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Another provocative investigative piece from VICE News, Indigo Children examines the claims of a small community of people who believe they have been endowed with mystical powers beyond everyday human comprehension or capability.
The medical community, however, vehemently disagrees with these claims. In an attempt to discover the truth behind these opposing viewpoints, investigative journalist Gavin Haynes embeds himself among several members of the Indigo Children community.
These individuals have formed factions across the country, and they meet regularly to discuss what they believe are their singular gifts. Their New Age movement began in the s when they were first identified by the indigo-colored aura that shrouded them.
They believe they are astral beings placed on our planet to help us reach our higher purpose and spread beauty and grace throughout the world. They purport to have psychic and healing abilities and a strongly spiritual inner core. With a healthy dose of skepticism and good humor, Haynes enjoys a reading of past lives from a leading figure in the movement, visits a mother and daughter who run a holistic dentistry practice, and even attends a concert performed by a rap group whose art reflects the pursuits of the Indigo community.
In spite of their unconventional beliefs , these subjects come across as congenial, thoughtful and confident in themselves. The flip side of the coin rests in the medical community.
Haynes speaks with a clinical psychologist who urges these subjects to pay heed to the mental illness that exists beneath their mystical facade. These individuals suffer from a well-documented medical condition, he argues, and their avoidance of proper treatment has only deepened their fall into mental disrepair and delusion. Indigo Children takes a brief journey that is sometimes wacky, but always thought-provoking. At its center lies an issue for the ages. It exposes the oftentimes thin line between gifted and afflicted.
The human ego is an amazing thing. It can enable innovation just as easily as deception. The business of mysticism relies on this. Here we are, with devices that can bring us any information we want, and often we only use it to look for justifications to support our beliefs and reject any information that refutes it, while completely ignoring the technology itself.
What a wonderful species, these humans. Finding balance in ignorance and knowledge but going nowhere slowly. Sounds a lot like a parent's natural feeling that HER child is different - all of us are special, most of us, if not swamped by parents or teachers, are wells of wonderful depth and life.
I view this as a lot of wishful thinking for their child. I hated the psychologist's view that drugs are needed - maybe for some extreme cases, but they are loading any difficult kid up with these drugs and making them all dummed-down zombies. So what if kids can't sit in a chair for 5 to 6 hours a day? That means they have to be put on drugs? Basically this medication drugs out kids and makes them submit to the system.
Brilliant, path makers don't always submit very well and they also don't grow up to be understood very well or have many friends. It comes with the territory. As a former teacher, I know that more than half the kids on ADD meds didn't actually need them! They just needed more attention at home and a school system that didn't require them to sit in a chair all day and not interact with all the interesting things going on in the world around them.
I also am pretty let down by the smugness of the guy in the documentary. I used to have a big chip on my shoulder about religion and mysticism. If you want to know that there is something else going on in this world, start with your dreams. Learn about lucid dreaming and start asking your dream characters questions. That's all I will say. May your journey begin. I don't share the Indigo's view of life but happy for the opportunity to learn of their existence.
Thanks for an informative documentary which sadly have ratings currently 4. KsDevil Can I thumbs up your comment? Seriously, you quantified an expression I felt unable to do. However, the existentialist in me also has to ask, even if that's true, now what? It would be one thing if they were looking for ways to change schooling to accommodate more learning styles, but to say they see angels and auras defeats the core of the message. Great presenter and thoughts, with a wry smile to those who were very ordinary and self determined that they had a 'higher' being.
Not many Naturapaths across borders-for this one. It has already been proven that the majority of these symptoms are created by the developing brain in children being too stimulated for too long by television.
They are unable to concentrate on things that do not excite them, like school. Just weird thick arses who are trying to override their daft nothing wrong with that just accept it parents u certainly don't say my child is indigo their nothing special 75 percent of children who are very artistic in arts are thick as an ass just look at most actors.
No matter what you believe about 'Indigo Children' - It seems to me that Gavin Haynes has approached this badly.
At least value people's opinions even if they differ - don't make snide comments in post production. By all means we need an opinion to be formed in a documentary but his manner just didn't sit right with me. And yet most of you believe there is a magician who lives in outer space and can do tricks like making the universe appear fully formed in 6 days. Causes floods, earthquakes, plagues, etc.
If you beg him hard enough, I mean pray , sing songs to him, worship him, adore him, devote your life to him Whatever floats your boat I suppose. Some people will believe the most stupid things. A shift of perception is upon us all and perhaps more so for the new entering our world. Some of us are true materialist and some are true spiritualist. Yes, I'm sure there are those who are somewhere in between.
If you are a materialist ,then you have difficulty accepting the spiritualist. This has been a huge problem, how can we solve this dilemma?? Not everyone with add needs to be on drugs. My ex's son had adhd. I convinced him to learn guitar, and he learned to focus.
B I couldn't agree more, the manner of the presenter took away from the subject at hand. The subject matter was interesting and could have been a fantastic doco investigating the reasons such a group has formed in reaction to "perhaps"; a poor school system, a pill for everything mentality and nature over the corporate world appealing to a new generation of people.
He came across as closed minded and arrogant and to the point of cruelty. We had nothing but a surface skim of the various traits of Indigo children and an ADHD specialist suggesting as near fact that a bad school life may well end up in prison.
He surprisingly summarised well at the end but from someone that strikes me as extremely closed to anything other than his own opinion, I was unconvinced, it is not a presenters job to form a viewers opinion in a "I'm right you are wrong" kind of way.
Indigo's are differentiated from other psychologically weaker children by their lack of ego. Indigo's are deprived of ''ego''..