Prediction Markets and the Blockchain

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Prediction markets also known as predictive marketsinformation marketsdecision marketsidea futuresevent derivativesor virtual markets are exchange-traded markets created for the purpose of trading the outcome of events. The market prices can indicate what the crowd thinks the probability of the event is.

Prediction markets can be thought of as belonging to the more general concept of crowdsourcing which is specially designed to aggregate information on particular topics of interest. The main prediction markets bitcoin wiki of prediction markets are eliciting aggregating beliefs over an unknown future outcome. Traders with different beliefs trade on contracts whose payoffs are related to the unknown future outcome and the market prices of the contracts are considered as the aggregated belief.

Before the era of scientific polling, early forms of prediction markets often existed in the form of political betting. One such political betting can date back towhere people would bet on who will be the papal successor. Economic theory for the ideas behind prediction markets can be credited to Friedrich Hayek in his article " The Use of Knowledge in Society " and Ludwig von Mises in his " Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth ".

Modern economists agree that Mises' argument prediction markets bitcoin wiki with Hayek's elaboration of it, is correct. The journal was first published inand is available online and in print.

The ability of the prediction market to aggregate information and make accurate predictions is based on the Efficient Market Hypothesiswhich states that assets prices are fully reflecting all available information. For instance, existing share prices always include all the relevant related information for the stock market to make accurate predictions. Surowiecki raises 3 necessary conditions for collective wisdom: The market itself has a character of decentralization compared prediction markets bitcoin wiki expertise decisions.

Because prediction markets bitcoin wiki these reasons, predictive market is generally a valuable source to capture collective wisdom and make accurate predictions.

Prediction markets have an advantage over other forms of forecasts due to the following characteristics. Next, they obtain truthful and relevant information through financial and other forms of incentives.

Prediction markets can incorporate new information quickly and are difficult to manipulate. The accuracy of the prediction market in different conditions has been studied and proven by numerous prediction markets bitcoin wiki. Due to the accuracy of the prediction market, it has been applied to different industries to make important decisions. Although prediction markets are often fairly accurate and successful, there are many times the market fails in making the right prediction or making one at all.

However, this information gathering technique can also lead to the failure of the prediction market. Oftentimes, the people in these crowds are skewed in prediction markets bitcoin wiki independent judgements due to peer pressure, panic, bias, and other breakdowns developed out of a lack of diversity of opinion.

One of the main constraints and limits of the wisdom of crowds is that some prediction questions require specialized knowledge that majority of people do not have.

The second market mechanism is the idea of the marginal-trader hypothesis. The method is built off the idea of taking confidence into account when evaluating the accuracy of an answer.

The method asks people two things for each question: What they think the right answer is, and what they think popular opinion will be. The variation between the two aggregate responses indicates the correct answer. The effects of manipulation and biases are also internal challenges prediction markets need to deal with, i. Prediction markets bitcoin wiki markets may also be subject to speculative bubbles.

There can also be direct attempts to manipulate such markets. In the Tradesports presidential markets there was an apparent manipulation effort. An anonymous trader sold short so many Bush presidential futures contracts that the price was driven to zero, implying a zero percent chance that Bush would win. The only rational purpose of such a trade would be an attempt to manipulate the market in a strategy called a " bear raid ".

If this was a deliberate manipulation effort it failed, however, as the price of the contract rebounded rapidly to its previous level. As more press attention is paid to prediction markets, it is likely that more groups will be motivated to manipulate them. However, in practice, such attempts at manipulation have always proven to be very short lived. In their paper prediction markets bitcoin wiki "Information Aggregation and Manipulation in an Experimental Market"[21] Hanson, Oprea and Porter George Mason Ushow how attempts at market manipulation can in fact end up increasing the accuracy of the market prediction markets bitcoin wiki they provide that much more profit incentive to bet against the manipulator.

Using real-money prediction market contracts as prediction markets bitcoin wiki form of insurance can also affect the price of the contract. For example, if the election of a leader is perceived as negatively impacting the economy, traders may buy shares of that leader being elected, as a hedge. These prediction market inaccuracies were especially prevalent during Brexit and the US Presidential Elections.

Even until the moment votes were counted, prediction markets leaned heavily on the side of staying in the EU and failed to predict the outcomes of the vote. According to Michael Traugotta former president of prediction markets bitcoin wiki American Association for Public Opinion Researchthe reason for the failure of the prediction markets is due to the influence of manipulation and bias shadowed by mass opinion and public opinion.

Similarly, during the US Presidential Elections, prediction markets failed to predict the outcome, throwing the prediction markets bitcoin wiki into mass shock.

