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A longstanding battle over the standards to be used in office software suites for document formats intersected last week with the debate over conflicts of interest among Wikipedia editors, producing quite a furor, the incident involved someone being hired by Microsoft to change the information in Wikipedia articles about those standards, primarily Ecma Office Open XML. Office Open XML or OOXML , a standard adopted by Ecma International last December, is one of two specifications trying to establish itself for electronic documents, the other being OpenDocument or ODF , this has been in the context of an often bitter and public debate between Microsoft and open source advocates, which played a role in the controversial departure of a former CIO for the state of Massachusetts, Peter Quinn.
On this occasion, Doug Mahugh , an Open XML Technical Evangelist for the company, became concerned about the Wikipedia articles in question and offered to pay someone to fix them, the offer was openly acknowledged by the person who received it, Rick Jelliffe , in a blog post titled, " An interesting offer: His biography on the O'Reilly website describes him as a standards activist, making him someone whose established credentials and relative independence would serve Microsoft's purposes, he and Mahugh both indicated that Microsoft did not seek any kind of editorial control over Jelliffe's efforts.
The revelation exploded into a media frenzy about the possibility of paid editing activity on Wikipedia. Perspectives on the incident ranged widely, some taking it as confirmation that Wikipedia policies are inadequate to deal with disputed issues, others seeing it as Microsoft living down to its reputation for heavyhanded and counterproductive public relations.
Responses from the Wikipedia side in the press were generally negative about Microsoft's approach. Jimmy Wales said that he was "very disappointed" and reiterated his concerns about paid editing see archived stories. David Gerard and Mathias Schindler also corresponded with Mahugh and Jelliffe, encouraging further dialogue to improve the articles.
Various press reports included several clarifications from Microsoft, the company indicated that it had previously attempted, unsuccessfully, to get the Wikipedia articles fixed; that it perceived the problem as being partly driven by corporate competitors such as IBM ; and it added that no payment had yet changed hands. On the first point, it was subsequently determined that Mahugh had made a single edit to the talk page in August , then one more after hiring Jelliffe.
Jelliffe, editing under his own name , has been more active as a Wikipedia editor, since disclosing the Microsoft offer, he has primarily been active on talk pages related to the standards in question, although he has directly edited Open standard and Standardization. On account of the publicity surrounding the incident, the articles on the standards have been quite heavily edited recently to address some of the points raised. Prior to registering an account, Jelliffe also created the Wikipedia article about himself back in November While he did not know at the time that Wikipedia policy discourages such efforts, Jelliffe has since become more familiar with such details and posted an analysis of how the conflict of interest policy applies to his situation, he focused on the question of whether it was appropriate for him to "edit material relating to Microsoft".
Regarding his assignment, Jelliffe concluded "there is no conflict of interest created by me accepting an editing job from Microsoft to neutrally edit articles that are not about Microsoft, and not about their products, but about technical aspects of an Ecma standard that is before ISO. This drew a response from Tim Bray , an executive with Sun Microsystems and thus on the opposite side of the document standards debate, but also a "personal friend" of Jelliffe.
Bray expressed his opinion that Jelliffe was "deeply wrong" about this issue, although he felt Jelliffe would be an evenhanded editor. Bray argued that the draft was a Microsoft creation and would never have become a standard without the company's efforts.
The incident produced some spinoff effects in addition to the main points of debate, after reading the TechCrunch summary , Microsoft employee Dare Obasanjo decided to conduct an "experiment" by making one-sided edits to the TechCrunch article. TechCrunch owner Michael Arrington took umbrage at this, calling it vandalism and saying he lost a great deal of respect for Microsoft after defending them originally.
Outside the immediate orbit of affected parties, real vandalism was promoted by one of the usual suspects.
Vandalism ensued, with pages relating to "reality", "commodity", Colbert, and others quickly protected. A similar incident occurred in late July and early August see archived story. A week later it was founded that the aircraft has crashed into the Makassar Strait, january 8 — Russian oil supplies to Poland, Germany, and Ukraine are cut as the Russia—Belarus energy dispute escalates, they are restored three days later.
February 2 The IPCC publishes its fourth assessment report, having concluded that climate change is very likely to have a predominantly human cause. February 3 — A truck bomb explodes in Baghdad, Iraq, killing at least people, february 26 — The International Court of Justice finds Serbia guilty of failing to prevent genocide in the Srebrenica massacre, but clears it of direct responsibility and complicity in the case.
