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Almost two years of iterative design, development, and testing has gone into the version of segwit being released in Bitcoin Core 0. Full nodes run by a reasonable number of users and business to validate the payments they receive need to be upgraded to Bitcoin Core 0.
If enough miners do decide to adopt segwit, it will eventually activate and wallet users will be able to begin creating transactions with segregated witnesses. The segwit soft fork has also been designed to be both backwards and forwards compatible with all commonly-used wallets, so wallet developers and users can also independently decide whether they want to adopt segwit or continue making transactions without segregated witnesses.
Guides are provided below for both adopting and non-adopting developers and users. In addition to instructions, the end of each guide section below also provides a short list of recommended places to ask any segwit-related questions you may have. This section is written for solo miners and mining pool operators.
Pool miners should contact their pool operators for information about what they need to do if anything to upgrade or not upgrade to segwit.
Whether you wish to upgrade or not, you should understand the important stages of the upgrade process:. The BIP9 parameters for the segwit soft fork allow miners to begin signaling their support for it at the beginning of the first retarget period on or after 15 November To signal support, you will need to do the following:.
Upgrade the full node you use for transaction selection and block construction to Bitcoin Core 0. When segwit is activated, you will want to be able to mine and relay segwit-style blocks. The following mining software has been upgraded to support segwit.
All the programs linked above that support GBT have been upgraded. Segwit is already activated and enforced on testnet, so you may find it useful to test your infrastructure upgrade by mining with some small amount of hashrate on testnet.
Alternatively, Bitcoin Core 0. Solo miners and pool operators are welcome to ask for help in bitcoin-mining on irc. The segwit soft fork does not require you to produce segwit-style blocks, so you may continue producing non-segwit blocks indefinitely.
However, once segwit activates, it will be possible for other miners to produce blocks that you consider to be valid but which every segwit-enforcing node rejects; if you build any of your blocks upon those invalid blocks, your blocks will be considered invalid too. For this reason, after segwit reaches locked-in , it is recommended that you either upgrade your full node to Bitcoin Core 0.
This section is written for anyone operating a full node, including both businesses and individuals. This is not a problem: There is no reason to expect any differently for the segwit soft fork, and upgrading is an easy way for people who support segwit to help encourage its adoption.
Those who are uninterested in segwit may, of course, simply not upgrade. Details for both cases are described below. To upgrade to a segwit-compatible release, download a segwit-compatible version of your full node software such as the Bitcoin Core 0. Note that if you upgrade after segwit has activated, your node will need to download and resync blocks from the activation point forward, since the old version did not download them completely.
The wallet provided with Bitcoin Core 0. Later releases are expected to allow users to choose to receive payments to segwit addresses.
If you use another full node, the best place to ask is wherever users of your full node software go for support. The maintainers of your software will be familiar with the idea behind segwit at the very least, and they will be able to tell you when it will be implemented and how it will affect you.
The situation will resolve itself within a few blocks as upgraded miners continue to enforce the new segwit consensus rules, but there is no guarantee that transactions shown as confirmed in the invalid block will continue to be confirmed in valid blocks. The easiest way to prevent this problem is to upgrade to Bitcoin Core 0. The newer node is connected to the Bitcoin P2P network as usual.
When using this configuration, please note that the older node, if it uses Bitcoin Core defaults, will not see transactions using segwit features until those transactions are included in a block.
For the newer node, start it normally and let it sync the blockchain. At present, you cannot use a pruned node for this purpose because pruned nodes will not act as relay nodes. For the older node, first wait for the newer node to finish syncing the blockchain and then restart the older node with the following command line parameter this may also be placed in the Bitcoin Core configuration file:.
This will cause the older node to only connect to the newer node so that all blocks and transactions are filtered by the newer node. This section is written for anyone using a lightweight wallet, a web wallet, a wallet connected to a personal full node, or any other wallet. If you do want to upgrade to segwit, you will first need to wait for miners to activate segwit, and then you will need a wallet that supports receiving and spending segwit-style payments.
Users of Bitcoin Core or other full nodes should also read the section above about full nodes. Some wallets have been generating P2SH addresses for years, so this may not be a change for you. All commonly used wallets are able to pay P2SH addresses, so you will be able to receive payments from any common wallet, whether or not they have upgraded to segwit. When spending only bitcoins you received before upgrading, you should notice no difference to transactions you created before upgrading.
When spending bitcoins you received after upgrading to segwit to someone who has not upgraded to segwit, they may not see your transaction until after it is included in a block. After the transaction confirms, they will be able to see and spend the bitcoins you sent them like normal. When spending bitcoins you received to your new P2SH addresses after upgrading, you may notice that the transaction fee you pay is slightly lower than when spending non-segwit payments you previously received.
This better aligns the cost of creating a block and thus its transaction fees with the actual costs of operating a full node. If you have any questions, the best place to ask is wherever users of your wallet go for support. The maintainers of your wallet will be familiar with the ideas behind segwit, and they will be able to tell you if segwit will be implemented for your wallet, when that might happen, and how it will affect your usage of your wallet.
This section is written for developers of any Bitcoin software that processes transactions or blocks. Segwit wallet developers guide: BIP Segregated witness consensus layer: Developers of mining and full node software will find the BIP9 parameters for segwit in the Deployment section.
BIP Transaction signature verification for version 0 witness program: BIP Segregated witness peer services: BIP getblocktemplate updates for segregated witness: BIP Dealing with dummy stack element malleability: Segwit uses bit 1 for versionbits. Please note, BIP address format for segregated witness is in deferred status as defined by BIP1 and is not proposed as a standard.
Instead, wallet developers are invited to discuss on the bitcoin-dev mailing list the creation of a new Bitcoin address format that will be more usable than current base58check-encoded addresses.
For testing changes on a segwit-enabled network, testnet testnet3 has supported segwit for several months now and includes a large number of segwit blocks, including blocks that have very nearly the maximum block size allowed for by segwit. A number of free and open source software Bitcoin wallets and packages besides Bitcoin Core have also already added segwit compatibility or have segwit-compatible code ready to deploy, so you may be able to use their code changes as an example for updating your software if their copyright license is compatible with your code.
Bitcoin development questions may be asked in the bitcoin-dev IRC chatroom on irc. Questions may also be asked on Bitcoin. Segregated Witness Upgrade Guide by. Can be specified multiple times. Whitelisted peers cannot be DoS banned and their transactions are always relayed, even if they are already in the mempool, useful e.
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