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For mining latest lower-end HD or graphic cards, I found the ubuntu parameters to work best:. Charles Stross explains it well, if vehemently, here. The litecoin completely break the system. Worked great for a few weeks, until Ubuntu wanted to update.
I saw the Linux image link you posted back in your If using hard disk, simply reboot. Kill the running litecoind or litecoin-qt if any of them are running. Then you can close the ssh session and the miner will continue to run. Do you suggest to try jumper wire the riser shourtcut. Every time I increase the intensity HW errors go off like fireworks. Till many years back, before tourism and real estate property Praia do Forte took a giant leap, it had been a conventional fishing village.
In the archive that you download, you will see both 32 and 64 bit directories. Now as for Xubuntu Can anyone post weekly revenues? So, finding professional service is litecoin than you first thought. When I quit it shows mining stats, so it has been mining, mining seems as though display is ubuntu somehow. Next, you need to download CGMiner program, which is the Litecoin mining program.
I hate to run it on Windows, just because it's the only easy way to install it. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit a new text post. Litecoin Foundation Store All proceeds go to the dev's! A cheaper alternative to support the LTC network. Spend Litecoin The Math: Contact the mods Merchants are welcome to advertise new services, or the acceptance of Litecoin on their service.
No "I just [bought sold] Litecoin" posts. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. I need to install Litecoin-QT on Ubuntu does anyone know the easiest way? Want to add to the discussion? Download the zip; extract the binary file; double click it to run. However cgminer just displays a blank cursor when mining, no onscreen output.
When I quit it shows mining stats, so it has been mining, just seems as though display is disabled somehow. Hey Max thx your site big help now my miner is running Ubuntu Would like cgminer to auto run at startup do you have tips for that Thx Mike. Wow, after several tries, just instaled drivers properly, but: Driver AMD is ok: Home -p changed username. Im not even getting that far on a G Devastator core. Been stuck on this for a while. I followed your video step by step and everything worked wonderfully.
My current CGminer settings are: I 20, g 1, w , thread concurrency , I turn to 2. I removed all the settings related to the fans because it crash cgminer. Have you improved on the settings any?
Hi Max, just a little question. I see you on hypernova with a very high hashrate, do you have multiple rigs who gives you these results? I have built new rigs with 5 r9 x graphic cards and around 5 machines like that if you are getting 2.
Can you tell me how to set it up so that it starts Automatically when Linux boots up??? Hi Max, Thanks for this great guide! I also like to know how to set it up so that it starts automatically when Linux boots up. Where I can find the best config for my cards? Is the mining process takes a lot of internet data? I have a script that will do that I will post it soon so check back this week. Mining does not take any internet data you can almost run it on dial-up.
My rigs are in another part of the house. Hi Max, I am following the guide and everything goes great until I get to step fourteen. I have the same problem. Thank you for your guide… everything goes well until that command line is not found. Thanks for a great tutorial, I feel that I am almost there but when I run: I get the error: Cannot run in Benchmark mode with scrypt.
Then it crashes with a seg fault. My bad… I just noticed that you are using the double dash lol… for some reason it looks like one dash when you place the comment.
No problem thanks for trying Zsar. Any ideas for troubleshooting? HI Max, Thank you for this great tutorial. I have everything working till the last step the most important. I got the following error when I enter sh minenow. How come cgminer 3. No such file or diectory. Are you using older version of Ubuntu?
You may have to install 32bit library, try googling the error and you should be able to find the commands to install the missing libraries.
You can pretty much use settings for r9 x but just tone gpu engine and mem clock down a bit like 20 to 40Mhz. Try using Ubuntu if you can u should be able to run much higher than Windows. You have any ideas? I think its all about this ubuntu Thats usually an issue with the graphic cards if ubuntu doesnt boot. But Im doubt that windows 8. Thanks for the reply, and hey awesome new built rig too.
Thanks for the great guide! Unfortunately I can only get one card to work as well out of my 6 — R9 X cards. In Windows it works fine with the same hardware setup. Your guide ist the best, unfortunately I only found it after four days locked in battle with my rig! Anyhow, I have the same issue as above. This is odd since I have a second screen hooked up to it. I am using powered riser cables for both but I am sure this is a software issue with my AMD.
I am Ubuntu Any help would be appreciated. Thanks for all the help. Finally ordered everything to get setup. Hoping to get a leg up with litecoin. Yeah I was about to order a BFL miner but if you do the math, the difficulty is exponentially growing for bitcoins while litecoin difficulty is growing steadily.
We still have around 6 month window for people to get into Litecoins or perhaps more. Can you post how to make a headless miner? Also how to auto restart cgminer if power goes out? A question for Max I have a question that might be semi easy to answer.
What should I look for in video cards? I have researched a lot of cards and checked on the specs but need to ask what are the most important things to look at for this application. Now my problems — I have a two card rig working fine 2xrx — happy days….
So I decided to invest in more kit. I am using the same mb as you, and pretty much everything is the same, may my CPU is different sempron I have spent the last 4 days trying to build the new rig, the problem I have is I can get two cards to show, but when I add others I get a solid purple screenand Ubuntu fails to boot.
I have tried changing risers, seating gpu, even different gpu as I had extra.