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Listen to Nelson above "you didn't say what the proposal is". Also, any observer could see that while for a time the price was tracking more evenly between the two chains, that more recently the wild swings have resumed. What is the cause of that? What will drive whether any proposals are accepted? Also, where are you getting the charts you're showing? Think of your role as being a "forensic reporter". Show your work, don't hoard your data. You will be much more successful.

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This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes. They seem to be sort of lower or stagnant Do you see the big seller wall that we have currently on BCH on Bitfinex?

More than BCH on sell These walls come and go. If it lasts for a long time days almost all day, its different. I would like to know if this invalidates the explosion up you had forseen or if it is still possible.

Here is the update, please use only to augment your due diligence. Here is the how and why in this video analysis! Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. They have different cycle and not fully in phase with Bitcoin. But they shall rise!

Thanks again for great post! A new wall is back: Do you know that technic? I suppose it means something is preparing but what? A up or a down? Can you do an update about it when you have time? Thanks for the comment. I'll post an update shortly. Sorry, no the road.