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So as you watch know that there is some oversimplification going on. Is it the Occupy protesters who are engaging in oversimplification, or is it the media that is oversimplifying their arguments?
Not all of the Occupy protesters are anti-capitalist! Thus, corporate taxes discourage growth and development in the economy. Personally, I believe growth and development in the economy are a good thing. Unhindered growth allows for innovation. Just look at the smartphone in your pocket. Any state-run phone company would produce half the product for twice the cost, and it would take twice as long at that!
Fortunately for us, the Market always finds a backdoor or a workaround to allow innovation to continue. That was perhaps the first step in the dissolution of the telephone monopoly. The Hush-a-Phone decision paved the way for and bit per second acoustically-coupled computer terminals, like the one shown below. One of the very first modems! That was the Carterfone Decision of The communications regulatory bodies in those countries clearly saw the benefits of allowing their citizens to connect new devices which allowed for both voice and data to be transmitted.
But wait, it gets better. Personally, I want as many people in the world as possible to be able to purchase and own devices such as the Cherry Mobile Ace. It is a form of empowerment through technology that nary a socialist would promote if they understood that only through deregulation can such things come to pass.
They would have to relinquish political power and their thirst for it in order to allow such empowering trends to fully develop. And whether we ever stop to think about it or appreciate it, the credit is due to Free Market Capitalism: People being incentivized to work and provide valuable products and services to one another of their own volition.
People doing business without being hindered by regulations or sucked dry by the tax man for some vaguely-defined and for-all-intents-and-purposes bankrupt social contract. Just look at our public schooling systems, modeled as they were after Nazi Germany to encourage compliance, complacency, and the production of anti-intellectual, subservient factory workers.
It just drives me nuts. Innovation is not commanded, nor is learning imparted through coercion. Bodily exercise, when compulsory, does no harm to the body; but knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind.
So who is responsible for this mess? The lobbyists and the lobbied are quite suspect. Increasingly, for me, the activists and the politically-active mainstream are too, though. Have things gotten tangibly better because of the state? It seems, instead, that the assumptions and presuppositions of the state are reinforced at every turn. It takes a brave and steeled soul indeed to lock eyes with the system and keep on walking.
Plutocrats and Peasants is what we are. To be a politician is to be a bought-and-sold man. And to believe so fervently in the potential of another politician, another movement, to pin our hopes on some new Inflatable Jesus Figure each election cycle, are we not succumbing to Uncle Tom Syndrome?
Let them believe they are making a difference, but avoid them like the plague at dinner parties. Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it.
Do not count on them. We certainly have massive socioeconomic and ideological inertia propelling the prevailing, dysfunctional, political machine, but we also have a budding trend of disintermediation, divergent thinking, open-sourcing-of-everything, and a renewed optimism in the world.
It becomes apparent when looking at many of the volunteer-based projects which have benefited humanity, say Wikipedia, or the Linux Operating System. But there are True Capitalists who continue to raise the bar too: Elon Musk is one example. Did I mention he plans to travel to Mars himself in one of his rockets? There are other ways to pursue peace, order, and prosperity for our lands and our communities. They rest upon the nullification and disenfranchisement of the individual, as opposed to his empowerment.
To take from Ayn Rand again:. The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.
A popular idea in our world today is that yes, I am inherently evil, that profit is inherently exploitative of, most certainly, my employees, but likely the environment, and the rest of my society as well. What do people think is done with profits anyways? What should be done about these evil corporate profits, he asks! Profits incentivize and propel future business ventures. If you think profits are truly evil, then what you should probably do right now is this:.
Surely the fat cats at the top are keeping all that money for themselves, right? Forbes did a breakdown of how Apple is using its huge cash reserves — all from profits — in order to evolve and stay relevant as a company:. No one else could have done it cheaper. I find this baseless demonetization of profits tiresome.
But, there is another more pernicious form of ignorance to contend with: That people readily dismiss how businesses compete to buy labor. Our naivete in this area leads to the creation of policies which fundamentally harm both minority groups and individuals: Because markets go where labor is cheaper, artificially increasing demand i.
Artificially raising labor costs through minimum wages hurts low-skill, impoverished, and minority workers the most. The law would simply gentrify the service industry, eventually getting to the point that only rich white college kids could work legally. Instead of lofting idealistic legislation into the congressional fighting pits, as in the example of Minimum Wage regulations, and hoping our proposal comes out on top, we should deregulate the markets so that more people can participate in them.
Innovation and wealth-creation cannot be commanded. We should stop trying to limit the market from doing what it does best: Provide us with exactly what we need for a low cost. If we could also address the issue of suppressed interest rates which discourages people from saving and Quantitative Easing via the Federal Reserve which gradually erodes our purchasing power the world would be a better, freer, and wealthier place.
But there are some things we can do to expedite the transition to a freer and more just world, routing around the broken political system. We should explore continuous, subversive innovation via disruption, disintermediation, decentralization, and democratization.
Examples of this path include:. All social services, up-to-and-including Government itself can be decentralized and disintermediated. Taking advantage of any of these or the above opportunities will enhance social and economic opportunities for you and your community while enhancing your freedom:. Basically, do all that you can to engage in and promote voluntary exchange. And pull others into it. This will, in turn, enrich the whole world. Liberate the economy and the state will fade into irrelevance.
We are not the Government; the Government is not us. Society and the State are not the same thing. The rise of democracy has conflated the two further. Consider how in Nazi Germany the extermination of the Jews was a legal and government-sanctioned act. The system is full of such internal contradictions. When we get down to it, the state is simply the institution occupying a given territorial area which has a monopoly on force and violence. If it commits some social good, then that is ancillary to its existence.
The state need be nothing more. It exists through and because of coercion alone: Just like as in War, there are no Winners in Statism. It is a zero-sum game.
One policy, one person, must come out on top. Of course, if that were true in economics we would have no more value in the world than we did when only 1,, humans roamed the Earth. Capitalism is a force for good; Statism a parasite. Free Market innovation is the reason we have a world of such wondrous stability and abundance. And luckily for us, there will always be people who wish to build and consume new and better things. State your preference for Bitcoin or barter.
Shrink the State, or obviate it by innovating around it. You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. The sooner you do — the sooner you opt-out and start participating in these new, disintermediated models of reality — the sooner we will all be free.
Yet another Capitalist Innovation; and yes, you can pay for more content later if you wish.