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Many material trifles, such as Silly Putty, started as attempts at serious inventions, but in rare cases, the process works in reverse: Dubbed Liquid ASS , it smells as expected: Given its success in personal pranks, the pair decided to turn their unemployment into an opportunity to start selling this horrible-smelling substance.
The bottle dispenses our nasty elixir in a thin, invisible, silent stream, thus equipping the prankster with stealth and speed. These characteristics of Liquid ASS make it the perfect practical joke product. And this is where Liquid ASS comes into play: The realism of these simulations may sound severe, but the goal is serious: For those preparing for combat… it becomes stress inoculation.
Over , people have trained through Special Operations to date, many subjecting themselves to the atrocious aroma of Liquid ASS in the process. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hey there beautiful nerd! Drag and drop to reorder. Your playlist is stored within your cookies, clearing your browser data may remove your playlist.
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