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This demo is out-of-date many new coins that were added aren't displayed in this demo. For recent updates, please check official GitHub repo. Didn't find the one you need? Ask for it — AllienWorks cryptocoins. Available both in pure vector SVG and webfont formats for taking advantage of small file sizes and unlimited scalability, Cryptocoins are perfect for usage on the web — right where they belong.
Use them all or just the ones you need. Webfont is ideal when you want to use majority of Cryptocoins icons. Copy "fonts" folder and "cryptocoins. This way they will work well with other iconpacks like Font Awesome. If you're familiar with Font Awesome, it's pretty much the same. You'll find the CSS references on top of this page or in demo file included in download. SVG is better option, if you want to use just a few icons including whole webfont would be data-inefficient.
Find the icons you need in "SVG" folder and copy them to your project. Then use them as regular images:. There are also many scripts that do the same automatically — your choice.
Having troubles and can't get it working? I'm here for you! I was first introduced to Bitcoin few years ago and was fascinated by its concept. Now, Bitcoins and other Altcoins are flooding the net and there still isn't quick and easy way to include them online images don't count, right? That's why I made Cryptocoins.
Whether you run coin-related website or just want to accompany your coin-addesses with fancy graphics, Cryptocoins got you covered. Cryptocoins were made in the same style as my former webfont iconpack — Mono 2. They both play along nicely and by buying Mono 2 , you'll support my future efforts.
Installation Getting started guide for using Cryptocoins icons. Download Cryptocoins and extract its contents. Then use them as regular images: About Cryptocoins icons I was first introduced to Bitcoin few years ago and was fascinated by its concept. Mono 2 Icon Pack.