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Gesturing at an iPhone on the table, McAfee warned: This device was designed to do the opposite — to open up where you are, who you are with, who your contacts are — this is a spying device. He then went on to explain how malware like a simple keylogger could be used to circumvent strong encryption with ease.

McAfee has taken a large interest in Bitcoin recently. MGT Sentinel protecting our Bitcoin mining operation. We have tested it over and over and over.

This recent election highlighted many things including the role fictional media plays against the mainstream media machine. Unbound by talking points and political correctness, fake news sites devoured clicks and attention spans. Why is this a surprise?

Modern politics is boring, flat, platitudes and emotionally charged drivel. Toss in an occasional polarizing viewpoint and you have the last two decades of presidential elections. This is only half the story, the other half is the backlash from the perception that Google, Facebook, and Twitter did not do enough to help Clinton win.

Who determines what is admissible and what sort of appeals process is there? Is it really so hard to believe people want to watch some funny fake news rather than the horrible reality of the past election cycle?

Twitter is taking this to another level by suspending accounts of alternative-right viewpoints. While some of the bans include truly hateful groups, Trump supporters are getting caught up in the purge. Is this how partisan social media platforms start?

If you used Bitcoin to buy a daily cup of coffee, the IRS wants you to determine what portion of which Bitcoin was used to make each purchase based on a daily exchange rate, converted all into dollars, and then at reporting time, calculate whether there were any gains or losses from when you received those Bitcoin.

The IRS categorizes Bitcoin as property rather than a currency, which they claim subjects it to capital gains tax. Can you imagine having to keep a list of the serial numbers for all the dollar bills you used and the date you received them… and then figure out whether those dollars were worth more or less when you get them versus when you spent them?! The second half of a fix started months ago, the Ethereum Foundation released version 1. The code will trigger on block number 2,, sometime next Tuesday.

The fork contains replay protection, state clearing, and code size limit. Coming early next year the Ethereum Name Service will be launched and will allow users to register a name to link to their various Ethereum Dapps and functions. The name would be used inplace of the ubiquitous random character string that used with all cryptocurrencies.

The registration process features an auction where the winner places the amount in a deed for a year afterwhich either a price adjustment or another auction would occur. A dispute resolution is also in the works. Your email address will not be published.

If not, consider bringing on Andreas Antonopolis to co-host. I originally thought this is who you were going to bring on when you asked subscribers for questions. Frustrating that he kept speaking for Nick. Almost found Naval rude in how he would force his dialogue. I listened to every minute some podcasts I skip around a bit and listened again to some of the higher level concepts. Cryptocurrency makes way more sense now! Hugely informative, thank you Tim! Are the audio products available in a format that Hard of Hearing folks can access?

Captions or the script would be wonderful. Good mix of theory and practice on cryptocurrency as well as other thought provoking ideas and concepts. I was excited to hear that you were putting on this podcast with Nick and the questions were great.

If I had to adjust something, it would be nice if Tim reigned in Naval on some the conversation, Naval tends to go on and on and sometimes off topic to always make some sort of point rather than being informative. This was effectively an interview of Naval Ravikant. He answered half or more of the questions himself.

Did much more talking than Szabo. Nick assumed a lot of knowledge that non-tech people would not understand, and Naval possibly even recorded explainers after the show that were then inserted. My question is, now that the worlds largest banks are finally jumping on board, and are in fact creating their very own cryptocurrencies, how will this effect other currencies like bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin etc.?

Negatively or in a positive way? I really hope not, but this is where my mind immediately goes when I think of the pound gorilla entering the room. Singapore is working on a tokenized currency based on the Ethereum platform.

Other countries doing something like this makes a lot more sense than building their own currency from scratch. Using Ethereum as a common protocol allows for much easier interoperability between currencies. One of the best explanations of the phenomenon to date.

PhDs talking about relying on machines and maths. Funny, thats what people were saying years ago when you could buy Bitcoin for a few cents. As far as shorting digital commodities, i suppose one would load up on physical ones. Perhaps a better plan would be to start mining, and buying on a monthly auto buy basis using dollar cost averaging? Subjects like these really need your editorial take on them and the presence of Naval was much needed to ask some good questions.

I love when you do those episodes where you treat very narrow subjects in a such deep way. So much good info. Also sounds like you might find the book Post-Capitalism by Paul Mason interesting. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Dorian Yates mentioned chiropractic in your interviews so your fans might be interested. Hey Tim, extremely interesting talk.

I know you are celebrating round birthday next month and I would send you a book-gift if it is possible. I believe you will love the book and will be able to experience it deeply. We just saw 20k people who are on their way to be slaughtered — but what can I trade you for that onion?

The problem is there is no ebook version of it, so I would need to send physical copy somewhere. I do not mean your home address, rather some address you can safely give to a stranger on internet.

I thought this episode was incredible. Thanks so much for putting these incredible thinkers on our collective radar. I was disappointed with this episode.

When the question of what are some real world blockchain use cases beyond money, I was hoping the already-being-experimented-with use case of land-property ownership registry would be mentioned. Another interesting example is the new Prism exchange from Erik Voorhees, which allows investment in a broad cryptocurrency portfolio, without actually having to buy any currency except Ethereum through a smart contract.

I had little to no knowledge nor interest in Bitcoin before this podcast. It came up in my feed and I clicked on it, thinking I would be easily annoyed or bored and ready to move on to something else. Instead, I found it fascinating and am recommending it to others. Perhaps someone else explained it better but it captured my novice interest.