Because online gambling is outlawed in the United States through federal laws and many state laws as well, most prediction markets that target US users operate with "play money" rather than "real money": Notable exceptions are the Iowa Electronic Marketswhich is operated by the University of Iowa under the cover of prediction markets bitcoin wiki no-action letter from the Commodity Prediction markets bitcoin wiki Trading Commissionand PredictItwhich is operated by Victoria University of Wellington under cover of a similar no-action letter.

Some kinds of prediction markets may create controversial incentives. For example, a market predicting the death of a world leader might be quite useful for those whose activities are strongly related to this leader's policies, but it also might turn into an assassination market. A combinatorial prediction prediction markets bitcoin wiki is a type of prediction market where participants can make bets on combinations of outcomes.

One difficulty of combinatorial prediction markets is that the number of possible combinatorial trades scales exponentially with the number of normal trades.

These exponentially large data structures can be too large for a computer to keep track of, so there have been efforts to develop algorithms and rules to make the data more tractable. Sincedecentralized platforms for prediction markets have been in development. These platforms utilize blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies to provide various advantages over centralized markets, but also more challenges for regulators.

Some advantages of decentralized prediction markets are as follows: Some risks associated with decentralized prediction markets are prediction markets bitcoin wiki follows: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

August Learn how and when to remove this template message. Journal of Economic Perspectives. Angrist 28 August The University of Iowa, Henry B. Prediction markets bitcoin wiki College of Business. Archived from the original on 30 November Retrieved 7 November The Wisdom of Crowds. Archived from the original PDF on 12 April Archived from the original PDF on 12 November Prediction markets bitcoin wiki New York Times. Conde Nast, 28 Jan. Archived from the original on 20 April The University of Kansas.

Archived PDF prediction markets bitcoin wiki the original on 27 January Retrieved February 28, Retrieved 31 January Archived from the original on 7 September Archived from the original on 13 June Archived from the original on 8 October Retrieved 6 October Putting crowd wisdom to work". Evidence from Google" PDF.

Archived from the original on 22 August Archived from the original on 8 May Retrieved from " https: Prediction markets Social information processing Market economics Survey methodology Forecasting.

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An assassination market is a prediction market where any party can place a bet using anonymous electronic money and pseudonymous remailers on the date of death of a given individual, and collect a payoff if they "guess" the date accurately. This would incentivise assassination of individuals because the assassin, knowing when the action would take place, could profit by making an accurate bet on the time of the subject's death.

Because the payoff is for accurately picking the date rather than performing the action of the assassin , it is substantially more difficult to assign criminal liability for the assassination.

Early uses of the terms "assassination market" and "market for assassinations" can be found in both positive and negative lights in 's "The Cyphernomicon " [2] by Timothy C. May , a cypherpunk.

The concept and its potential effects are also referred to as assassination politics , a term popularized by Jim Bell in his essay of the same name. Early in part 1, Jim Bell describes the idea as: The organization set up to manage such a system could, presumably, make up a list of people who had seriously violated the NAP Non-aggression Principle , but who would not see justice in our courts due to the fact that their actions were done at the behest of the government.

Associated with each name would be a dollar figure, the total amount of money the organization has received as a contribution, which is the amount they would give for correctly "predicting" the person's death, presumably naming the exact date. In order to prevent such a system from becoming simply a random unpaid lottery, in which people can randomly guess a name and date hoping that lightning would strike, as it occasionally does , it would be necessary to deter such random guessing by requiring the "guessers" to include with their "guess" encrypted and untraceable "digital cash," in an amount sufficiently high to make random guessing impractical.

Bell then goes on to further specify the protocol of the assassination market in more detail. In the final part of his essay, Bell posits a market that is largely non-anonymous. He contrasts this version with the one previously described. Carl Johnson's attempt to popularise the concept of assassination politics appeared to rely on the earlier version.

Technologies like Tor and Bitcoin have enabled online assassination markets as described in parts one to nine of Assassination Politics. The first prediction market entitled 'Assassination Market' was created by a self-described crypto-anarchist in From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The neutrality of this article is disputed. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until conditions to do so are met. January Learn how and when to remove this template message. Retrieved February 28, Archived PDF from the original on 27 January Archived from the original on October 24, Retrieved January 14, Retrieved August 22, Archived from the original on November 5, Retrieved November 19, Retrieved 22 July Cyberterrorism And Information War.

Thomas, Douglas; Loader, Brian Technological Aspects of Internet Crime Prevention. Australian Institute for Criminology, Melbourne University. Cryptography portal Internet portal Anarchism portal.

Lolita City Playpen Childs Play. Retrieved from " https: Crypto-anarchism Prediction markets Anarcho-capitalism Dark web. Views Read Edit View history. This page was last edited on 8 April , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.