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TrueAchievements Log in or Register Free. Billionaire 3, 50 Reach 1 billion bankroll 1 gamer needs help. Author Solution Local Indian , , Achievement not yet won TA Score for this game: Maybe everyone who sees this needs to go over to the http: I'm a bit worried that the online, especially high stake tables, will die off pretty soon so even if you're a poker god, you won't find any matches in high stake games. Even if you're a poker god and online stays very active with randoms, this Achievement will take 's of hours in the maximum 5 million tables.
I wish I didn't start this crap. Posted by Sera Di Siah on 21 Aug 16 at I'm just going to Level up 6 or 7 accounts really high up into the 's and just reap the daily benefits and pass it over to my main account and probably get some of my friends that are playing to help. It will be a grind but this is nowhere near impossible. Posted by Chizzy on 21 Aug 16 at Daily bonus is not based on level Posted by Strategy One on 21 Aug 16 at Nobody will get this achievement!
Only billionaires can get it. Posted by Grim Reaper X79 on 22 Aug 16 at This does seem ridiculous.. My only guess is the payouts for challenges, levels, daily payouts, etc become much higher later on in the game when your level is in the hundreds.
They can't realistically expect anyone to get this otherwise. I mean I play mostly heads up and highest buy in for that at the moment is 5 million.. Posted by ProjectSix on 22 Aug 16 at Another TA member made a post about this on their forums, and the devs seem active and 'listening to feedback' from pretty much everyone who posts. I commented as well, I think it's worth trying for anyone who reads this to make a quick comment there too.
The more attention it gets, more chance we have this gets lowered. Posted by Sera Di Siah on 22 Aug 16 at U people R stupid for whining about achievements taking too long to get. Magic takes at least days to get an achievement on there. If u want a quick , go play something else Posted by lucas on 22 Aug 16 at Never said we want an easy G. You can't compare Magic to this because that is just a 1 minute log in each day, this is a massive grind.
This Achievement is just as useless as games played on Quake or 1 on GRAW, they could make many different, challenging or fun Achievements, not this. Posted by Sera Di Siah on 23 Aug 16 at It's unobtainable and confirmed by Games.
If you have this achievement, you are the game non-legit. Posted by Grim Reaper X79 on 24 Aug 16 at Confirmed by games? Posted by Local Indian on 24 Aug 16 at Posted by lucas on 24 Aug 16 at This guy has been registered on TA for 2 weeks, has 2 achievements. He has about as much pull around here as an anorexic woman in a tug-o-war. I don't mind playing poker for 1, hours. I'm already doing warriors orochi, so I am a glutton for punishment.
I dunno , maybe they'll add some higher stake tables or multi table tourneys with reasonably high buy ins , let's hope so. Posted by dainja raas on 31 Aug 16 at The devs have no intention of changing the achievement right now. So basically, get all the other achievements, then stop playing. The devs will soon realise what stupid game design they've done by putting this piece of shit achievement in this game. As soon as players stop playing, they'll be begging for people to come back.
Keeping this achievement as it is though? The online will die off quick as all hell. Posted by Dwaggienite on 01 Sep 16 at There are FAR more people playing this game for fun than are worried about this achievement. Posted by Krazie on 02 Sep 16 at And once people get the last achievement they'll quit playing anyways. Whether it's 10mil or 1bil Posted by lucas on 02 Sep 16 at And yes, I'm right. People won't even bother trying to get 1 billion, and we all know it.
Posted by Dwaggienite on 02 Sep 16 at I had to read the forum about the billion achievement and its really sick. Its not even real money but they try to make the gamers play like it was real money with adding a crazy achievement. I will never play this game, that's for sure!
Posted by MattiasAnderson on 13 Sep 16 at Then, that person passes them to the next? Posted by qwxx on 15 Sep 16 at That is possible but the maxinum amount of chips you can enter a tournament is Chizzy - I'm not going to say that's an ignorant comment or anyone else's who try to say this is "just a grind" and is doable , but some food for thought.
That leaves only ,, chips to go. At that rate, it would take 1, months to reach 1,,, with 10 accounts. Posted by Naberios on 02 Oct 16 at Posted by Alwindb on 04 Oct 16 at Posted by Naberios on 04 Oct 16 at The values are so far out of whack.
It has to be one of the worst thought out achievements ever. I would say only achievements that are truly unobtainable right out of the box or get patched to unobtainability and then never fixed are the only thing worse than this P.
Posted by Naberios on 08 Oct 16 at Naberios I'm not saying they want you to spend 50k but to get anywhere in the game you need a good start. The two biggest problem is that you need to hold 1 billion chips at one time and you start the game with only 5k i think it was.
Plus if you got a friend you can trust and it will take forever you really need mill each or just over. They try to say they want something for the long-term players to be able to work towards, but I think they just threw out a cool sounding number without realizing how it would actually play out in reality. Judging by how long WSOP was supported before it was shutdown, I can't imagine anyone will have enough time to "grind" this achievement out. I wrote it off as soon as I saw how the economy worked in the game compared to the amount needed for this achievement.
Prominence poker will be dead before this achievement is If anyone spends real money on this game they are stupid!!! Posted by Banco Billy on 12 Dec 16 at Posted by Oriole on 13 Dec 16 at I just want you all to know that myself and the other Designer are constantly looking at feedback from as many sites and social media as possible.
We attempt to address much of it, but a lot of this burden falls on our Community Management team. However, we do take all feedback very seriously. I do not know the logistics of changing Achievements through the consoles as it is a very involved process. Rest assured though, we have heard this complaint and we will be exploring our options. Posted by Bob CraneJr on 22 Dec 16 at That's great to hear, Derek.
Thanks for the update. Coincidentally, the game Pure Poker had some big achievement issues when it launched. So it's definitely possible. I'm curious, what are you guys thinking of changing this one to? I want to get a start on getting there!
Posted by StevesTurn on 27 Dec 16 at I feel like 10 million would be fair.