World trade center deaths by religions

Terrorism is usually understood as the use or threat of violence to further a political cause. There is no universally agreed definition of terrorism making it a difficult object to quantify. While acts of terrorism across the globe have increased markedly in recent decades, in most parts of the world it continues to be a relatively rare event and is instead focused in particular countries or regions of instability. Terrorism is not a world trade center deaths by religions century phenomenon and has its roots in early resistance and political movements.

The Sicarii were an early Jewish terrorist organisation founded in the first century AD with the goal of overthrowing the Romans in the Middle East. Judas of Galilee, leader of the Zealots and a key influence on the Sicarii, believed that the Jews should be ruled by God alone and that armed resistance was necessary. Unlike the Zealots, the Sicarii targeted other Jews they believed to be collaborators or traitors to the cause. The tactics employed by the Sicarii were detailed by the historian Josephus around 50AD: Then when they fell, the murderers would join in the cries of indignation and, world trade center deaths by religions this plausible behavior, avoided discovery.

There are many other key examples of terrorism throughout history before the modern terrorism of the 20th century. Guy Fawkes' failed attempt at reinstating a Catholic monarch is an example of an early terrorist plot motivated by religion.

The use of terrorism to further a political cause has accelerated in recent years. Modern terrorism largely came into being after the Second World War with the rise of nationalist movements in the old empires of the European powers. These early anti-colonial movements recognised the ability of terrorism to both world trade center deaths by religions publicity for the cause and influence global policy. The visualisation below shows the annual number of terrorist attacks globally and by country, which can be explored by using the "add country" button, or switching to the "Map" tab.

The visualisation below shows the annual number of recorded fatalities from terror-related attacks. Reported fatalities are inclusive of deaths from both world trade center deaths by religions and perpetrators. The visualisation below shows the annual number of recorded non-fatal injuries from terror-related attacks.

Reported injuries are inclusive of both victims and perpetrators. The attacks are estimated to have killed people making it the deadliest terrorist incident in human history.

The subsequent War on Terror led to the invasion of Afghanistan in world trade center deaths by religions Iraq in The shifting concentration of global terrorist activity can be seen in the following map.

Yet aviation terrorism has a long history and its development marks the beginning of international terrorism. They diverted the flight to Algiers where they held the Israeli hostages for several days while they negotiated the release of Arab prisoners in exchange for the hostages.

Once the terms were agreed the hostages were released with no fatalities. The success of this early hijacking made it an increasingly popular weapon of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation PLO. In Zehdi Terzi, the first PLO representative to the United Nations, stated that the "first several hijackings aroused the consciousness of the world and awakened the media and world opinion much more--and more effectively--than 20 years of pleading at the United Nations.

In the chart below we see the number of fatalities from terrorist attacks aggregated by region. By default the following two charts show how terrorist incidents have evolved in Afghanistan and Iraq following the War on Terror. It is possible to change the countries displayed in the visualisation below. While terrorism in the Middle East has spiked in recent years, there have been successes in combating terrorism elsewhere. One notable example is the ETA, the Basque separatist movement in Spain, which put down arms in Despite the intense media focus on terrorist activity around the world, the numbers world trade center deaths by religions people actually killed by terrorist attacks has remained low.

Terrorism only killed 13, ina relatively low number when compared with other types of violent death, namely armed conflict and interpersonal violence. Martha Crenshaw, professor of Political Science at Stanford, argues that terrorist groups make calculated decisions to engage in terrorism, and moreover, that terrorism is a "political behavior resulting from the deliberate choice of a basically rational actor. One major consequence of the rise of international terrorism, particularly Islamic extremist groups, has been the global War on Terror.

The War on Terror, which began inhas so far seen the full-scale invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as other operations in Yemen, Pakistan and Syria. An important question is whether the global campaign against terrorism, known as the War on Terror, has made us any safer.

Many commentators argue that the War on Terror has had the perverse effect of making us less safe, with some going as far as claiming the War on Terror is the leading cause of terrorism.

