Where to buy kraken black spiced rum

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Clear Note Save Note. All pricing on this site is online only. Thirsty Camel supports the Responsible Service of Alcohol.

Liquor Licensing Act , Section Liquor must NOT be supplied to persons under For specific legislation in your state or territory visit the Liquor Licensing Act The bottle is styled after a Victorian rum bottle, with two hoop handles based on the tradition of hanging a bottle to prevent breakages. The bottle has a black and white paper label featuring an illustration of a Kraken sea creature.

The bottle's back label states that it is "imported rum from the Caribbean blended with natural flavors. In , two outdoor 3D billboards went up in Chicago , with a kraken sea creature's giant tentacle pulling a consumer out of an apartment window in an advertisement for Kraken Rum. The Simulation Application for Nautical Maneuvering, a game in which players steer a ship through kraken-infested waters. Kraken Rum is the sponsor of the Kitschies , a British speculative fiction award.

Kraken has been named an Impact "Hot Brand" by Impact magazine. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved February 25, Retrieved 12 December