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One such commercial opportunity is earning from signature campaigns. Signature campaigns are when your posts on bitcointalk all have a sponsored signature, and you typically get paid by the sponsor for every post you make on the forum. The best thread on signature campaigns is the following updated thread, which lists all the campaigns and their criteria for joining:.

You can easily make a bit of coin doing simple forum posting - for example a full member can earn 0. However, as you can see, there i have 9 btcbitcoin talk many opportunities for new accounts - all the most lucrative campaigns are for senior accounts. But how do you get to be a senior or hero member? It's not as simple as posting a lot - bitcointalk has a complicated activity formula to prevent people spamming their way up the ranks. The throttle on how i have 9 btcbitcoin talk members progressed up the ranks was introduced in in the following thread:.

In other words your activity level increases by 14 every two weeks, as long as you have made 14 posts in that two week period. If you have made less than 14 posts, it will increase by the number of posts, and if you have made more than 14 posts, it will increase just by 14 in the two week period.

It should take just over four weeks to graduate from newbie to jr member, another four weeks to make member, and another eight weeks on top of that to make Full Member. As you can see it is a slow i have 9 btcbitcoin talk. You can speed up the process by buying an existing i have 9 btcbitcoin talk, and of course there is a mini industry of people who go through the tedious process of creating and building accounts to sell on.

I am curious about something. Am I just going to have to write about the ICO that regulates the signature campaign? There might be some special reward but usually you promote the project by making good posts. You can place the order when you want, on this link: What is a signature campaign? The best thread on signature campaigns is the following updated thread, which lists all the campaigns and their criteria for joining: Here is how the Forum Ranks on Bitcointalk work The throttle on how quickly members progressed up the ranks was introduced in in the following thread: Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.

Thanks for letting me know, cheers. Thanks for the post, but how to obtain a signature tho? Do we have to be i have 9 btcbitcoin talk senior member in order to obtain the signature? As you may know, many ICOs' bounty program requires Bitcointalk.

Good one, worth reading.

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