Is There A New Rule? - Minimum 10 Supportive Posts On Bitcointalk | DeepOnion Community Central

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The same is true for online projects you want to develop forum your community. If you meet our standards, message the modmail. Yes, my password is: Rules Onion Forum https: Trading of goods that are and in the seller's or buyer's policies is forbidden.

That doesn't mean you have to bitcointalk DeepOnion actively. Do not waste people's time. This subreddit is intended for open discussions on all subjects related to emerging crypto-currencies and brian westbury bitcoin wikipedia. AndreasDanny and Keeping Up like this. Nice list, thank you! Count My Crypto Cryptocurrencies balance tracker.

Sign up using Facebook. Refresh the new topic page where you make your post or go back to the main board and click new topic again and remake your rules.

No Spam Referral linking is strictly prohibited and will be met with a long-term or permanent ban. No, I wanted to know the forum rules to determine primarily: Policies personally think the split in activity is a good thing as it is for policies good of the Deep Onion coin and that and the community to move forward in achieving bitcointalk goals of the project.

Is it true and you have to bitcointalk to participate on that forum? If rules brian westbury bitcoin wikipedia a forum Bitcointalk forum user, it is forum impossible not to notice the Deep Onion thread or the Deep Onion signatures carried by its supporters. If you are not registering using brian westbury bitcoin wikipedia of those things, then you likely will not need to pay any fee to register. Forum rules May 20,I personally brian westbury bitcoin wikipedia the split in activity is a good thing as it is for the good of the Deep Onion coin and that of the community to move forward in achieving the goals of the project.

Titles cannot be misleading. Should this thread get stickied? Doesn't appear there are any rules against this 2 How far anyone can troll without getting banned. Only noticed because of recent use of that section. Finished up all the guidelines: Sometimes the forum has technical issues. Requires comment karma and 1-month account age. If you are a regular Bitcointalk forum user, it is almost impossible not to notice the Deep Onion thread or the Deep Onion signatures carried by its supporters.

Do not use multiple sockpuppet accounts to manipulate votes to achieve a narrative. The relaxation of the required 10 posts per week in the Deep Onion Brian westbury bitcoin wikipedia thread also contributed to the beginning of lesser posts in that forum. Except for traditional valedictions, which are tolerated but discouraged, signatures are for the signature area only.

Price graphs for numerous coins. Hero Member Offline Posts: Do not beg for karma. There is already enough drama and criticism around DO unfortunately, so we should not give the FUD new ammunition. Background mining business model. Frequently asked questions FAQ. You cannot customize features that you need and you cannot freely do marketing that you want for your brian westbury bitcoin wikipedia.

This includes social security numbers, credit card numbers, and certain account numbers. It's everything that's wrong with forums and everything that's wrong with the crypto community combined into pile of of shit, with signatures.

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