for the first 2 years. Only recently got out of debt. Antonopoulos aantonop November 30, Andreas Antonopoulos is another early adopter from Since then, he has poured everything he has into educating the public about Bitcoin.

Bitcoin twitter analyst recommendation podcasts, media interviews, public talks around the world, to writing books. Many people in the community started learning about Bitcoin through free content provided by Andreas, including myself.

Roger, seeing this tweet, took it upon himself to do this:. I did invest, Roger. Then I sold in to bitcoin twitter analyst recommendation my rent. Antonopoulos aantonop December 5, What is not quite obvious is that my obsession also drove me to abandon my consulting work and put all my attention into bitcoin. I worked as hard as I have ever worked, focusing full time on this technology. During this time, I was unable to find any way of making a living through bitcoin.

I cut back on my expenses as much as I could and started ravaging my savings. By mid I was forced to start liquidating my retirement funds. Bitcoin twitter analyst recommendation you Andreas for spreading the Gospel of Satoshi and Bitcoin throughout the globe.

You are a true missionary and saint. He helped with my first Bitcoin startup in Antonopoulos aantonop December 6, More on Roger Ver below. Crude oil was never marketed to the public, rather gasoline, parrafine, and electricity. So it will be with Bitcoin: New mainstream media fud: Number 1 on the list is bitfinex cold wallet. Tulips are not durable, not scarce, not programmable, not fungible, not verifiable, not divisible, and hard to transfer. But tell me more about your analogy….

Yes Bitcoin twitter analyst recommendation am the idiot because I expect a working product before a 10bln evaluation. You seem bright, I am sure you are a big success. If you want to support women in the workplace, here are some practical suggestions:. The devs and minds behind Bitcoin are in for the long term. We Abra are batching bank transactions and doing other optimizations. LN 12 months away.

Users need an on chain solution now. Do you even marketcap bro https: Agrawal NeerajKA December 13, Below are a few recent, cringe worthy tweets:. With Bitcoin, Futures Now gonna be… pic. This was a opportune time to educate new investors on topics such as cryptocurrency tax implications, the investment risks in a high-speed volatile market, or coin storage security.

Educated viewers will become confident investors. News flash, the target audience is probably bitcoin twitter analyst recommendation than my 2 week old baby.

Like any great bond villain would do, Roger took the opportunity to spread lies about his enemy, Bitcoin. He told viewers that Bitcoin cash is the real Bitcoin with precision timing, moments before Coinbase added Bitcoin Cash to its product listing. BitcoinCash bitcoin twitter analyst recommendation here… deal with it!! Paul loves to talk about Bitcoin, BCash and cars. Ari Paul was on the show today. The next Crypto Twitter roundup will cover discussions and bitcoin twitter analyst recommendation on: Bubble or not, to those mentioned in this article and others in the community who take the time to share their thoughts on this developing asset class, you guys bitcoin twitter analyst recommendation the real MVP.

Crypto Twitter Roundup Tags: One can literally tell Jihan Wu, the co founder of Bitmain, to fuck off and get a reply similar to this: It began with these series of tweets: Antonopoulos aantonop November 30, Andreas Antonopoulos is another early adopter from Roger, seeing this tweet, took it upon himself to do this: Leaving Greece, after a short visit with family.

In tears from all the support and kind words. But tell me more about your analogy… — Naval naval December 9, Yes I am the idiot because I expect a working product before a 10bln evaluation. If you want to support women in the workplace, here are some practical suggestions: They will continue to build the best decentralized peer to peer electronic cash system.

Below are a few recent, cringe worthy tweets: Invite credible guests for interviews. They have the best insight on actual challenges and can keep things in perspective. Jimmy SongElizabeth StarkRiccardo Spagni Hire a reputable blockchain engineer to review recommendations that are made on the record. Educate, educate, and educate viewers. Next time Roger Ver is on the show, disclose his full background. Conclusion The next Crypto Twitter roundup will cover discussions and tweets on:

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Altucher is just one of a growing number of internet self-help gurus that have embraced bitcoin as the future, a way for you — yes, you — to get rich. It's a pitch built on a dangerous combination: Dreams of riches and ignorance of a new, highly volatile market. As the price of bitcoin has soared in recent months, Altucher's face has begun to pop up all over the internet to promote his get-rich-quick-off-bitcoin plan. His likeness is now so common around the internet that people are starting to notice him.

Banner ads, YouTube ads, paid search results — he's become the "bitcoin ad guy. This isn't terribly surprising. Neeraj Agrawal, director of communications at Coin Center, a cryptocurrency policy thinktank based in Washington, D. These are same investment advice schemes we have seen for decades in the stock market but now in a shiny new cryptocurrency wrapper," Agrawal wrote in an email. Why does the Bitcoin ad guy look like Ted Mosby in college?

Altucher may have inadvertently turned into something of an internet joke, but his career as a self-help author and financial expert were once reasonably legit. A New York Times profile from August called him a "former tech entrepreneur, venture capitalist and financial pundit [who] has reinvented himself as a gimlet-eyed self-help guru. That was before he jumped on the bitcoin boom. He's also started a "Crypto Trader" newsletter that claims will "be your guide through the explosive digital currency market and find you the best currencies to invest in today.

This ad was in a NYTs article about Bitcoin plummeting. Altucher's sudden internet celebrity comes just as the bitcoin boom appears to have peaked. The cryptocurrency has turned once-flailing business owners into millionaires and fueled dreams of overnight fortunes built on bitcoin's seemingly unstoppable rise.

Google searches for bitcoin now outpace searches for the Kardashians. A frenzy like bitcoin is inevitably followed by scammers and bullshit artists who prey on misunderstanding, confusion, and dreams of sudden riches.

Altucher, whether he really deserves it or not, is now one of the faces of that growing online industry, looking to make money off people's bitcoin fever. Pierre Rochard, a software engineer and cofounder of the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute , said that he's noticed the rise of these kinds of "gurus," who generally just collect and package information.

There's no shortage of people willing to pontificate on the future of cryptocurrencies, but no one knows what will become of the volatile coin just as no one can predict any market — let alone one as new and volatile as bitcoin. Anyone who claims otherwise is a scammer. It doesn't help that Altucher's growing notoriety has coincided with the recent correction in which bitcoin shed thousands of dollars in value.

Altucher is far from alone. Tai Lopez , another self-help "guru," has embraced bitcoin and started making money off investment advice — something that hasn't benefitted people who invested after the cryptocurrency peaked.

Teeka Tiwari, like Altucher, charges big bucks for a newsletter that recommends buying certain cryptocurrencies. I hope nobody really sent them any money. It all seemed geared toward the Florida Retiree Crowd, if you know what I mean," wrote a particularly unsatisfied customer who had been attracted by Tiwari's offer of giving away a billion dollars worth of bitcoin.

This fucking bitcoin genius is every fucking where! Are people really paying this guy for his shitty reports and products? Agrawal recommended that people do their own research and learn about cryptocurrencies — and resist getting seduced into viewing any investments as a way to get rich. And, in general, it's always good to be skeptical of anything promising a guaranteed return like Altucher's plea: We're using cookies to improve your experience.

Click Here to find out more. Tech Like Follow Follow. And all you have to do is subscribe to their newsletters. People are spending millions on virtual CryptoKitties.