My Latest Get Rich Slow Scheme: Gift Card Arbitrage

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I'm going to share a little make money selling bitcoin for giftcards with you which I am using to make some extra money. Anyone can start doing this today with a bit of effort and dedication.

Basically what it entails is drop-shipping items from Amazon which you get at a discount I will tell you how to customers from other marketplaces eBay, Bonanza, OpenBazaar, eCrater, your own website etc. Arbitrage is the act of buying something on one market and selling it on another market for a profit and taking advantage of the price difference between the markets.

Dropshipping is when you sell stock which you don't have on hand, the customer places the order with you, and you ship directly from your supplier to the customer.

In order to get your Amazon gift cards safely you need to follow make money selling bitcoin for giftcards basic rules. The reason for this is if you are not careful you will be buying Amazon gift cards from credit card fraudsters and this is illegal. When buying physical gift cards make sure the person providing you with the gift card uploads a photo of the gift card as well as a photo of the receipt.

The last 4 digits of the card must match the last 4 digits on the receipt, and the receipt must mention that it was purchased with cash or debit make money selling bitcoin for giftcards, not credit card. Now you login to your amazon account and redeem the gift card, once redeemed you can release the Bitcoin. When buying egift codes on Localbitcoins make sure that the person you are trading with has a high trading volume on the site and good positive feedback.

Also make sure there name, phone number and ID has been make money selling bitcoin for giftcards on local bitcoins. You must make money selling bitcoin for giftcards ask them to send you a screenshot of the successful purchase screen on Amazon, this will show the last 4 digits on their card and their real name, this must match the photo of their ID which they must send you. Once they've sent you their ID and you've traded successfully, you can add them as trusted on LBC and you won't need this again from them in future.

Find some nice products on Amazon which you'd wish to sell. When becoming a merchant on a marketplace it's always a good idea to find your niche of product types you will sell. This creates trust from a make money selling bitcoin for giftcards perspective for instance you might call yourself ComputerPartsSuperstore where you will resell computer parts and peripherals.

List all products within your niche on your chosen marketplaces. Always use long titles, good descriptions and big high resolution images, these will help sell your products.

Make sure that the prices you are listing them at compete on ebay. Its also possible to find unique products on Amazon which are not on ebay, in this case you can name your price and even make money selling bitcoin for giftcards for more than the Amazon listed price, increasing your profit margins.

This part takes the longest as it's hard to find products which are cheaper on Amazon then on ebay, but they do exist. Wait for the sales to roll in. As soon as you get an order, all you need to do is place the order on Amazon. Put in your customers address and make money selling bitcoin for giftcards your gift card balance to make the purchase. Amazon will now send the product directly to your customer.

Most marketplaces use Paypal, you can now use this Paypal balance to buy more Bitcoin on Localbitcoins by make money selling bitcoin for giftcards a trade to purchase Bitcoin for Paypal USD, you can normally purchase them at market rate this way. Don't go and find other trades willing to sell Bitcoin for your Paypal, they will charge more for the BTC because it is risky for them Paypal transfers are reversibleinstead post your own trade. If you have any further questions, comment below and I will be happy to answer them.

Great post, interesting concept and you've circumvented any delivery costs or revenue tied up in stock! Another good way to get discounted items on Amazon using BTC is through purse.

There are other marketplaces though, but I prefer bigger profit margins: Contact me on Localbitcoins: Easy way to make money online - Retail arbitrage with Bitcoin.

Read the full post on how to do this safely Advertise Amazon products on eBay, Bonanza and other online marketplaces. The Full Post What is arbitrage? Open Bazaar, Bonanza, iOffer, eCrater. If you want to do it professionally, consider getting your own website to sell your products, I use Prestashop for my online stores and it is free an open source. A LocalBitcoins account with atleast 0. So that you can purchase Amazon gift cards for Bitcoin. It might be a good idea to have some capital to begin with so you can stock up on gift card balance so that you can ship quickly to your customers.

You need to have atleast 0. Find your Niche Find some nice products on Amazon which you'd wish to sell. List Your Products List all products within your niche on your chosen marketplaces. Profit Wait for the sales to roll in. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.

Grinderman, how can I get in contact with you?

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Once I started churning credit cards in order to reduce my expenses and maximize the money I was getting back from my everyday purchases, I started following a lot of blogs and forums related to the subject.

To my surprise, I was able to find a few of these opportunities pretty quickly and after double checking my math, I made the purchases. Since the sell prices are known going in and change rather infrequently, the risk I am taking on is relatively low. Is is all worth it? For the time being, deciding whether or not this business is worth pursuing long-term is still an open question.

Fortunately, the start-up cost of this business is next to nothing and I could stop buying tomorrow, sell the rest of my inventory over the next couple of weeks, and walk away completely still having made a little money in the process. Will I still be doing this 6 months or a year from now? Making the operation more efficient is my main goal at this point, but at some point in the future I will take a close look at the time and effort required vs.

While the benefits seem great, they come at the cost of time and effort. I am working to reduce the time and effort required when buying and selling, but it will always be a factor. As I increase my efficiency finding and buying cards, the benefits can be maintained or even go up while the time required gets smaller.

I spent some time recently driving around to a few different stores to take advantage of the deals they were offering on gift cards to acquire the stockpile below:. This post by Doctor of Credit was the first place I saw the deal: Nevertheless, the cards could be flipped for a profit a small 1.

