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Within the last 30 days, Telegram was used by , people. This is an insane number by any standards. If Telegram were a country, it would have been the sixth largest country in the world. We owe reaching this milestone to you alone — our users. We have never promoted Telegram with ads, so all these million people are on Telegram because you invited them to join. This is why you — our users — have been and will always be our only priority. For us, Telegram is an idea ; it is the idea that everyone on this planet has a right to be free.

Above all, we at Telegram believe in people. We believe that humans are inherently intelligent and benevolent beings that deserve to account bot download maker youtube trusted; trusted with freedom to share their thoughts, account bot download maker youtube to communicate privately, freedom to create tools.

This philosophy defines everything we do. This was the reason why Telegram became the first messaging app to roll out end-to-end encryption to tens of millions of users in Over the years, our unconditional trust in people allowed us to do things other apps were hesitant to implement; things such as support for insanely large group chats, unlimited broadcast channels and a free user-generated sticker platform.

In all these cases, our belief in people yielded extraordinary results, and users put these tools to great use. While we unconditionally believe in people, it turns out , humans also believe in us. Telegram has now reached million monthly active users. Today we're launching Telegram 4. From now on, account bot download maker youtube you type one emoji, you will see suggestions not just from the sticker sets you've added, but also from other popular sets.

We've added search for sticker sets. Scroll up in the sticker panel to account bot download maker youtube the new search field that will help you find something quickly — be it a set you've added, or a brand new pack of easter bears. Need a couple of extra selfies to maximize dramatic effect? Dog can't stop doing adorable tricks? Telegram for iOS v. With Auto-Night Mode settings you can automatically account bot download maker youtube to the dark version of the interface after nightfall or in low-light conditions:.

Oh, and we've optimized battery usage so that you can enjoy all of the above even longer on a single charge. In case you missed this, Telegram has now reached million active users. You can now start watching videos right away — without having to fully download them first. All videos newly uploaded from official Telegram apps can be streamed with version 4. You account bot download maker youtube see the caching progress as a light grey strip:.

As of this update, Telegram for Android can automatically switch to the dark version of the interface after nightfall or in low-light conditions. We're also launching a Telegram Login Widget today. Today we present a Telegram Login Widget for external websites. When you use Telegram login for the first time, our widget asks for your phone number and sends you a confirmation message via Telegram to authorize your browser. Once this is done, you get a two-click login on every website that supports signing in with Telegram.

Once this is done, you get a account bot download maker youtube login on every website that supports signing in with Telegram:. Logging in will send your Telegram nameusernameand your profile picture to the website owner. Your phone number remains hidden. The website can also request permission to send you messages from their bot. Telegram bots are a powerful communication tool, but until today they couldn't start a conversation. Even if you wanted them to reach out to you, you had to chat them up first.

With the new login widget, moving from interacting with a website to a conversation on Telegram becomes completely frictionless. The potential use cases are limitless. Bots could be used for providing customer support, accepting paymentsor sending notifications of any kind — account bot download maker youtube account statements, shipment tracking, flight updates, and so much more. You can revoke the account bot download maker youtube by tapping the appropriate button under the login summary.

Telegram for Android 4. Other apps will soon follow. This simple login tool is the first phase of the Telegram ID projectwhich we will be rolling out throughout account bot download maker youtube year. Our mission is to make Telegram fasterslicker and easier to use with each passing month.

Competition is the soul of progress, so account bot download maker youtube first we got plenty of inspiration from other messengers that spurred us on.

But as years passed, we saw less and less innovation coming from competitors, account bot download maker youtube now seem content merely to adapt Telegram features to their platforms with an account bot download maker youtube lag of two years. In this environment, we started relying on internal competition to feed our flames.

This is why for the last two years we've been developing a new generation of Telegram clients in parallel with the main versions. The Telegram X project features apps written from scratchwith an entirely new code base and without all the legacy components that our older apps have accumulated through the years. The goal of Telegram X is to reinvent Telegram and explore new frontiers in speedease of usequality of animations and all other aspects.

