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We all know how difficult it has been to accept payments in cryptocurrency, whether it be via apps, websites, d-apps —until now. Am I allowed to be excited about a new coin? The philosophy at the core of OPEN is this: OPEN aspires to do the same in the field of cryptocurrency. And they can finally deliver something no one else has to date. OPEN has just recently premiered at the KuCoin exchange, and we are enormously excited to present this unique investment opportunity and concept to the world.

The team behind it is no less impressive. OPEN Chain operates as a harmony of several different elements: Neo onchainontology project reviewwhy i think neo could become bigger than ethereum uses the Rapid Consensus mechanism, thus preserving the integrity of data and ensuring speed. These OPEN States link to the backend of applications where they provide a source for every piece of on-chain data transmitted through the blockchain cluster. All data is processed on the fly and in parallel, via the Blockchain Load Balancing Protocol.

The Rapid Consensus mechanism processes all payments on the OPEN Chain, which then sends it through the Blockchain Load Balancing Protocol to make sure it gets quickly distributed to all chains within the cluster. There is an increasingly large demand worldwide for a cryptocurrency payment processing solution that would work as smoothly as traditional FIAT systems, but without having any centralized governing authority built into it.

This is neo onchainontology project reviewwhy i think neo could become bigger than ethereum OPEN comes in. Likewise, it is very simple to implement it on apps, d-apps, websites, e-commerce shops and other platforms. The cost-effectiveness of the system is second to none. Also, it has traceability in common with traditional payment methods, meaning that payments can be tied and tracked back to users, and account funds are verified before neo onchainontology project reviewwhy i think neo could become bigger than ethereum payments.

It works for both single purchases as well as subscriptions, and support for shipping logic and various metrics is also possible to incorporate. Larger businesses will appreciate the OPEN API, which will allow them to implement changes on an app-wide level, thus eliminating the inherent risks of new technology.

On the other hand, developers of highly popular apps and games will no longer be dependent on the existing payment solutions offered by Apple and Google. This will allow developers of new crypto-ready apps at any skill level to start developing their apps with no more fear of the complications related to payments and support. A decade after Bitcoin, it seems the world continues using traditional bullshit payment methods. Someone needs to stand up. Business owners that rely on blockchains are particularly fond of the speed it allows, both for themselves and customers alike.

Hard forks that were meant to speed them up and failedand weaning public trust have caused entire coins including large capital stores to fold. There is definitely a problem with most mainstream coins; this is where OPEN can step in to help. Taking in the lessons learned from existing blockchains — Ethereum being too narrow, Bitcoin too slow — OPEN has set out to allow supporters around the world to finally get their foot in the door, and into the game.

They do this by providing unprecedented speed, scalability, and wide-ranging cryptocurrency adoption. The team behind OPEN have made it no secret that major announcements are coming very soon — and certainly, those who get on board early on will have significantly higher margins, as well as a strategic advantage. If you believe OPEN to be the next big thing which it is! The difference is all about the technology inside.

How Do These Elements Integrate? All the coins, one form. In Conclusion A decade after Bitcoin, it seems the world continues using traditional bullshit payment methods.

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I give tooth that all of us watch times of the Wild West in the sphere a blockchain technologies now. It seems to me that every day, me tens of new ICO and projects in this sphere catch sight. Considering projects placed on coinmarketcap. I think that usually people select one of three ways: First way Some diversify the money between the most popular coins which have the greatest market capitalization - Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Ethereum - and store them. It is similar to an equivalent of a stock index in crypto - investment.

Their assets, most likely, will grow together with the market, and they very much hope to see essential profit. Select this option if you want to be in crypto - a trend, but you do not wish that crypto-likhorodka completely I absorbed your life. But most of people, of course, want bigger. This market develops so quickly that nearly an every week there is one more project which suddenly flies up to heaven in the price.

The syndrome of the missed advantage absorbs many because it is only worth providing that the price of some token reached clouds, and you remain on a roadside and only you watch, but you have no relation to all this. Thus, many people select the second option: Second way Others track Reddit and Twitter is read by comments and try to catch the good luck for a tail. And in it there is nothing bad; this method works sometimes too.

And here the principal reason for which this method works: Because the market very strongly depends on several large players of this branch. These people who post comments on Reddit, believe, they do not know anything else, than you. And it is the truth. You know that sometimes it is possible "to beat out gold" from these "trolls" because enough people do the same that is done also by you.

And if enough people suddenly want to acquire a certain token; its price flies up APEX. For this reason one comments John McAfee can advance the markets, and Jamie Dimon's comment can temporarily bring down the bitcoin price. But the third option is that which brings real money.

Third way As speak - "Feed a wolf of a leg". The third option is an operation by "legs", to be exact the head - reading, reading and once again reading.

Look for the underestimated projects and invest before all begin to speak about it. It seems, very simply, but, of course, it is hard. And as people very lazy therefore most of people of it do not do. I found out that I lay great hopes on the underestimated market class. And it is the Chinese market of ICO. But my principal council you — should not follow blindly information from this article, eventually, this article - only reflection of my personal judgement.

Thus, in this article I will explain the arguments in favor of why I read that this market is underestimated, I will produce the evidence in favor of these arguments and I will provide the review of some of projects which, in my opinion, have the largest potential.

I also want to provide the review Chinese a blockchain — the market. Of course all of us are familiar with many large players in the West: Y-Combinator, American Express, etc.

When it is declared creation of such partnership, of course it matters. But there are also Chinese equivalents which are of the same great importance for the market, but the majority in the West are not familiar with them. So that to give an effective assessment to projects in this space, we need to understand this space completely. I already emphasized at the beginning of this article why I think that the Chinese market can become the following market in which there will be a big boom.

Now let's consider it in detail. China, from the political point of view is ready to throw down a challenge to America as a global superstate. Let's deviate a little from a subject and we will argue.

I know that GDP not necessarily is the best index of economic power or potential, but for our purposes of it it is enough to give an approximate index of an economic situation of China in a pattern. Irrespective of whether was for the benefit of America to leave the Trans Pacific Partnership, it is clear that China succeeded, having filled a vacuum. Thanks to huge reserves of labor and flexible approach in the field of regulation, China can quickly and effectively use new economic opportunities.

Their efforts in the field of renewables are a striking example to all this. Not having glory as the country having ecological consciousness at all, China is in the lead in a pattern as the largest investor to spheres of renewables now.

Besides, the political structure of China allows any development to occur quickly. They can quickly develop and head global efforts in search span of solutions of the problem of renewables as they are the one-party state. There is no balance of forces and respectively there is no need to resort to process of vote of voters. And it in turn delays development as it occurs in America. It is very difficult to exert any impact on things when they are already accepted by society; it is much easier to impose early restrictions and to define the direction of this interference.

Quite recently Vitalik left this fund: Buterin stopped cooperation with Fenbushi Capital. We in the social networks.