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Warren Ouma November 13, Bitcoin investment and overnight riches is just an illusion. Scammers, on the other hand, are ripping it big because they know that people are ignorant when it comes to matters related to Bitcoin investment. They are selling unrealistic promises which cannot be achieved in crypto-currency investments or any other legitimate business operation on the internet. If you want to invest here, read this review to be certain whether or not your investments will bring the promised returns.
The owner of Bitcoindoubler. Bitcoin Doubler fund uses the same template as Bitcoin Doubler expert and makes the same promises too. In fact, Bitcoin Doubler Fund is a photocopy of the original site. Both sites are heavily advertised using Google ads. The owner simply collects money from the public and uses it to promote his corny business.
So, before I can proceed with this review, I would like you to read this post, which is about Bitcoin Doubling sites and their legitimacy. Bitcoin Doubler is a new website — just like many other crypto-currency websites that I have reviewed here before. The website was registered in November But details about its owner is considered a closely guarded secret. This lack of disclosure of crucial information is disturbing.
It is already raising suspicion because if they were legit, they would not have hidden their identities. The only thing we know is that Bitcoin Doubler is based out of Panama. That is what their who.
You can see it on the website but not on who. This is a sharp contradiction because the owner is using a Panama-based physical address but on the website, they are using a totally different address. And if that was the case, they would have provided the relevant company registrations for both jurisdictions.
I will be coming to this shortly. As it currently stands, I can say that details of this company were not disclosed properly. So the first hint of a scam is this: But keep in mind that this company still expects you to make payment in Bitcoin. This is highly suspicious. This website claims that they have a 10 hour investment plan which they are offering buyers.
These details are very obscure by the way. There is no secret to getting wealthy fast. This is the first sign that should tell you that this is a scam. It is not possible to even achieve these returns on a consistent basis. Maybe it can be out of luck. The truth is that this is a bait which Bitcoin Doubler website is using to lure investors who are grey in this area.
That is why I said you should not fund any account with these guys if you know nothing about Bitcoin investments. Nevertheless, the website is proclaiming that their platform is user-friendly and that anyone can invest because they are handling all other Bitcoin mining operations on behalf of the client. But it does not mean that you will make a profit. The maximum is 10 BTC. That can be cheap or expensive depending on your financial status.
But you have to realize one thing. Can you recover it once it is sent to the Bitcoin Doubler bank account? You see, Bitcoin and any other transaction that was done in crypto-currency can never be reversed. That is why once your payment is sent to the provided Bitcoin address, you have a zero chance of getting it back. As a show of credibility, Bitcoin Doubler expert has decided to publish a supposed transaction history which shows Bitcoin that was invested and paid out in profits.
Is there anything that can legitimize these payouts? Is there some kind of rubber stamp proof that this list of Bitcoin payments is authentic? I am afraid that the answer to the above questions is a big No. Besides, you can see that some dates are hidden while others are visible.
I can only ask more questions because scams always want to keep you guessing rather than helping you know what is going on. They explain that their automated systems gather data from the blockchain transfers and studies price variations of different crypto-currencies to predict the future price of Bitcoin.
The company also claims that their system opens and closes thousands of transactions by the minute, and that this information is normally used by their system to make profit that no one else is making in Bitcoin mining. This description sounds generic.
It is quite shallow. Of course every other Bitcoin mining operation is doing this kind of thing on the internet. Is there any uniqueness here? So, how come that this system is able to double your Bitcoin in no time when legitimate mining operations are only turning in modest and realistic profits?
I found myself wondering. If this website is registered under financial service and they are actually offering investment services, then why is it that they do not have any license or authorization from the government of those jurisdiction where they operate from? I even doubt it when they say that they will make profits for you.
To me, this seems too good to be true. I have never seen or heard real people in the flesh doubling their Bitcoins with these sites. Instead, I have heard so many different accounts of people who lose money to these sites. He currently mentors students from various parts of the word. Warren regularly contributes to well known financial websites and publications including Valforex.
I am new to the crypto world, please if anyone can help me. Is this site paying? You are free to make foolish investment decisions. I always advice those who can dare listen to pick any of the companies from this link http: I especially love hashflare of all.
Hi, the dates are visible now. But if you look at them closely you will see that they are generating by script becuase there is sequence — first Also if you check timer of payments in right column, you will see they are counting down but if you refresh page the counter reset and starting counts from scratch from point which they setting to start to count. I was not scammed with this site but in my past I was scammed few times and I know how these sites are working, always check every information you can get, check website — whois, write them questions.
Do not trust anybody. Hi Simon, Thanks for your post. I have been scammed by the site called Bitcoindoubler. Please where can I report this scam so that the site can be sanctioned. I wish I had read your post before yesterday when I entered into this scam. Hi Francis, am Warren, not Simon. Sorry for your loss and I regret the fact that you never did your own due diligence before sending money to these scammers. Unfortunately, there is nothing much you can do at this point in time. You can only be careful next time.
Thank you for the info. There are 3 ways to invest in Bitcoin. You can either mine it in the cloud, trade it using some software or simply buy, hold and sell later. Perhaps I could be more specific with my answer with regards to which site you could use in each case. Currently you have JavaScript disabled.
In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Warren Ouma November 13, Bitcoin investment and overnight riches is just an illusion. Can you double your Bitcoin Instantly? Transaction history As a show of credibility, Bitcoin Doubler expert has decided to publish a supposed transaction history which shows Bitcoin that was invested and paid out in profits.
Why Bitcoin Doubler Expert website is running an illegal operation If this website is registered under financial service and they are actually offering investment services, then why is it that they do not have any license or authorization from the government of those jurisdiction where they operate from?
The simply fact of the matter is that this website is operating an illegal business, period! Warren Ouma January 30, at 7: Warren Ouma January 9, at 2: They will just slaughter a piece of your wallet. Francis December 21, at 6: