Chinese Central Bank Pushing to Curb Bitcoin Mining

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As a result, China's monetary authority can tell local governments to regulate the power usage of bitcoin miners to gradually reduce the scale of their production.

To many this was an implicit warning that China is preparing to clamp down on, and regulate, bitcoin mining in China. To be sure, China's disdain for bitcoin - a mechanism which the locals eagerly use to bypass local capital controls is hardly new - in September China ordered all initial coin offerings to cease and all cryptocurrency trading exchanges to be shuttered with the aim of containing financial risks.

Bitcoin miners have feared that they could be the next target. At the meetingthe PBOC said development of bitcoin mining will be limited, according to the source, who declined to be named as he is not authorized to speak on the matter. The article warned that banque centrale chinoise bitcoin stockage caution is needed on future moves of bitcoin, given that the cryptocurrency once saw sharp falls before. One could of course say the exact same banque centrale chinoise bitcoin stockage about not only Chinese stocks, but everything else traded in China, which as discussed previously on these pages, is merely a rolling bubble for banque centrale chinoise bitcoin stockage local gambling and momentum-chasing population.

They will just send the miners elsewhere and suffer the consequences. Iceland has unlimited geothermal energy and unlimited cooling, hence they could easily power all the world servers In reply to Bwahahaha Bigger than Olympic sized swimming pools Longer than 50 football fields Faster than a speeding bullet Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.

In reply to Iceland welcomes the miners… by HenryKissinger…. Banque centrale chinoise bitcoin stockage about all the wasted money, effort, time, resources in fuel, electricity, destruction of the earth from gold and silver mining? How about the waste, fraud, power and resources spent just printing and supplying paper money? In reply to How about all the wasted… by bcking. You libturds don't have a problem wasting electricity to keep your cappuccino cup full at Starbucks.

In reply to So that justifies wasting… by Yogizuna. You sound like a 16 year old child This electricity usage thing is a total farce. Banque centrale chinoise bitcoin stockage the global energy consumption needed to power laptops in order for people to watch cat videos on youtube?

I mean seriously, get a fricken life. What's more important than a decentralized, censorship resistant currency outside the reach of nation states? People are too busy following the Kardashians to notice. He who controls banque centrale chinoise bitcoin stockage money controls the world. But what if money is not controlled by any single entity? Bitcoin consumes a lot of electricity with poor transactions speed. The fact you need an ASIC just to mine shows how inefficient and poor Bitcoin is at handling transactions.

You can watch them on your smartphone. You can't mine Bitcoin on smartphones but you certainly can watch Youtube videos on them. In reply to No kidding. It's not about moving anywhere. You don't just 'move' that sort of volume or capacity. It impacts not only BTC demand therefore price but even the computational power that sustains the entire market. Go look at a mining-weighted map of what countries sustain the mining of BTC and therefore all of BTC -- you don't just pick that up and move it to Turkmenistan.

But now a big hit to Russian traders, and now also possibly Chinese miners. There's an irony for you. Even just this, hey it's still OK. But eventually these risk turning into momentum.

If Korea joins China and Russia and expands it's already confirmed BAN on all bank trading to other bank activities, then you're beginning to look at serious damn volume AND mining that can just be 'moved.

If China significantly takes off the grid a decent portion of Chinese mining, Korea expands its bans or taxes in any way, AND the banque centrale chinoise bitcoin stockage Crypto-Ruble goes live, just watch how fast the speculation abandons ship. It'll make recent Ripple moves look like nothing but a ripple. BTC has been remarkable strong but we're looking at risk that looks like the Chinese banque centrale chinoise bitcoin stockage ban but on 3 different fronts: You'll have a BTC market help up by McCafe and Thiel or Japanese salaryman selling back and fourth to one another until one of them decides they don't want to buy it back.

