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Jeudi 20 avril 09h10 - 09h Jeudi 20 avril 09h40 - 09h Jeudi 20 avril 10h00 - 18h C'est une proposition qui sort un peu du cadre. Hexagon challenge est une sorte de codingame.
Jeudi 20 avril 10h10 - 12h They release emotions, they have their own life, they make you proud and they can help you inform and move others. This is why we embarked on our quest: We set forth to scour the earth in search of testers. Testers with interesting experiences and crazy stories to tell, but not having the words to bring them to life.
Our weapon of choice: A deck of hundred cards that inspires and supports these testers to craft, temper and shape their raw experiences into strong, red-hot stories of power.
Jeudi 20 avril croissance plus blockchain explorer - 11h A quick introduction to the Rust Language.
Code comparisons between Java and Rust, compiler features, type system, environment and integrating the two languages. Peut-on parler de cargo cult agile? Jeudi 20 avril croissance plus blockchain explorer - 12h Des hobbies, nous n'avons plus besoin: Jeudi 20 avril 13h10 - 13h Jeudi 20 avril 13h40 - 14h Mais versles choses se troublent.
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Que pouvez-vous faire, vous? L'objectif de ce croissance plus blockchain explorer est donc de partager cette experience et de suciter votre reflexion!
Des lieux de vie nouveaux et des paysages changeant, une vie sans routine dans un quotidien qui vient unifier vies professionnelle et personnelle. Jeudi 20 avril 14h00 - 15h Et si les Ewok prenaient le pouvoir et installaient Kubernetes pour remplacer Fleet sur ce CoreOs que se passerait il? Jeudi 20 avril 14h00 - 14h One important subject we analyse in languages is its type system. Having a general overview of croissance plus blockchain explorer type system provides information about the language structure, possible optimisations and may help us to understand how statements are evaluated.
Those are topics that we shall consider for when creating a new project. This talk will provide a gentle introduction to type theory, explaining step by step how we transform source code into logical statements. Jeudi 20 avril 15h00 - 15h Etes-vous utilisateur de projets open source? Unfortunately, those of us who struggle with complex problems for a living don't have time to keep up croissance plus blockchain explorer the enormous amount of cognitive science research that could help us become better thinkers, better problem solvers, and better decision makers.
A successful project usually grows, and Kotlin is no exception. We are adding new targets JavaScript and Native and new computation models coroutines. This talk is about our vision of the future of Kotlin as a language and a ecosystem. Jeudi 20 avril 16h10 - 18h Votre mission est simple: Jeudi 20 avril 16h10 - 17h Le nouveau framework de Google est disponible dans sa version stable depuis mi-septembre C'est l'histoire d'une application web. Current and past political events have initiated an extensive discussion on privacy and informational self-determination.
The vast majority of consumers states their desire to keep personal data private while in everyday life, they use services and approve privacy agreements that undermine their informational self-determination on a large scale. This contradiction is referred to as the privacy paradox. Such deficiencies inhibit their widespread use. Envie de comprendre le deep learning par la pratique? Jeudi 20 avril 17h10 - 18h You have great ideas. The people in your organization are smart. Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Croissance plus blockchain explorer -- the rest is easy -- simply make a transition plan and transparently explain the benefits.
These and other organizational change myths will be tackled by Linda's talk about patterns for croissance plus blockchain explorer new ideas. She will provide some useful tips for helping you start on Monday morning to grow any innovation step by step. Logback le faillot, Filebeat l'espion, Kafka le transporteur, Elasticsearch Le concept de Progressive Web App a pour ambition de permettre aux applications web de rivaliser, dans une certaine mesure, avec les applications natives.
Et si nous nous trompions? Jeudi 20 avril 18h10 - 18h Majority Judgment is a new voting method where voters are explicitly charged with a solemn task of expressing croissance plus blockchain explorer opinions precisely by evaluating the merit of every candidate in an ordinal scale of measurement such as: The mechanism and its properties are presented via real data French and US presidential elections, committee decisions, skating and wine competitions.
Croissance plus blockchain explorer 21 avril 09h15 - 09h ReGen Villages is a startup real estate development company aiming to build small, self-sustaining residential communities around the world. The first one is expected croissance plus blockchain explorer be completed in Almere, Netherlands in croissance plus blockchain explorer Vendredi 21 avril 10h00 - 11h Wondering what NoEstimates means in practice, or why you would want to use NoEstimates?
If so, you should attend this workshop session for a multi-team game that will help you:. For more information, including the game materials, please visit https: Vendredi 21 avril 10h00 - 10h Je vois bien ce que vous voulez dire.
Vendredi 21 avril 11h00 - 11h Il est possible que vous ayiez la sensation de manquer de temps. The emerging field of soft robotics represents an opportunity for novel solutions in the demanding environment of space.
There will also be discussion of croissance plus blockchain explorer interpretation of next-generation space suits as wearable soft robots, and the exciting potential mechanical counter-pressure presents. Vendredi 21 avril 13h00 - 13h C'est le concept simple et clair du revenu universel. Pourquoi le mettre en place? Vendredi 21 avril 13h30 - 13h There are more male coders than female ones in the world.
I don't know why. Little over a year ago I joined a French team of 30 or croissance plus blockchain explorer developers - only two croissance plus blockchain explorer whom were women. These numbers were surprising to me, coming from a team where there were as many women as there were men, and can be discouraging to girls considering a career in the industry.
But they shouldn't be. I'm here to speak about the life of a coder in Romania from a woman's perspective - not that it really changes anything. Coding knows no bounds - nor gender. Vendredi 21 avril 13h50 - 15h Vendredi 21 avril 13h50 - 14h React Native, c'est pas juste pour faire du Cross Platform. Vendredi 21 avril 14h00 - 18h Vendredi 21 avril 14h50 - 15h Bon alors y'a quoi dans Java 10?
I will discuss the benefits and challenges of working in the open and federated email space, the technical and usability hurdles surrounding encrypted email, and the importance of security-first development in the age of data breaches.
Vendredi 21 avril 16h00 - 16h WebAssembly est une proposition pour un nouveau standard W3C: Autant de questions que l'on va explorer ensemble. Quels croissance plus blockchain explorer, quelles deadline dois-je m'appliquer? Quand mieux vaut-il abandonner?
Vendredi 21 avril 17h00 - 17h They will share how they first get into programming, then why they decided to make coding as a career.