Both these apps are experimental and may or may not account bot download maker youtube replace the existing official apps. But even if they don't, they will speed up the development of Telegram by allowing us to quickly test new approaches and technologies. Telegram X for Android was born in the furnaces of a contest for Android developers that our founder launched two years ago.

The winner then used the power of TDLib to create a stunning app with a special focus on smooth animations. X for Android is faster and more battery-efficient than the original app and features a sleek new design:.

Account bot download maker youtube X also supports a clean bubble-free mode for chats, where messages and photos get more breathing space — and photos in channels assume the full width of the screen:.

In Telegram X, you can tap and hold on any chat to preview its content without opening. The app also offers an abundance of useful swiping actions. You can also swipe right on any message to instantly open the forwarding menu:. The app includes a reimagined music player and attachment menuas well as optimized profile pages with quick access to shared media.

You can easily switch between different types of shared account bot download maker youtube by swiping. This is by no means an exhaustive list of features, Telegram X for Android is full of little surprises in every corner. The app is now ready to begin its experimental journey with new features scheduled to appear as early as next week.

Telegram X for iOS is written entirely in Swift and is significantly lighterfaster and more battery-efficient account bot download maker youtube the original app, built with Objective C. The design and feature set are closer to what iOS users have learned to expect from Telegram, but you will definitely notice the smooth animations and faster speed and loading times on most iPhones.

The internal structure of Telegram X for iOS is also much better optimized for the things that are expected of a Telegram app in and beyond. Today, we're also releasing TDLib — a tool for building custom Telegram apps. Telegram offers developers more than just the Bot API.

Since day one, we've also had a free and open Telegram API that allows anyone to create their own messaging apps operating in the Telegram cloud. These apps openly compete with the official ones and some of them have now reached more than 10 million downloads on Google Play. Users of these alternative clients can communicate with anyone on Telegram, but the apps often offer experimental, highly specialized or locally flavored features.

Today we are introducing a new tool for third-party developers that will make it even easier to build fastsecure and feature-rich Account bot download maker youtube apps on our platform. TDLib takes care of all network implementation details, encryption and local data storageso that developers can dedicate more time to design, responsive interfaces and beautiful animations.

TDLib supports all Telegram features and makes developing Telegram apps a breeze on any platform. The library is compatible with any programming language that can execute C functions; it also has native bindings to Java and C.

The code is, of course, completely open and available on GitHub. TDLib will remain stable on slow and unreliable Internet connections and guarantees that all updates will be delivered in the correct order.

All local data is encrypted using a user-provided encryption key. The library is fully asynchronous and optimized for high performance. Using TDLib, it took the developer of the app approximately one year to reproduce all the major features of Telegram for Android — and add plenty of his own.

Today, we're also introducing Telegram X for Android, a new official app. Happy winter holidays, everyone! The Android app already supported multiple themesso it had to go further with 4. You can add up to three accounts with different phone numbers to your Telegram app, and then quickly switch between them from the side menu. Notifications will keep coming from all accounts, unless you change this in the Notification settings.

Telegram now supports quick replies on both mobile platforms. To use them, just swipe left on any message in a chat. Have a happy new year — and stay tuned for the product updates we are going to announce in January.

Starting with Telegram account bot download maker youtube. Each album can include up account bot download maker youtube 10 photos or videos, arranged in the chat as elegantly proportioned thumbnails.

From now on, you can control the order in which photos are sent. Each photo you choose for sharing will show its sequence number. Profile photos are now also displayed this way, which makes them much easier to navigate. You can now bookmark important messages by quickly forwarding them to Saved Messages — your personal cloud storage for any messages or media you may want to send or forward there.

The Saved Messages chat is always displayed at the top of the list in the sharing and forwarding menus. This makes it easy to save your favorites while keeping things as tidy as before.