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Microsoft engineering groups are the operating divisions of Microsoft. Starting in April , Microsoft organised itself into seven groups, each an independent financial entity. In September , Microsoft announced a reorganization of its then seven groups into three.
In July , Microsoft announced another reorganization into five engineering groups and six corporate affairs groups. This is Microsoft's flagship product. Windows is available in different families, catering to different kinds of devices.
The Microsoft hardware division is responsible for producing self-branded hardware and various lines of consumer electronics products. MSN is a web portal and related collection of Internet services and apps for Windows and mobile devices , provided by Microsoft. It was launched on August The current website and suite of apps offered by MSN was first introduced by Microsoft in as part of a complete redesign and relaunch. Microsoft Servers [22] previously called Windows Server System is a brand that encompasses Microsoft 's server products.
This includes the Windows Server editions of the Microsoft Windows operating system itself, as well as products targeted at the wider business market. A complete listing of product offerings can be found here.
In July , Microsoft moved the Windows Server team and its related products to the Windows and Devices Group, further justifying one Windows core across all platforms. Microsoft Azure [25] is the company's cloud computing platform that hosts virtual machines , websites and more. It provides both platform as a service PaaS and infrastructure as a service IaaS services and supports many different programming languages, tools and frameworks, including both Microsoft-specific and third-party software and systems.
It was launched in Microsoft Visual Studio [26] the set of programming tools and compilers. Visual Studio supports development for both native Windows platform and.
Microsoft Office is a line of office software, provided by Microsoft. It is available in three versions, for desktop, for mobile devices and an online one. Skype [32] is an application that specializes in providing video chat and voice call services. Users can exchange text and video messages , files and images, and create conference calls. This group was created in September to emphasize the company's presence on artificial intelligence. It was formed when parts of the former Apps and Services group came together with the research team to form a fourth engineering group.
As of , it is the second largest search engine in the world, behind Google. A complete list of search offerings from Bing can be found here.
Under Bing, below non-search offerings are also listed:. Microsoft Research was created with the intent to advance state of the art computing and solve difficult world problems through technological innovation in collaboration with academic, government, and industry researchers. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Skype and Skype Technologies. Bing search engine and Bing Mobile. Company realigns to enable innovation at greater speed, efficiency".
Retrieved 28 October Microsoft forms new 5,person AI division; key exec Qi Lu leaving after bike injury". Intelligent Cloud and Intelligent Edge Stories". Retrieved 23 June Retrieved 16 January Bill Gates Paul Allen.
Where do you want to go today? Microsoft European Union Microsoft competition case Microsoft v. Shah United States v. Microsoft antitrust case Microsoft Ireland case. Retrieved from " https: Webarchive template wayback links. Views Read Edit View history.
This page was last edited on 1 April , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Founders Bill Gates Paul Allen.