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Guides Today, Bitcoin is considered the safest cryptocurrency out there. Not only has it withstand the test of time, it is scrypt n mining hardware comparison the network with the most computational power in the world.
However, this security comes with a cost, centralization. When Bitcoin was first created, mining was done in Comparson, meaning that anyone could hardaare from their home computer.
ASICs are basically big calculators that have only one purpose: To solve one or various specific algorithms. Due to this specialized machines,Bitcoin mining has become a largely industrialized practice, available only to those that are capable of hosting large mining operations. This is because mining companies have an easier time selling their hardware in bulk.
Since ASICs are specific for the coparison, they have made it impossible for regular users to mine from their homes due to the difficulty increase they brought to the network. In light of this centralization, one of the most popular altcoins today was created, Litecoin.
Companies were able to build ASICS for Scrypt despite the high memory requirements and no upgrade or change has been made in the network in order to change this situation. As so, Litecoin has failed its initial purpose. Since miners are required to vote on changes to the network, these would just vote against any change that would render their expensive compairson equipment useless, as he would have a direct monetary incentive to do so. As so, one must assume this hzrdware of centralized mining must be dealt with from the start.
Enter Scrypt-N, an algorithm brought about by Vertcoin. The idea behind the algorithm is that even if the memory requirements of the Scrypt algorithm used by Litecoin were adjusted, there would always come a time when it would not be high enough to haardware ASIC development impossible. Since this issue must be dealt compariison from the start, Scrypt-N is a perfect solution. The idea is that Hardwrae memory requirement will always increase over time, rendering ASIC development unfeasible.
This system allows small scale miners to exist. Even though some users can build large mining operations with multiple computers rigssmaller miners can still stay afloat as this kind of hardware is widely available. Instead of using a fixed value of 10, such as Litecoin does, the Vertcoin N-factor begins at 11 and gradually increases over time using the following schedule: Hardawre pools, despite providing a scrypt n mining hardware comparison service, centralize the network on a couple of full nodes that end up making all the decisions in the network.
Although miners can always change pool to allow their hashpower to be directed to a pool that votes on the proposals they want, there will always be miners that will rather not change due to fees or convenience.
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