How to Buy Bitcoin Anonymously & without ID

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One of the hot topics being discussed everywhere is the digital currencies. About two years ago, people used to laugh at the person who wanted to bitcoin purchase without id Bitcoins for bitcoin purchase without id few dollars. But bitcoin purchase without id, almost every person wants to exchange their dollars with Bitcoin.

All this is because of soaring prices of the digital currency. It has made the transactions quite easy by eliminating the role bitcoin purchase without id third part or intermediary or bank.

The transactions in crypto currency take place directly between the seller and the purchaser. These transactions are recorded on a distributed digital ledger called blockchain. One of the gigantic problems that common people are facing, nowadays, is which bitcoin purchase without id the best crypto currencywhich is the best place to buy it, and which is the best way to buy it. Before answering this question, I would like to explain some basic concepts that may help you understand the realities behind crypto world.

Bitcoin is the most valuable and old digital currency that was made public in It is actually a digital currency in the form of a coin that is created after a lot of mathematical computations. Bitcoin is traded directly between the sellers and the buyers without any third party. All the transactions are recorded in an electronic ledger called blockchain. With the increasing use of virtual currencies, the number of websites bitcoin purchase without id these currencies has also increased.

Their number has increased from only 6 in to more than in With more than Bitcoin exchangespeople are worried about which is the best and trustworthy website to buy virtual currencies. After minute observation of various Bitcoin exchanges, we have come to the conclusion that Coinmama is the best and trustworthy exchange for purchasing or selling Bitcoins. Coinmama is an Israel based crypto currency exchange that allows the users to buy Bitcoins through their Debit or Credit cards without any hassle of verification.

This website keeps your transactions private to a great extent. Also, the website is so designed that the users can easily use it on their Bitcoin purchase without id and mobile browsers as well. This is because this method allows you to buy bitcoin purchase without id from any trustworthy place in the world irrespective of where you are sitting. Here, one thing worth mentioning is that most of the websites need verification for this process.

Others require SMS or any other kind of verification. Coinmama is the only exchange which offers its customers buy bitcoins without any verification. Following are the steps in buying bitcoins through this exchange without verification.

To buy, sell, or exchange bitcoins on any online exchange, you have to first sign up for that website or exchange. This means you have to open an account on that website. During this account opening process, you have to verify your email address. Some personal information bitcoin purchase without id required on this page and you have to fill these information and save them.

After filling in all the personal information and saving, a new page will open. This page will display various options. For example, you can enter amount of how many Bitcoins you want to buy. This may range between 0. This will take you to another page. Here, it is pertinent to mention that Bitcoins are always kept in wallets. These may be either hard or soft wallets. This wallet is actually the address where those Bitcoins that you have purchased will be delivered.

All this is done after the confirmation of payment. This page requires billing information and address. You have to fill in all the required information on this page and click continue. You will be asked to verify your Email and phone number. Most people will not need to upload a selfie. Just skip step 8 if CoinMama does not request this from you. There are two separate bitcoin purchase without id of verification. One is email and phone number verification and the other is ID picture uploading verification.

Do not log out of your account until Coinmama confirms your verification. After the completion of the process, Bitcoins will reach your wallet address in minutes. Founder and Editor of RippleCoinNews.

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Follow us on Twitter or join our Telegram. It is a big misconception - largely propagated by mass media - that bitcoin is an anonymous digital currency. The reality is that all bitcoin transactions can be viewed on a public blockchain and are linked to publicly auditable bitcoin wallet addresses. Fortunately, there are several ways you can buy bitcoin anonymously for those who prefer to keep their bitcoin purchases hidden for whatever reason.

Essentially, there are four ways you can purchase bitcoin anonymously. Namely, using cash on peer-to-peer exchanges such as LocalBitcoins, using a Bitcoin ATM and staying below the limit that does not require identification, using a prepaid card at specific online exchanges, and purchasing bitcoin on a decentralized exchange.

