How to Mine Bytecoin XMR-STAK-CPU

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Solo mining Bytecoin is fairly simple, download the Bytecoin simplewallet and daemon on the downloads page, and open up the Bytecoin daemon so it can begin to synchronize with the Bytecoin network. Once it is done syncing, open up the simplewallet and create a wallet file.

Now, in the daemon run this command:. However, solo mining is usually not as profitable as pool mining nor is it suggested, as it only uses your CPU and it would take ages to solo mine one block, however if you do you get the entire block reward: First, you need to find a pool to mine on.

A couple of pools are bytecoin. You can find the port numbers on the pool site. A great Bytecoin mininghow to set up xmrminer nvidia gpu mining software is xmrig, which you can download here: Once you have downloaded xmrig, open up your config file.

There, you can set how much CPU the miner can use, among other things. In the user section, put your wallet address make sure the password field is empty.

In URL, put your mining pool of choice along with the port number. It should look something like this: Pool mining GPU is a bit more bytecoin mininghow to set up xmrminer nvidia gpu, depending on your graphics card, you will need to download one of the following miners:. These two miners will both have config files, you need to start the miner up and it will give you your GPU config details, copy these, and go bytecoin mininghow to set up xmrminer nvidia gpu the config file and you need to replace the gpu conf null with your mining config details.

Then, later in the config file you need to enter your pool url and port, and wallet address make sure that password field is empty. And for these miners, no config files are needed, just drag the. Apr 24, Bytecoin Daemons v3. The 1st quarter has passed and we are very happy to announce that despite Mar 19, Buy Bytecoin Button and payment deadlines.

How to mine Bytecoin on Windows. Now, in the daemon run this command: Pool mining GPU is a bit more tedious, depending on your graphics card, you will need to download one of the following miners: If these two softwares dont work, you can try these software that work with most systems: Buy Bytecoin Button and payment deadlines. Getting started Downloads News Contact. Community Forum Source code Bytecoin wiki Blog. CryptoNote technology Website archive.

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