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Join Stack Overflow to learn, share knowledge, and build your career. I want to edit the title summary and description of my last obligations commit on GitHub. Currently, my last time it is doing so is as follows https: That's why I want to edit my last commit and give the title 0. How to do this? You can run git commit --amend and that will add to your previous commit, allowing you to change the message.

You don't need to have anything to submit for this to work. The commit message zapodaj bitcoin separated into the title and the summary. Two lines separate the two.

By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Email Sign Up or sign in with Google. How to edit the title and description of the last commit Ask Question. This command probably edits only commint on the local repository. Next time, use the photos integration with imgur for your posts.

It makes everything so much nicer and simpler. I didn't see that more recent question, but I zapodaj bitcoin it in the comment zapodaj bitcoin the previous one. Possible zapodaj bitcoin of How to modify existing, unpushed commits? I found that I can only add a zapodaj bitcoin of git commit -m 'initial commit' I used GitHub desktop application sooner and during commit I had such fields to fill in zapodaj. With this command I can only set the description, but no summary. It will let you set both.

The first line is the title, and if you hit enter twice, you zapodaj bitcoin then type a description. Also, aedgftsdgh I instructed the use of git commit --amendnot git commit -m. What are you talking about? I zapodaj bitcoin see a reason why is wouldn't, and if there is, I want to fix it. Sign up or log in Sign up zapodaj bitcoin Google. Sign zapodaj bitcoin using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled.

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Sign In with Warchest. It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! March edited March Today i see a lot of Headshot Hacker. I mean that player like "clip" make only Headshot. I mean only Headshot over the match? Now i dont wonderin why i get a enemies who kill me in 1 sec. Zenity That kind of cheater enabler attitude isn't healthy, imo. There are hardware bans, and such, that are harder to bypass, and reporting a cheater can potentially get that player removed for good.

The only extremely effective anti-cheat that's really ever been created has been ESEA's anti-cheat. It's not perfect but it's track record and their methodology speaks for itself. And, in the past, they got caught with a bitcoin miner they claim was an April Fool's joke that got out of hand and a few people experienced burnt out video cards due to it.

So there is always risks even with the best options for keeping cheaters out of your game. My views and comments are entirely my own. I am a volunteer mod and I help with forum tasks. My word carries the same weight as anybody else posting Think of me more as a forum janitor who cleans when needed as opposed to a cop who wants to bust you.

Keep in mind that most cheaters will be caught eventually, so they can never build a lasting reputation. The game needs regular anticheat updates in order to try and catch people out before they have time to enter the comp community. As for pubs, hackers need permanant bans, hardware and ip.

Sure you can go around it, but most people won't bother. They don't have to bother with it at all. And IP banning is universally bad because you might ban somebody from playing who did nothing at all. I don't know loadout, but with kqly and co the most likely situation is still that they indeed only used the cheats for a little while. Kroad I am not certain you read what I typed closely. Just saw my first encounter with a blatant cheater. I didn't know how to record but it was so obvious, whole server was in agreement.

Specced him and saw him walk to enemy spawn and head shot whole team. Not cool man, needs to be fixed sharpish. Fake nick My room Posts: You want to see a real cheater? Check guy with name RoCkInG. He joined around 10s after the clip starts and he begin to kill ppl in 0: Also I noticed that the guy in the video also quickly changes his name by killing the person he kills, like a spy. You can find everything here: Yeah just seen Fake nick wrote: Xigncode3 is useless right now.

Fake nick I still don't know how to make it look like yours I have my backup. I met a vasili who always jump shot and headshot everyone on my team, it was ridiculous. I would like to think he's very good, but he always headshot while jumping with a sniper.

You're way too pa yellowCabbage wrote: What's the recommended course of action, when running into cheaters? He was named simply "sapphire" which brings up another issue, being able to change names at any time. People using generic names like that, are hard to track down, at least so long as steam doesn't properly track the people you recently played with on DB. Anyway, this dude joined mid game, and fairly soon he was at the top of his team's scoreboard.

I wouldn't think much of that alone, but I recorded this super shady kill by him. I don't see anything shady about the kill obviously you need to Learn how to play the Game. Go get some solid proof then come back. I've seen some seriously shady players, but even still, there is always the chance that they are legitimate, never discount that.

I can't prove that this guy in my video was cheating, just like you guys can't be sure that he's legit. Surprisingly many seem to be, though. Either way, this thread has run it's course, and I'd rather see it locked. I learned some things, though, so it wasn't in vain. Sign In or Register to comment.