The most popular peer-to-peer bitcoin exchanges LocalBitcoins provides users with the option to make in-person purchases of bitcoin using cash. To do so, you have to log onto LocalBitcoins. Once you have found a reputable seller with several positive reviews, agree to meet at a safe public place such as a cafe or at a shopping mall.

Once, the amount, price, time and date is set, you can go and buy bitcoin in person. While this is a relatively easy and uncomplicated way to purchase bitcoin there is the viable risk of theft if you do not meet at a safe public place but also, there have been instances where LocalBitcoins traders have ended up making transactions with undercover law enforcement agents in jurisdictions where a license is required to exchange currencies including bitcoin.

Hence, buying bitcoin anonymously through in-person cash transactions on peer-to-peer exchanges does carry a certain level of risk that needs to be taken into consideration. Alternatively, you can also purchase bitcoin anonymously at Bitcoin ATMs. A Bitcoin ATM functions effectively in the same way as a cash machine from your local bank, except that you can buy and at some ATMs also sell bitcoin in exchange for fiat currency.

Usually, this amount is around USD That means you can simply go to a Bitcoin ATM in your city and purchase bitcoin anonymously at an ATM using your mobile bitcoin wallet. To keep your transaction as private as possible, it would be recommended to also use a mobile wallet that does not require anything more than an email address to use. In fact, most mobile bitcoin wallets will only require an email address to set up and use. This means if you want to buy a substantial amount of bitcoin you will also be carrying a substantial amount of cash on your person and you will spend quite some time at the ATM to purchase a large amount.

This could easily attract the wrong kind of attention if the Bitcoin ATM is situated in a bar or in a cafe. Bitcoin ATMs - much like in-person cash transaction using LocalBitcoins - are thus more of an option for making small anonymous purchases for safety reasons. Having said that, as with in-person cash trades, buying bitcoin anonymously using Bitcoin ATMs also carries a certain level of risk, albeit less than in-person trades do. If there is no in-person cash market on LocalBitcoins in your region and there is no Bitcoin ATM located in your city, then you will have to resort to purchasing bitcoin online.

However, whenever you log onto the Internet, you leave behind a trail of where you are due to your IP address , what searches you make, and which sites you visit. Also, most digital fiat currency payment methods, such as bank transfers and credit cards, leave a paper trail that can identify you as the buyer.

However, in countries like the US, you can purchase and load up a prepaid card at supermarkets and convenience stores without identity verification. You can then use these prepaid cards to purchase bitcoin online at exchanges that do not require any verification and allow you to pay with a card. When visiting these online exchanges, it is recommended to use the encrypted browser Tor or a VPN to hide your IP address to keep your purchases private while online.

Alternatively, one of the most private ways to purchase bitcoin online - and at higher volumes than with prepaid cards - is on the decentralized exchange Bisq using cash deposits as a payment method.

Bisq is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange that has Tor integration, which means your IP location automatically stays hidden when using the platform. Furthermore, Bisq requires no identification nor does it hold any user funds, which makes is anonymous and also safer than centralized exchanges. To buy bitcoin anonymously on Bisq, you can make a cash deposit for the amount of bitcoin you are purchasing and then show the confirmation to the seller to close the transaction so that you can receive your purchased bitcoin.

Bisq uses an escrow service to ensure all transaction run smoothly and also has a mediation service in case any issues should arise. Buying Bitcoin with Cash The most popular peer-to-peer bitcoin exchanges LocalBitcoins provides users with the option to make in-person purchases of bitcoin using cash. Using a Prepaid Card to Buy Bitcoin Online If there is no in-person cash market on LocalBitcoins in your region and there is no Bitcoin ATM located in your city, then you will have to resort to purchasing bitcoin online.

Buying Bitcoin on a Decentralized Exchange Using Cash Deposits Alternatively, one of the most private ways to purchase bitcoin online - and at higher volumes than with prepaid cards - is on the decentralized exchange Bisq using cash deposits as a payment method.