April 3 — French high speed train, the TGV, reaches a top speed of April 18 — A series of attacks take place across Baghdad, Iraq, April 24 — Gliese c, a potentially Earth-like extrasolar planet habitable for life, is discovered in the constellation Libra. July 24 — Five Bulgarian nurses were released from Libyan prison after eight, august 4 — The Phoenix spacecraft is launched toward Mars to study its north pole. August 14 — Multiple suicide bombings kill people in Qahtaniya, august 15 — An 8.
November 6 — A suicide bomber kills at least 50 people in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan, november 14 — High Speed 1 from London to the Channel Tunnel is opened to passengers. Microsoft — Its best known software products are the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems, Microsoft Office office suite, and Internet Explorer and Edge web browsers. Its flagship hardware products are the Xbox video game consoles and the Microsoft Surface tablet lineup, as of , it was the worlds largest software maker by revenue, and one of the worlds most valuable companies.
The companys initial public offering, and subsequent rise in its share price, since the s, it has increasingly diversified from the operating system market and has made a number of corporate acquisitions. The word Microsoft is a portmanteau of microcomputer and software, Paul Allen and Bill Gates, childhood friends with a passion for computer programming, sought to make a successful business utilizing their shared skills.
In they founded their first company, named Traf-O-Data, which offered a computer that tracked and analyzed automobile traffic data. Allen went on to pursue a degree in science at Washington State University. Since they didnt actually have one, Allen worked on a simulator for the Altair while Gates developed the interpreter and they officially established Microsoft on April 4,, with Gates as the CEO.
Allen came up with the name of Micro-Soft, as recounted in a Fortune magazine article. Due to various factors, such as MS-DOSs available software selection, the company expanded into new markets with the release of the Microsoft Mouse in , as well as with a publishing division named Microsoft Press. In , a new format for Microsoft Word followed. The same InfoWorld article reported that IBM threatened to leave standards bodies that it said allow dominant corporations like Microsoft to wield undue influence, richard Stallman of the Free Software Foundation has stated that Microsoft offers a gratis patent license for OOXML on terms which do not allow free implementations.
Microsoft, the contributor to the standard, provided a covenant not to sue for its patent licensing. The covenant received a reception, with some like the Groklaw blog criticizing it. Later versions of the ECMA standard are aligned and technically equivalent to the corresponding ISO standard, Part 4 is to be read as a modification to Part 1, which it requires. It acquired its current name in , when the European Computer Manufacturers Association changed its name to reflect the global reach.
As a consequence, the name is no longer considered an acronym, the organization was founded in to standardize computer systems in Europe. Ecma publications, including standards, can be copied by all interested parties without copyright restrictions. The development of standards and technical reports is done in co-operation with the national, European. Unlike national standardization bodies, Ecma is a membership-based organization and it takes pride in the resulting business-like approach to standards, claimed to lead to better standards in less time, thanks to a less bureaucratic process focused on achieving results by consensus.
The memberlist of Ecma International is available on its website, thus, Ecma is not responsible for the standardization of Java.
Open-source model — Open-source software may be developed in a collaborative public manner. In the early days of computing, programmers and developers shared software in order to learn from each other, eventually the open source notion moved to the way side of commercialization of software in the years Netscapes act prompted Raymond and others to look into how to bring the Free Software Foundations free software ideas, the new term they chose was open source, which was soon adopted by Bruce Perens, publisher Tim OReilly, Linus Torvalds, and others.
The Open Source Initiative was founded in February to encourage use of the new term, a Microsoft executive publicly stated in that open source is an intellectual property destroyer. I cant imagine something that could be worse than this for the software business, IBM, Oracle, Google and State Farm are just a few of the companies with a serious public stake in todays competitive open-source market.
There has been a significant shift in the corporate philosophy concerning the development of FOSS, the free software movement was launched in In , a group of individuals advocated that the free software should be replaced by open-source software as an expression which is less ambiguous.
Software developers may want to publish their software with an open-source license, the Open Source Definition, notably, presents an open-source philosophy, and further defines the terms of usage, modification and redistribution of open-source software.
Software licenses grant rights to users which would otherwise be reserved by law to the copyright holder. Several open-source software licenses have qualified within the boundaries of the Open Source Definition, the open source label came out of a strategy session held on April 7, in Palo Alto in reaction to Netscapes January announcement of a source code release for Navigator.
They used the opportunity before the release of Navigators source code to clarify a potential confusion caused by the ambiguity of the free in English. Many people claimed that the birth of the Internet, since , started the open source movement, the Free Software Foundation, started in , intended the word free to mean freedom to distribute and not freedom from cost.
