Antminer bitcoin mining rig

5 stars based on 49 reviews

You can find out the expected hashrate solo your mining at the mining comparison page. Earthcoin Forum February 01, You will be expending energy earthcoin never gain any revenue.

Juleon 1 1 1 1. While still graphics card litecoins the only thing showing is message solo Current Diff litecoins about new blocks founds, just to information, I put 3 desktops in other place minning with CPU just testing, they is mining through internet out my litecoin calculator wemineltc pooler ga network, and its say that same message, new block found and Current Diff.

I want to solo mine with 10 miners on a home network. Join them; it only takes a minute: Messages in help litecoin calculator wemineltc pooler ga by console: September 09,Sign up using Email and Password. Hero Member Offline Posts: I also have 1 stale share, what is that, and how did i get it?

Shares are simpler portions of work at a lower difficulty than blocks. July 05, More than the various cryptocurrencies are the need for a broader understanding of the online exchanges.

I also litecoins 1 stale share, what is that, and how earthcoin i mining it? Juleon, I just wanted to solo that it's possible that you actually are mining and connected but litecoins just aren't solving shares quickly enough to even earthcoin with the pool that litecoin calculator wemineltc pooler ga are mining.

It is so low, that the pool doesn't accept your work, because it will never amount to any use. You are competing with a teaspoon in a world of Bucket-wheel excavators.

You will be expending energy and never gain any revenue. They are used by mining pools to gauge the contribution of miners. You apparently found a single share, litecoin calculator wemineltc pooler ga it was found after the pool had started working on a new block.

When your guiminer told the pool about it, it was already outdated. Buenas noches amigos les hablas Carlos Mendoza desde Caracas Venezuela, espero se encuentren bien y obtengan mucho exito en el minado, me encuentro en esta pagina por los siguientes motivos. Hace poco me meti en el minado de Bitcoin, estoy minando por varias paginas web, pero no es muy rentable al menos que inviertas.

It may be very low hash power, however, your miner should still show up. Current instructions from Slush Pool include using the Stratum address e. This litecoin calculator wemineltc pooler ga not an entirely new or unknown issue so it could have been the problem when the question was asked: By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered.

Bitcoin Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Bitcoin crypto-currency enthusiasts. Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. After two weeks of intensive testing, on November 5, the pool opened its doors to the public, becoming the first PPS pool for Litecoin.

Due to centralization concerns, it was decided to temporarily close new registrations; later inregistrations were reopened, but have since been subject to approval. In August the back-end software was completely litecoin calculator wemineltc pooler ga and rewritten from scratch to implement advanced efficiency and scalability optimizations that Pooler devised after implementing support for the Stratum protocol in cpuminer.

This new implementation makes LitecoinPool. We wish to thank all the people who have, directly or indirectly, contributed to litecoin calculator wemineltc pooler ga development of this pool.

In particular, many thanks go to in alphabetical order: Welcome to the first true pay-per-share PPS Litecoin pool. Some of our key features: A Bit of History LitecoinPool.

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You can use any Raspberry Pi you want and it should work. So all you have to bitcoin is just copy the antminer and just paste it and it should start mining. Raidmax, mining gold, watt, four rails a piece. BitFury — BitFury is one of the largest producers of Bitcoin mining hardware and chips. This is some sort of like poly resin glass.

Rig Q and it should shutdown. The way we set it up is connect the internet to your Raspberry Pi connect the other into your router. Copy this and paste it on to here then hit enter. A little information on these Bitcoin miners each AntMiner S3 is generating around gigahash per second which gives me a grand total of 1.

And it should go back to terminal. You have to be in the CG Miner directory before you can paste this code. Efficiency also depends on PSU bitcoin. The Antminer R4 is mining for hobby mining — basically people who rig to mine Bitcoins at home. You could find out by typing, if config in the terminal when Raspbian mining loaded and it should show you antminer IP address. So all you have to do is antminer copy the code and just paste it and it should start mining.

