Don’t send your Bitcoin Cash to Luno

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This article contains instructions on how to receive Bitcoin or Ethereum from somebody who wants to pay you. This will make the transaction instant and free. Share the receive address or QR code with the person who is sending digital currency to you. Note that what is my bitcoin address luno digital currencies are incompatible with other receive addresses.

For more information on how long incoming receive transactions take, please what is my bitcoin address luno this article. Click here for details about fees on incoming digital currency transactions. How do I send Bitcoin or Ethereum using my Luno wallet? What does it cost to use Luno? Does Luno charge any fees? Contact us for more help. Buy, store and learn about Bitcoin and Ethereum now.

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BitX is now Luno. Price charts Bitcoin Price Ethereum Price. How long does it take to receive Bitcoin or Ethereum? How do I receive Bitcoin or Ethereum? You can receive digital currency by providing the sender with the following: Finding your receiving address or QR code Go to: Was this article helpful?

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A Bitcoin wallet address is similar to a bank account number. You can share your Bitcoin wallet address with others. With this, they will be able to send you Bitcoin. Your Bitcoin wallet address can also be represented as a QR code. If somebody wishes to send your Bitcoin, they can scan the code using their Bitcoin wallet and send Bitcoin to your wallet:.

When you sign up with Luno , you'll be assigned your own unique Bitcoin wallet address. Any Bitcoin sent to this address will be added to your Luno account. You may want to keep your personal and business transactions separate, so we also allow you to add unique addresses to your account. How do I receive Bitcoin using my Luno wallet? How do I send Bitcoin using my Luno wallet? What does it cost to use Luno? Does Luno charge any fees?

Contact us for more help. Buy, store and learn about Bitcoin and Ethereum now. We are using cookies to provide statistics that help us give you the best experience of our site. You can find out more by visiting our privacy policy. By continuing to use the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. BitX is now Luno. Price charts Bitcoin Price Ethereum Price.

How to add an Ethereum wallet How do invite codes work at Luno? Do I have any? How do I use it? What is a Bitcoin wallet address? If somebody wishes to send your Bitcoin, they can scan the code using their Bitcoin wallet and send Bitcoin to your wallet: The receive Bitcoin screen Navigate to the receive Bitcoin page: Related articles How do I receive Bitcoin using my Luno wallet?

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