Since a great deal of free software already was free of charge, such software became associated with zero cost. The Open Source Initiative was formed in February by Eric Raymond and they sought to bring a higher profile to the practical benefits of freely available source code, and they wanted to bring major software businesses and other high-tech industries into open source.
Perens attempted to open source as a service mark for the OSI. The Open Source Initiatives definition is recognized by governments internationally as the standard or de facto definition, OSI uses The Open Source Definition to determine whether it considers a software license open source.
Rick Jelliffe — Richard Alan Jelliffe is an Australian programmer and standards activist, particularly associated with web standards, markup languages, internationalization and schema languages. Ltd and he has a degree in economics from the University of Sydney. Jelliffe is the inventor of the Schematron schema language, its idea of using XPath to state constraints has been widely adopted and adapted. Jelliffe commented on the offer in his blog and this led to press coverage.
The main feature of TopologiLinux is that it not require any partitioning. It is based on Slackware and Cooperative Linux, TopologiLinux has been chosen as one of nine open-source projects used as principal examples in a study of the characteristics of open-source software. TopologiLinux cannot be set up through DOS, the user may boot the system through coLinux on Windows or directly on the computer by booting with the TopologiLinux disc.
Wubi andLinux, a Ubuntu-based coLinux distribution Paravirtualization Comparison of platform virtualization software Gacek, Cristina, Arief, the many meanings of open source. He is the co-founder and promoter of the online non-profit encyclopedia Wikipedia, Wales was born in Huntsville, Alabama, where he attended Randolph School, a university-preparatory school. Later, he earned bachelors and masters degrees in Finance from Auburn University, in , he and two partners founded Bomis, an adult web portal featuring entertainment and adult content.
The company would provide the funding for the peer-reviewed free encyclopedia, Nupedia. He is historically cited as a co-founder of Wikipedia, though he has disputed the co- designation, Wales serves on the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees, the non-profit charitable organization that he helped establish to operate Wikipedia, holding its board-appointed community founder seat.
In , he co-founded Wikia, a wiki hosting service. His role in creating Wikipedia, which has become the worlds largest encyclopedia, Wales was born in Huntsville, Alabama, shortly before midnight on August 7,, however, his birth certificate lists his date of birth as the 8th. As a child, Wales was a reader with an acute intellectual curiosity.
When he was three, his mother bought a World Book Encyclopedia from a door-to-door salesman, as he grew up and learned to read, it became an object of reverence. But Wales soon discovered that the World Book had shortcomings, no matter how much was in it, there were only four other children in Waless grade, so the school grouped together the first through fourth-grade students and the fifth through eighth-grade students.
After eighth grade, Wales attended Randolph School, a school in Huntsville. Wales said that the school was expensive for his family, and you know, the very traditional approach to knowledge and learning and establishing that as a base for a good life. He received his bachelors degree in finance from Auburn University in and he began his Auburn education when he was 16 years old.
Wales then entered the PhD finance program at the University of Alabama before leaving with a degree to enter the PhD finance program at Indiana University. At the University of Alabama, he played Internet fantasy games and he taught at both universities during his postgraduate studies but did not write the doctoral dissertation required for a PhD, something he ascribed to boredom.
In , Wales took a job with Chicago Options Associates, Wales has described himself as having been addicted to the Internet from an early stage and he wrote computer code during his leisure time. In , he and two partners founded Bomis, a web portal featuring user-generated webrings and, for a time, Wales described it as a guy-oriented search engine with a market similar to that of Maxim magazine, the Bomis venture did not ultimately turn out to be successful.
Though Bomis had struggled to make money, it provided Wales with the funding to pursue his greater passion, while moderating an online discussion group devoted to the philosophy of Objectivism in the early s, Wales had encountered Larry Sanger, a skeptic of the philosophy. The company originated in as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company and was renamed International Business Machines in , IBM manufactures and markets computer hardware, middleware and software, and offers hosting and consulting services in areas ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology.
IBM is also a research organization, holding the record for most patents generated by a business for 24 consecutive years. IBM has continually shifted its business mix by exiting commoditizing markets and focusing on higher-value, also in , IBM announced that it would go fabless, continuing to design semiconductors, but offloading manufacturing to GlobalFoundries.
They manufactured machinery for sale and lease, ranging from commercial scales and industrial time recorders, meat and cheese slicers, to tabulators and punched cards. By most of the subsidiaries had been merged into one company, in , IBMs tabulating equipment enabled organizations to process unprecedented amounts of data, its clients including the U.
In , he stepped down after almost 40 years at the company helm, in , the FORTRAN scientific programming language was developed.