I'm mostly still bullish on BTC BTC is not invincible. Heck it could be the AOL of even, lots of money to be paid yet. There is zero fundamental reason it could not go to 0 while a technologically far advanced crypto or a nationalized crypto backed by a country like Russia or China if how blindly people accept Ripple's centralization is any indicator. It can survive serious Chinese regulation on mining, but it won't do it 'just by moving. If China was to stop mining entirely today, it would take about 2 weeks banque centrale chinoise bitcoin stockage the network to adapt by reducing the difficulty.

The BTC global network is strong enough to just keep going without them. Btw, have a look at where most of the Bitcoin Cash mining power is located. In reply to China and Russia both taking… by Laowei Gweilo. BTC ends up being the whipping boy for our feudal leaders around the world who don't understand cryptocurrency beyond the lizard brain comprehension of "this thing makes me less powerful over my serfs". Any crypto that is essentially a hedge to fiat as a digital store of value will be in trouble.

Conversely, any coins or tokens that have connection to a technology that actually DOES something will likely survive. The only way to achieve scalability is POS, BitShares is a leading example, the longest and fastest blockchain and the most undervalued.

ASIC mining will continue underground all over China. This is like using a high pressure water hose on a grease fire. Let's see how that works out for them.

Bitcoin and the cryptos have become the new digital 'drug' it's minting millionaires by the hour, and those people are attracting more people etc. When you notice the smog it does make sense to not spend the electric consumption of Qatar on something as retarded as mining cryptocoins. Dont get me wrong, I like cryptos and Im actually mining myself.

But its still fucking retarded how all this energy is wasted on nothing. Not to mention its all run by coal power plants in china. Sure they could just move on to a more expensive country to do mining which still the threat of even those countries cracking down on Bitcoin mining. This is exactly why Bitcoin is not digital gold. Gold does not need mining of any kind just to move your gold around.

If miners find it too expensive to mine because of regulations, cost of electricity, and the general difficulty your "digital gold" is literally in their hands. They can be banque centrale chinoise bitcoin stockage to centralization. Again it is in their hands.

What can you do with Bitcoin without cooperative miners? You can't move it so what good is it? Another reason why Bitcoin isn't digital gold is that for any changes to occur the community relies on consensus. The consensus could determine that expensive Bitcoin is the way to go. If it ain't banque centrale chinoise bitcoin stockage gold it ain't currency either.

In a sense, banque centrale chinoise bitcoin stockage correct. But what we are really seeing here is inflation. The more digital currency that is produced, the more places to sink dollars. It's just like printing more banque centrale chinoise bitcoin stockage. This digital inflation will eventually destroy crypto currency value per unit in dollars, because unlike gold, it can be created and produced for practically free. Think that won't be abused, just like the Fed abuses the dollar?

Count the number of cryptos out there now. Everybody will have a "better one". Eventually, when you get to 10, different ones, what do you think they'll be worth? In reply to Bitcoin was sooo What keeps the curve from tightening is that many new cryptos are constantly 'selling themselves' with new features, faster transaction times etc.

Eventually one of the cryptos will become a game changer in terms of ability banque centrale chinoise bitcoin stockage make efficient distributed computing, supply fast transaction times, evade taxation and burdensome regulation and allow p2p direct exchange negating the exchange monitoring and fraud. Because crypto is now BIG MONEY, market forces banque centrale chinoise bitcoin stockage find this crypto, and flow into it, that takes time because the humans behind the spending must sort the crap-cryptos from the real new technologies.

Bitcoin will always remain a 'grandfather' and 'reserve crypto' simply because of the large amount of ASIC development that went into mining and finding it. In reply to In a sense, that's correct. I can't believe there's still old goldbugz on here.

Sometimes you are funny but mostly you are just way over the top. Much better tech out there. If you are going to "pump" something and act like you are all cutting edge and such, then try getting up to speed. You smack down on "old gold bugs" when you are just an "old Bitcoin-er".

In reply to I can't believe there's… by bcking. Sorry Bitcoin is the king and always will be. There is nothing in alts. Alts are the banque centrale chinoise bitcoin stockage of the dotcom stocks.

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