This — rig you do get into it do it as a hobby, this is not a bitcoin rich quick scheme. Weighing in at only 2. This compares favorably with the slightly larger A4 Dominator, which is 28 cm by 26 cm by 13 cm. Particularly if purchasing from a new, unknown crypto miner site, ensure that you only order from a reputable supplier! While crypto mining hardware pre-orders are notoriously dodgy , Bitmain have always held up their side of the bargain thus far.

Price and availability are likely to be the best determinants. Hi Anil, Litecoin and Bitcoins are using different algorithms, although theoretically, you could mine Bitcoins with Antminer L3 but it involves coding and it will not be efficient and profitable.

You need a different specialized hardware for Bitcoin mining, you can find an article about this here: The only way you will make money from these is if you get them at the retail price from Bitmain as soon as they are available.

You could make more mowing lawns or collecting cans , but thanks to those people who devote their time to it. Notify of new replies to this comment. You can choose reporting category and send message to website administrator.

Admins may or may not choose to remove the comment or block the author. And please don't worry, your report will be anonymous. This means it will only work with Litecoin and other Scrypt-based coins. This basement; no cobwebs. I try to keep it pretty clean. We just got this done. So I definitely want to get this copy up in running. I got to connect this bad boy.

Make sure my router is reading this from such a far distance which I think it should. So stay tune for the part 3 of this Antminer S7 review. We got a power supply here. I just got it from Newegg. Alright, so take a paper clip and you connect the green and the black wire there. And then we got the miner here, BitMiner. The pack is pretty good. And then each board here gets one cord. Not like this — like this. Done deal — that easy. I got two power supplies on top. Raidmax, 80 gold, watt, four rails a piece.

Got a fan, ethernet box, power strip, both power supplies, the fan and the ethernet box. Doing about , the wattage is for both of them, everything you see there and putting the fan on low.

See average speed, temperature is down there 48 to All the other tabs are pretty much junk. I actually have it bumped up to the next tier and there we go. This is going to be a quick video on my Bitcoin mining set up. I got this set up in my spare bedroom of my house. So, you can get a great deal on these things on ebay.

This — if you do get into it do it as a hobby, this is not a get rich quick scheme. The website I like to use is coinbase. Now one thing you need to be made aware of when dealing with Bitcoins is the market for Bitcoins is very volatile. Alright guys, a little bit more on my Bitcoin miners.

I do have them working in a mining pool. And a mining pool is thousands of people that are working together to mine together to find a block, and a block consists of 25 bitcoins and if you find that one block the profits are split between all the people that are mining for that pool, I mean mining for that block.

So the site that I use is btcguild. It works out very well for me. And why did I choose to go this route and spend this type of money? Pretty much, I like the fact that Bitcoins are not centralized to any government or corporation. Pretty much anything that I do with Bitcoins can be off the record. I can also take that Bitcoins, convert it into US currency and purchase silver or any type of precious metal that I want. I just want to dabble in it. So, alright guys, I hope you enjoy the video.

Now I know you guys are wondering what the hell is going on. This is a stackable case and I have four Raspberry Pis here. Now, before we can move forward we have to set this up.

Then make sure that the other end is connected to a powered hub, alright, or has a powered source. And it should start — start up. Alright, so now all we have to do is move on to the next step. You can use any Raspberry Pi for this tutorial. You need to know those things first before you can watch this video. Now if you know how to do all that stuff then you are good to go and you could follow with this video.

You could find out by typing, if config in the terminal when Raspbian is loaded and it should show you your IP address. So, now we are just going to click open here and it should start, click on yes. It should start loading the Raspberry Pi. Now the first thing we need to do is copy the first line of code here sudo apt-get update copy this. Then hit enter and let it run.

Copy that and paste it here and then hit enter. And it should prompt you to continue with Y for yes N for no. Type Y then hit answer. Now we are going to install dependencies. To do that, copy this code here from sudo and up until the screen here.

Copy all that and paste it here, hit enter and it should prompt you to continue Y for yes N for no. Type Y hit enter. Copy it and paste it on the terminal and hit enter. Copy that and paste it and hit enter. Copy this and paste it on here then hit enter and give it a couple of minutes. Copy it, paste it here and hit enter.