One of those additional rebates is fuel rewards which are doubled on gift card purchases at Safeway. And to my surprise, the fuel points received were based on the value of the cards, not what I actually paid, so they were even more beneficial than normal.

For that reason, I only opted to buy a few hundred dollars worth at each Safeway instead of attempting to buy them all. In general, grocery store and gas station gift cards sell for the most money because everyone has a use for them. Amex Offers are similar to BankAmeriDeals in that you load them to your credit card ahead of time and they will automatically add in the savings on your next statement.

Because I knew about this a while ago, I made sure we both had each other as authorized users on all of out Amex cards, which means we can use this deal 8 times! We had already used 6 of the cards previously to this trip, so I only had two left to use up. The next time, we bought Shell gift cards because those can be resold or used for a nice return.

This time, there were no more Shell cards, no eBay cards, and the entire gift card rack looked like a tornado swept through and took half the cards with it. Next time, we should probably just use all of our Amex cards on the first trip, so lesson learned. The Old Navy cards I was able to immediately sell online once I got home, while the Staples cards can be sold for a higher rate if I mail them in.

I typically wait until I have several cards to mail in before actually sending them to save on postage, so it will probably be a week or two before I actually sell them. Not too bad for about 2 hours of my time. Also, there appear to be ways to get more than one AU for an Amex card even with only one significant other. Interesting that yours rang up differently and that sure would have made my life easier.

Hey Noah, this was a good read. Thanks for sharing such a detailed post! One question with regards to gift card arbitrage. Just wondering if you have a spreadsheet template that you can possibly share to track your gift card purchases and sales?

What does SP stand for? I can give you an example for that particular column. Hopefully that explanation made sense. Good read Noah, thanks—found this via CTP. I wish I had a solid answer for my profits vs.

I can provide a few thoughts towards it though. The major time sink is finding profitable cards to buy. A minute to buy, a minute to take it out of the envelope and verify the balance, and then another minute or two to sell it.

If I made a dollar or two on that deal, my hourly profit would look significant. Unfortunately, those deals are limited in the number you can buy and only happen every so often, so I end up spending time trying to find the next deal. Fortunately, I keep getting more efficient and that number should go up over time.

Profit margin is small so wondering how to do better. There are a lot better retailers to go after than Amazon if you want to start churning gift cards. It takes a few steps, but Sears is where I get my Amazon cards. Amazon cards, as well as Exxon and Shell are available. If you have nothing to buy at Kmart or Sears, this may be risky. My question is how did you approach the Safeway cashiers with multiple cards in hand? Did you go early, late, use customer service desk, go from cashier to cashier?

I basically bought up all the Old Navy gift cards at each Safeway. Did you literally stand there and have them ring them up one after the other? People at my stores would have tossed fruit at me. I guess you have a different offer than I did. When I bought the cards, I checked out about cards at a time, which was about all each store had.

Scanning each card is no different than checking out items. The only difference is after scanning, they have to enter the amount you want. Any combination will work because they all use the same gift card system. This should help you on future deals if your Safeway happens to be out of the specific type that is most profitable.

Susan, sorry for being so slow on the uptake. What the cashier had me do was scan the a single gift card, then had me swipe my CC, and sign for each individual card. Each GC purchase was an stand alone transaction.

She said more than one or two would hold up everyone else. Have you tried this more than once? Thanks for the feedback. Thanks for the post by the way. That would have saved me a lot of trouble with the small denomination cards! Just curious, now that more time has passed, how is your gift card business going?

Have your profits increased, and do you think you will continue to do this long term? Read more about it here: I acquire a lot of cards on ebay and sell most of them to SaveYa and Raise.

Hey Noah thanks for this great article and your most recent one with the calculator. I typically just sell to the exchange with the highest payout! GiftCardWiki and GiftCardGranny are both useful websites if you want to see what the payouts across exchanges are, but be careful to verify the amount on the actual exchanges before hitting sell.

Sometimes they fall out of date. I do not have that much regular spend. I read somewhere to buy pin enable cards and then convert to money orders at Walmart and then redeposit the money orders in my bank account. Reddit and FlyerTalk are probably your best bet to learn more, specifically the MS Saturday threads on reddit: Manufactured spending is becoming increasingly difficult with various options being removed.

There are some people that know how to buy pin-enabled cards and turn the funds into money orders at Walmart and various convenience stores, but very few people will flat out tell you the exact locations where you can do that.

Many have turned to reselling electronics, gift cards to meet minimum spend as well as earn more points. Check out Doctor of Credit doctorofcredit. I agree that reselling is definitely a solid option at this stage of the game However, like you stated, it definitely takes time and patience….

You have to factor in your time as an opportunity cost here. The raw numbers on fees and liquidation methods are only one part of the equation. At this point I think your idea of paying the processing fee sounds like a solid choice. Perhaps wait until the last week or two before deciding. Does Ebay care about that? The margins are a little slim, but there certainly looks to be a lot of opportunity if someone is willing to take a risk.

What would you consider a big purchase for RedRobin? That is a significant purchase though and probably more than I would risk on something like this. Great but I suffered a lot by doing this. Some gift card details were misused, and kinds of stuff like that happened.

You can also try my little hack about gift cards. It saves bucks that are equivalent to churning. There are gift cards that offer triple cash back also. Not worth it for any consistent source of income.