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For those keeping track, this is how long it has taken the cryptocurrency to cross the key psychological levels:. There has been no news to catalyze the move, and as most recent buying, it has been attributed to excitement over the upcoming December 10 CFTC bitcoin futures launch.
In a surprising tangent, Sprecher gave another impetus for the bulls when he questioned the existence of natural sellers of bitcoin futures, or investors who short the contract, noting that much of the wealth in the bitcoin world has been amassed by data miners in China and algorithmic traders.
He decided that may not be a good scenario for one of his exchanges. They may have a reason to do that if there are additional state crackdowns: However, contrary to some headlines that South Korea would restrict crypto transactions, all this means is that the Blockchain Association, an industry group of some 30 cryptocurrency exchanges, including Bithumb and Korbit, said it will encourage customers just one bank account in the selling and buying of cryptocurrencies.
Under the voluntary restrictions, which will be implemented Jan. Currently, customers use virtual bank accounts when they buy or sell cryptocurrencies. South Korea is home to one of the world's largest bitcoin exchanges, with about 1 million people estimated to trade the digital currency.
I know I should be buying because it can only go up Then boom, back to zero. In reply to How is shitcoin doing? In reply to I know I should be buying by Newbie lurker.
In reply to I love the smell of tulips in by Stackers. If one altcoin is going to drop to 0 in the near future, that's Ethereum. In reply to IOTA. Kind of getting boring, LOL.
I'll by Luc X. Most can't even afford living expenses, for real! Actually, for me, accounting is very hard. I am a numbers guy, but the admitted logic of accounting just eludes me.
One reason I am pretty aggressively selling out my BTC at a measured but slow pace. In reply to Come on, this shit is not by MonetaryApostate. The haters sure do cry a lot. Big towers of salt. It's LiteCoins turn to shine and it is coming very soon. Hearing next 18mo will be insane.
In reply to The haters sure do cry a lot. In reply to Yeah fuck that man, this is by AUD. At least LTC competes on its own merits, unlike some shitcoins.
All crypto is going to go insane in the coming months. This is just the beginning. LTC gets many nice comments on its solid technology. But, it still does nothing to advance privacy? Or am I wrong? Our friend in the Philippines has covered the matter of privacy coins at some length. None at present is truly private.
Zcash maybe closest, but cumbersome; as far as I'm aware there's no straightforward wallet available I don't use exchanges , and I don't want the fuss of running a node. Vertcoin VTC too might be worth your consideration. Also, stealth addresses will be implemented very soon. I'm less happy with other features such as LN and atomic cross-chain, which are almost de rigueur these days but from what I understand can undermine robustness.
Like you, I sense something is tainted with BTC right now. So many unresolved issues. I sense a big correction before long, which of course is likely to impact all alts. SImply military branch of Inner City of London.
Would kill itself if Crown Corporation asked. Saying it will drive Ethereum to zero is a stretch, but at the very least it should take a big bite out of Ethereum's space. The Ethereum design flaws are so bad - not the concept theory and foundations, kudos to Vitalik for it, but the choice of the tech stack and architecture, that personally, sincerely I don't see them possible to address by refactoring but by a complete from ground rebuild of the stack, redesign and new implementation and that's what practically Cardano is doing.
Ethereum just grew too fast like prince wonder, founded by young guys with solid mathematical skills but lacking solid years of designing, implementing and testing software. Not only is this making it hard to play the game, but this scaling issue is a real concern for the Ethereum network in general. In reply to I think Ethereum will die by by Luc X. Look at Monero, I remember seeing it at This cannot go on infinitum, or can it???
But the winner of the crypto war if there is a single winner will take over the role of money globally. Hard to imagine higher stakes than that. Worship at the Golden Crypto Calf. You want your chip in your forehead now? In reply to Infinite? But the winner by tmosley. In reply to Sure. Worship at the Golden by Bay of Pigs. I take it that you'll be making a donation to the Bitfinex'ed legal defence with some of your profits?
You were spot on with your recommendation a week or so ago. What wallet do you use to store your IOTA? In reply to You were spot on with your by Mine Is Bigger. Servers are all melted.
Even if they weren't, withdrawals are suspended due to exchange wallet issues. Someone posted a link in one of these threads earlier going to an Australian service that anyone could send coins to and trade for IOTA. Don't have the link, and haven't used the service, but it might be the only option ATM, absent being a monumentally stupid idiot and leaving your coins on the exchange. In reply to What exchange is best to get by freedogger.
Directed Acyclic Graph is interesting, but I don't think the network itself is out of beta alpha? It mimics some aspects of "Proof of Stake", which I think has its own problems - so the jury is still out on that one. And yeah, don't leave any coins on any exchanges. Just common sense in crypto-land. In reply to None of them. Servers are all by tmosley. It's so buggy its more like alpha, but they call it a public beta.
They are supposed to be coming out with a better wallet that automatically handles all the arcane shit that experts have trouble with. Getting rid of the central coordinator will be a major step forward as well. I don't know where it is on their milestones, but I would consider that the end of the beta.
They themselves have called the coordinator something like "training wheels". You keep saying the more users the faster it gets????? The one I use is just off of their website, but it is buggy as hell. It may look like you have lost coins, but you haven't, unless you sent to an address you had already spent from, or used an online seed generator. Dozens of people had their IOTA stolen by doing so. I was also stupid enough to do that, but got lucky and didn't get the one that was stealing everyone's coins.
Use one of the methods listed in the comments here: I said it before that IOTA is NOT ready for prime time, but the damned concept is so amazing it has attracted the attention of the degenerate gamblers in Asia. In reply to Thanks. There isn't a good by tmosley.
Agreed, the wallet is a complete piece of crap. No inherent seed generation, won't even synch, etc. I bought IOTA on binance. As an aside, anyone fathom the crazy move in Monero all of a sudden other than all of crypto be going nuts?
I plan on holding onto that, as it seems to still be the best anonymous option left along with Zcoin. Bit my lip and bought more.
Wishing I hadn't taken the other half of my portfolio to cash now. It would take a week to get back in. Not sure whether I am going to take profits or wait to see what the hell this "Q" thing is all about.