Donate Bitcoin

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At this time, we are unfortunately unable to accept bitcoin donations. We are currently investigating new solutions around reenabling bitcoin donations. If you have questions, check out our FAQ or contact us at donate mozilla. Ordinarily such fluctuations, like those of other investments, are not troubling.

Thus, Mozilla retains full power to keep bitcoin or to convert it into dollars without losing value, whichever seems more prudent at the time. While Mozilla may elect to have Coinbase convert some donated bitcoin into United States dollars, Coinbase waives all transaction fees for nonprofits who use its service, including Mozilla. Bitcoin donations Mozilla receives are considered charitable contributions under U.

Because the IRS has indicated that it will treat bitcoin as property for U. Depending on your individual circumstance, a gift of bitcoin could have better or worse tax consequences than a cash gift. You may wish to consult your tax advisor about the tax consequences of giving bitcoins in your specific circumstances and about the documentation required in order to claim a deduction.

We appreciate our donors and are happy to provide confirmation of their donation upon request. All bitcoin donors should automatically receive an acknowledgement of their donation for Bitcoin wikipedia donation tax credits. Depending on the amount of their non-cash contributions during the year, donors may also determine that they bitcoin wikipedia donation tax credits Mozilla Foundation to sign a Form confirming its receipt of their donation e. PDF copies of the form may be sent to donate mozilla.

Any other documentation e. Bitcoin wikipedia donation tax credits most cases, Mozilla requires only an email address, which is necessary so that Mozilla can send them an acknowledgment letter for tax purposes. Typically, the donor is required to provide that information to Mozilla on a Form in any event, in order to secure his or her own tax deduction see above. If we do not hear from a donor within 90 calendar days from the date of his or her donation, we reserve the right to file the Form using our best available information.

Coinbase also utilizes an active community of security researchers to encourage the continuous auditing of their platform. For more information on the measures Coinbase takes to protect your funds and information, visit their Security page: Retrieved from " https: Navigation menu Personal tools Log in Request account. Views Read View source View history. This bitcoin wikipedia donation tax credits was last modified on 1 Mayat Privacy policy About MozillaWiki Mobile view.

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