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Mega Evolutions are a new type of evolution that can only occur during battle. For example, Lucario must hold a Lucarionite in order to Mega Evolve. Parterre Way Lumiose City Route 5: Versant Road Camphrier Town Route 7: Zubat Roost Route 8: Muraille Coast Ambrette Town Route 9: Menhir Trail Geosenge Town Route Brun Way Lost Hotel Route Available in the post-game after you upgrade your Mega Ring.
Between 8PM and 8: Catch Magikarp or Gyarados in Route 3 or Route Get help with games! Go to list of all games. Page last updated T Venusaurite Mega Stone Location: Charizardite Mega Stone Location: Blastoisinite Mega Stone Location: Alakazite Mega Stone Location: Gengarite Mega Stone Location: In Laverre City, talk to the black-haired girl in front of a house in the north area of town to get it.
Kangaskhanite Mega Stone Location: Pinsirite Mega Stone Location: Gyaradosite Mega Stone Location: Gyarados can also be caught in Friend Safari.
Aerodactylite Mega Stone Location: After getting a fossil from the researcher in Glittering Cave, talk to the guy on the right side of the Ambrette Town Fossil Lab. Mewtwonite Mega Stone Location: Ampharosite Mega Stone Location: Go to Azure Bay and talk to the old man on an island with a fisherman. Catch Mareep in Route 12, level up to 15, then level Flaafy up to level 30 to evolve to Ampharos.
Scizorite Mega Stone Location: Heracronite Mega Stone Location: Houndoominite Mega Stone Location: Catch Houndour in Route 10 X only and raise to level 24 to evolve into Houndoom. Tyranitarite Mega Stone Location: Blazikenite Mega Stone Location: Download the event Torchic available in Mystery Gift from October 12, to January 15, and level up to Gardevoirite Mega Stone Location: Available in the post-game.
Catch Ralts in route 4 or receive Ralts from Diantha, then level up to level 30 to evolve to Gardevoir. Mawilite Mega Stone Location: Can be found in the shadows of the first floor of Glittering Cave rare.
Aggronite Mega Stone Location: Medichamite Mega Stone Location: Manectite Mega Stone Location: Catch Electrike in Route 10 Y only , raise to level 26 to evolve to Manectric. Banettite Mega Stone Location: Absolite Mega Stone Location: Win at least one battle in the Battle Maison of Kiloude City, then defeat your neighbor in the north part of Kiloude City.
Your neighbor gives you the stone. Garchompite Mega Stone Location: Lucarionite Mega Stone Location: Defeat Korrina at the top of the Tower of Mastery to receive the Lucarionite. Receive from Korrina after defeating her in the Tower of Mastery, or catch Riolu in Route 22 or Friend Safari and level it up during the day when it has high friendship to evolve it into Lucario.
Abomasite Mega Stone Location: Rescue Abomasnow in Frost Cavern to receive the Abomasite.