But the disadvantage to that style is you miss out on some of the nuggets, the little slip-ups if you will, where you uncover the real theme or direction of a guest, or just their amazingness. In this way, the interview was excellent and highly revealing, IMO. So this kind of anarchy is what is driving this effort. IMO the rise of ransomware and the Dark Web, all made possible by bitcoin. What was the coin mentioned towards the end after the 2 hr mark?

I want to say I heard Falcoin? Just wanted to drop a quick comment and say I appreciate your method of questioning in these podcasts. I like Naval a lot, but I was hoping to hear more from Nick, especially on his philosophy freedom, privacy, voluntary exchange and how technology can make it happen on a large scale in near future.

I hope there will be another episode. Plus I absolutely agree about getting Nasim Taleb as podcast guest! I have listened to Tim for the last 5 years now and I always wanted to understand BitCoin and how it worked and I can say this is the smartest, easiest and most profound podcast on BitCoin and CryptoCurrency.

Did he finish that thought? Can anyone share a link to info on bitcoin, etc. What does that mean? Which is more durable? Aside from physical degradation, could anything cause either piece of art to decrease in value? Is art durable currency? All evidence points to this art only appreciating in value over time. Everything I touch turns to gold! Three years ago, I was ready to sell a gorgeous, big jar for under a thousand bucks because I needed cash.

People gravitated towards it far more than other jars. Today, letting that jar leave my possession for less than 20 grand seems like it could be a big mistake.

Funderbeam, out of Estonia, is a great example of combinding fundraising, trading and storing your finaicial assets on a blockchain. To start with I like to thanks for another great podcast. I just like to share with you that the Norweigan finace webpage e A part in the development of products for next level with user focus.

They are an absolute joke and a mess from a security perspective. The debarcle with people being able to exploit the contract for Etheruem — because the code was the contract, and the code was poorly written — and cash out all the investors value was but one example of this. The ability of the team to void the original contract and start afresh, is an example of how your money is not safe That was fraud..

Can you imagine that happening in any other financial arena??? With massive amounts of money involved. You should know this. Any genuine security professional taking the merest glance at the code will tell you this. It is not the sort of thing people are willing to hear. The following is a comment a few days ago, on an esteemed security blog, by a highly respected professional in infosec:. They wanted me to took at their stuff and to examine its safety and security and to make suggestions on how to repair any eventual weaknesses.

Thanks, no more questions. Not all alt coins are secure. Loved the podcast and the potential for blockchain. Also as a fan of analogies I like the amber analogy. That aside I have two questions for your guests, firstly, if I heard correctly there is an upper limit to the number of bitcoin that can be mined. The second question is when are you going to get Bruce Schneier on your podcast, I would love to get his take on the security of blockchain among other topics.

Bruce would be great, and so would Mikko Hypponen mikko to explain some of the downsides to the digital currency. Or maybe they were dumbing it down a bit for the audience, but that is a rather basic misunderstanding, surely these guys know of the weaknesses of PRNGs etc? Thank you Tim, Naval, Nick — I learnt so much here. In particular, valuing the reminder and nice articulation of what money is and what currency is. Would like a follow up convo on this regarding the August 1st BTC segwit switch.

An absolute gem of an episode! The best 10 hours I have spent in quite some time. Investing into a novel idea can seem daunting. I implore everyone to do their research and to be leery of the youtubers and twitter-ers? Investing long term in projects that solve problems and are scale-able are the keys to success. Leave the emotion and ego at the door! Really enjoyed this 3-way conversation, it really helped in demystifying the whole Bitcoin world. Such an informational and definitive guide to Crypto and the Bitcoin space.

Loved the episode Tim. Please keep doing more cryptocurrency related episodes. Maybe invite the Coinbase founder or one of the top developers? Can anyone recommend and good books kindle or audible on cryptocurrency, bitcoin, blockchain, etc or any recommended authors? Other than Naval and Nick of course. One of my top 3 TF podcasts! As well as this article by Michael Nielson: The 4 hour work week and Tools and Titans changed my life Thank you very much. Money is only paper or numbers in a spreadsheet , like Monopoly money.

Like in Monopoly, money is created for this specific game only. The same is true for the US Dollar. That is the only reason the US Dollar has any value.

And God knows you have to pay your taxes. Everything else in the economy domestic or international follows. The Government can print as much as it wants and will never run out of money. But every one else person or company must balance their budget. Bitcoin transactions are not tied to any personal information which allows users to protect their privacy.

It is highly recommended to only use Bitcoin addresses once to avoid your identity being revealed either through a specific purchase or other means. Your guests are brilliant. I have two obvious things to share that did not come out in the interview:.

A key distinction and attraction of Bitcoin is that unlike state sponsored fiat currencies, it is a scarce resource and guaranteed to stay that way mathematically capped at 21M — and as they point out, that is a theoretical cap that will never be reached as lost Bitcoin is lost forever. DRY is a programming principle that speaks to efficiency, ease of maintenance, and the value of standardizing that which can be codified without any loss of meaning or utility.

It is not necessarily a bad thing. Can the leger ever be interrogated to resolve a dispute — if so who rules? Although I am a fan of the podcast and have listened to most episodes prior to a year ago. My question is to Tim, and or the collective- are you diversified into cryptocurrencies, and if so what exchange do you find most beneficial. I would like to get into lesser known selections other than bitcoin due to my current limited disposable investment cap into this area.