LedgerX Processes Over $1m in BTC Swaps and Options Trades in First Week
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Bitcoin derivatives clearinghouse LedgerX has announced that the first bitcoin derivatives ledgerx bitcoin swaps have taken place on its platform - an important milestone for the nascent digital currency market that could ledgerx bitcoin swaps the door to more institutional involvement and, some say, the creation of the first bitcoin-focused ETF.
LedgerX confirmed rumors that it had already started clearing bitcoin derivatives trades in a statement provided to CoinDesk and a handful of other media outlets. Institutional investors and traders can now rely on a guaranteed clearing and settlement process when transacting bitcoin contracts," Chou said.
As CoinDesk ledgerx bitcoin swaps out, while the initial LedgerX trades appear to be exclusively bitcoin focused, the ledgerx bitcoin swaps of the license granted to the company by the CFTC in July allow for the creation of derivatives for other digital currencies as well. The company is reportedly working with options trading shops, asset managers, hedge funds, bitcoin ledgerx bitcoin swaps, family offices, investment banks and virtually anybody else interested in helping it ledgerx bitcoin swaps a market for the new contracts.
But now, trading in bitcoin options will be centrally cleared in the same manner as option contracts on equities. Bitcoin options trading has come a long way since latewhen the CFTC officially went after bitcoin company Coinflip for operating a platform for trading bitcoin options without the proper authorization - confirming in the process that bitcoin would be treated as a commodity for regulatory purposes.
In a market starved for volatility, giving the "big boys" the ability to trade with massive leverage on what ledgerx bitcoin swaps already the most volatile asset class in existence is just what some funds need to make their year as they swing for the fences with 20x or more in margin. Let the bank manipulation lower begin Take advantage of the huge arbitrage opportunity to trade your BC for PM before it's gone. In reply to Let the bank manipulation by razorthin. In reply to No naked short selling is by fiatliberty In reply to no need for that; just moar by VD.
In reply to the beginning of the end tick by cheka. All the different angles you come up with to attack btc I am starting to think youre a closet btc hoarder. If I think something is a scam I might say it once or twice, but ledgerx bitcoin swaps hit every thread with another outrageous theory. Please continue it is amusing especially as the price continues to rip. In reply to yep. In reply to All the different angles you by overbet. WMT, fang stocks, the whole market ripped too and made a lot of people rich.
Even gold ripped before. Things rip that arent scams. In reply to Madoff ripped too. I was loaded up on Comex gold options at the time. I know the feeling. Everyone around me thought I was a genius.
Many followed my lead into Uranium and lost bigly. In ledgerx bitcoin swaps to Whats the point? Ledgerx bitcoin swaps, fang by ledgerx bitcoin swaps. This is the worst thing to happen to BTC. When they discover how to naked short it -- we are screwed. In reply to I was loaded up on Comex gold by afronaut.
In reply to brass: Please explain more why qunatum computing is a risk for btc. You can't because it won't be and you have no idea why but you are just repeating things you saw but don't understand at all.
Please prove me wrong. In reply to keep dreaming. Ledgerx bitcoin swaps reply to Please explain more why by fiatliberty Show me the proof or stop making things up to support your narrative. Seriously I want to learn. You don't see me claiming scientists are on the brink of achieving alchemy fakenews.
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In reply to https: In reply to more insults. In reply to Not an argument. I love how your brain is unable to parse my comments. It's like taunting a dog over the intercom. A very unlikable dog. Ok, maybe a cat. In reply to bitcoin uses it? In reply to I love how your brain is by tmosley. Yeah, that's what I ledgerx bitcoin swaps you retard. It can be added to the BTC protocol in about five minutes.
While you will sit there and ledgerx bitcoin swaps like you always do. In reply to some coins is not btc. In reply to Yeah, that's what I said you by tmosley. In reply to so easy, yet not done. Still waiting on the evidence for the claims you are making. Should be easy for a smart gal like yourself who knows everything especially about really complicated stuff like digital currencies and computer science. In reply to Still waiting on the evidence by fiatliberty Usually the one making false claims is ledgerx bitcoin swaps one that needs to provide evidence otherwise it is true that scientists have finally figured out a way to make gold out of lead.
You can look that up on your search engine of choice; it will yield resultsIs your search engine broken? Please send me a link, I am always willing to learn new things unlike goldbugs. In reply to i gave you the evidence. Ledgerx bitcoin swaps reply to Middle man cut is the place by Arnold. Ledgerx bitcoin swaps guess you won't mind going into details and explaining what are those "quantum computing hacks"? You have no idea how a fork works don't you.
BTC supply is not affected, market cap is not affected, and price ledgerx bitcoin swaps not affected. A fork does not make more BTC. With that funny paper, yes.
Gold ownership is concentrated in the hands of Central Bankers. During the next financial crises they will dump it on the naive goldbugs to buy real assets and then laugh at the bagholders caught with the shiny rocks which have little real utility while they take ownership of all the factories, farmland, homes and whatever assets they wantSupport your local Central Banker and buy GOLD!!
Would any of the downvoters care to tell me why I am wrong? In reply to BTC ownership is by Xena fobe. If I have a endless balance sheet it's pretty fucking naked. Then there is a problem, and a fucking big one mind you. A great feature of digital currencies is that you can prove ownership of coins anywhere and anytime so you have to prove ownership of coins before you can short them.
In reply to If I have a endless balance by shizzledizzle. Sold and went to cash on the new highs. It is predictable now. In reply to Peanutz think this will be by tmosley. In reply to Yep. Sold and went to cash by HRH Feant2. Sort by Relevance Newest Oldest. Comments Sort by Thread Date. Items per page 50 75 If that isn't the Black Tulip singing I don't know what is.
Hardforks have only proven bitcoin's anti-fragility. Positronic brains are ledgerx bitcoin swaps real threat. Quantum resistant encryption already exists.
Some coins already use it, ffs. No need to naked short to manipulate. The window will be short this time.