Richard Clarke, a counter-terrorism expert that worked in the US National Security Council between —, was highly critical of the Bush administration's counter-terrorism strategy and the decision to invade Iraq.

The internet world trade center deaths by religions become a central tool for terrorists, largely replacing print and other physical media.

It has allowed terrorist organisations to costlessly communicate their message and aims to the world, allowing them to recruit new members, coordinate global attacks and better evade surveillance.

Their well-organised online propaganda campaign has seen them recruit thousands of foreign fighters. The increasing use of the internet was noted by Bruce Hoffman in Inside terrorism as early as The consequences of these developments [are] far-reaching as they are still poorly understood, having already transformed the ability of terrorists to communicate without censorship or other hindrance and thereby attract new sources of recruits, funding, and support that governments have found difficult, if not impossible, to counter.

Measuring the effectiveness of terrorism requires us to have both a well defined set of objectives for a given terrorist organisation as well as a definite way to determine success and failure. If the objective was to destroy America, then it clearly failed. Yet if goal was to intimidate America and publicise the cause, it may be considered world trade center deaths by religions success.

With respect to the question of effectiveness, there are two opposing views in the literature. The first posits that terrorists are able to influence policy and public opinion and that terrorism is increasing worldwide simply because it is effective. The second view argues that terrorists hardly ever achieve their main objectives and that terrorist groups tend to be unstable and disintegrate over time.

Robert Pape, professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, is a major proponent of the view that terrorism can world trade center deaths by religions effective and his research focusses on suicide terrorism. Pape finds that suicide attacks targeted at democracies tend to be more effective at influencing policy. Max Abrahms argues that terrorism never succeeds.

Abrahms analysed 28 groups designated as terrorist organisations by the US State Department in Moreover, Abrahms suggests that his findings "challenge the dominant scholarly opinion that terrorism is strategically rational behavior. Sheehan has written on the importance of data quality in terrorism research and highlights several key issues that researchers must be aware of when using these datasets. Consider the example of Palestinian terrorist attacks in Israel; should these be coded as international or domestic terrorist attacks.

World trade center deaths by religions, can a state-entity engage in terrorist activity? Issues such as this lead to large discrepancies between commonly used datasets. Another issue is that many of these databases were developed in the intelligence and defence communities before being used by researchers. This has meant that they often lag behind the normal data standards of academic datasets, however this is changing. Sheehan also suggests that retrospective data collection can yield underestimates since "not all sources that are available in real time are still available or accessible years later.

The data visualisations in this page are generated using the Global Terrorism Database GTDand so it is important to understand the definition used in their construction.

The GTD database uses the following definition of a terrorist attack:. The threatened world trade center deaths by religions actual use of illegal force and violence by a non-state actor to attain a political, economic, religious, or social goal through fear, coercion, or intimidation. In practice this means in order to consider an incident for inclusion in the GTD, all three of the following attributes must be present:.

In addition, at least two of the following three criteria must be present for an incident to be included in the GTD:. Their definition is closed tied to Bruce Hoffman's definition: We may therefore now attempt to define terrorism as the deliberate creation and exploitation of fear through violence or the threat of violence in the pursuit of political change.

All terrorist world trade center deaths by religions involve violence or the threat of violence. Terrorism is specifically designed to have far-reaching world trade center deaths by religions effects beyond the immediate victim s or object of the terrorist attack.

Terrorism is designed to create power where there is none or to consolidate power where there is very little. Through the publicity generated by their violence, terrorists seek to obtain the leverage, influence, and power they otherwise lack to effect political change on either a local or an international scale. One important point of departure in many legal definitions of terrorism is computer hacking. The 'interference with or disruption to an electric system' is explicitly stated in UK terrorism law; this does not fit into the definitions above which centre on violence.

The UK the Terrorism World trade center deaths by religions defines terrorism as:. The use or threat of action designed to influence the government or an international governmental organisation or to intimidate the public, or a section of the public; made for the purposes of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause; and it involves or causes:.

First published in July ; last revised in January