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They have so far made no public statements about their potential support for BitcoinDiamond so I made some enquiries.

They said they are still analysing the possibilities to support it and will put a message out through their various social media channels when they add support. Note, that was a when not an if. I guess that was a soft yes. Yet another fork in bitcoin diamond claim coinomi path of Bitcoin.

It's cloning ratio is ten to one, which means there will be million coins in total and you would receive ten for every bitcoin your wallet contained at fork zero. Block Height How many clones can occur before people begin to lose interest bitcoin diamond claim coinomi how will it affect BitcCoin?

Currently Bitcoin is going to the moon and BitcoinCash is miles ahead of other coins. BitcoinDiamond is focused on privacy of transactions. It has a certain appeal. By the time we get to BitCoin Garnet, I think the game may be up! Followed and voted re-esteem happy steeming.

Android is open source and I bitcoin diamond claim coinomi that's a good thing for everyone. Coinomi is becoming more popular as people get interested bitcoin diamond claim coinomi coins and everyone uses their phones to do everything. It's also supportive of many new coins. Qurator's exclusive support bot is now live.

This post has been upvoted from the communal account, minnowsupportby outerground from the Minnow Support Project. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

I'm sure of it. Coinomi Support for Bitcoin Diamond fork? I guess that was a soft yes Bitcoin Diamond Yet another fork in the path of Bitcoin. Here's a handy comparison chart for other BitCoin family members. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. Do you think if i released bitcoin poo. P I have a feeling they would. To receive an BiggerUpvote send 0.

Qurator Your Quality Content Curator This post has been upvoted and given the stamp of authenticity by qurator.

Bitcoin diamond claim coinomi join the quality content creators and receive daily upvotes click here for more info. I really hope bitcoin diamond claim coinomi they support it. I believe in coinomi wallet service. This post has been upvoted and given the stamp of authenticity by qurator.

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