POOLERINO (DOGE) - Altcoin Cryptocurrency Mining Pool

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Also, thanks to all who contacted us about sponsorship. Exchange - Current Price 97 Satoshi: This is how you can help: Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange: Send a mail for its inclusion on bter to: You cannot buy anything from it and it will never become popular. I remember downloading that funny meme coin client like a few months ago. Recently I deleted it after long inactivity because I needed space on my hard drive for porn.

Whether just collector value or actual transactions, we'll have to see. I'm not opposed to having stores accept more than one crypto, long as it poses no inconvenience. That's what this whole 'blockchain 2. Double time dubs AND post number dubs? This might be on par with the triple 27s It probably would've surpassed it if the hour was a dub. Maybe if you can get that you have chance at surpassing amGET the Almighty. Thanks for reminding me of another failure shitcoin.

It's the only way to avoid death, and I like fapping too much to die. Mint had hype in the pre-ann and after the 50 sato pump never had a brutal dump. The dev is getting it accepted everywhere and it has a lot of potential. Despite this I sold most of mine to buy Darkcoin as when darksend comes out of beta I can see it being huge. You also are just another dumb shill. PoS will be next. But isn't it more like ''reLogo-ing?

If our currency fails over here in Ukraine see: What's not to understand? It's a website I'm developing. You seem to have missed the updates here. It's still in alpha, but you already do some cool things. There are data for 2 exchanges for now MintPal and Swisscex. All the other features are being worked on.

You are welcome to try it out free registration, no email requiredbut keep in mind that there might be downtimes and changes it's alpha. What are the devs even thinking? Let's take a weaker hash function, it will be CPU-only? We need more power for PND, tho. Apparently I'm not good with marketing as it turns out. PND is so nice, it's like sitting in a zen garden, sometimes a breeze pass through, few leaves fall. I should have sold for a few weeks ago. I can't mine stocks. If they do this for a couple of months, it might be enough to give them a life of their own.

Is anybody here rich and willing to step to the plate? We need more people mining on the multipool. Most action is still on the bct market anyway. Quite power efficient and you can mine pretty much any algorithm suitable for a GPU.

What are you trying to do though? Tell me that you backed up wallet. In comparison PND is a super active coin Why would Craptsy want to add that? It would make the job of the multipool easier.

Cryptsy also has a voting page similar to mintpal now, pay for listing so to speak. I actually think that since that one service that introduced us to merchants coinpayments or something ended we would be better off not being in any exchange. Kinda new to this, what happened? Was there a shit ton of dumping or did Israel kill? How do I earn money in Doge?

Where does the numerical value come from since no one is actually using Doge for anything. How do I check? How do I check who am I? Also amDoge is the saviour and shepherd. This is me tomorrow morning. This is why mine PND, its value never changes by more than a few litoshi a week. You should always try to keep them below that Just by a few large fans and point them at your rig. I haven't mined Doge in months now. Welp, at least monas price is starting to rebound Also, I just checked my wallet and found an extra 10 mona.

Thanks to whoever tipped me: I like getting notifications while I'm browsing another tab I just used it to get a bunch of cheap Teslax3 cause you never know.

Can a brother spare some DOGE? I need some e-liquid. I'll make a shilly post on leddit too Can someone help me understand this https: It's basically just a mining contract? Then every day shareholders receive one th of the amount mined, you also can sell the shares later on the same terms as other currencies. Well, I've dismantled my mining rig. The profits versus electricity cost just doesn't cut it anymore. I've had a good run since November though, it was fun and I learned a lot.

I'll be using my stashed of various coins to play the market from here. Having to shut down mining is a real shame, but it's better than losing money. You should try to pick up an asic with some of the money you make on the market, just to keep the spirit alive, even though they're not that profitable due to too much upfront cost. Keeping up with mining is pretty useful for following the market, even if it's not a notable amount of income.

You pay to use someone else's cloud mining server and get paid based on shares you own. It's not some random "shitcoin. I doubt I will ever submit myself to the torture that is waiting for an ASIC six months after they said it would release. There is no point to this coins existence therefore, it's a gimmicky "shitcoin". What the fuck is the deal with Blackcoin? You jumped off the train at the wrong time. Just forget about it and move on to the next shitcoin.

Plus it's just another thing you can trade gamble. What happened to santa? Do you even crypto? It's dead man, leave it the fuck alone and get on with your life. It'll eventually drop back!

Not bad, since it's saturday I have some more time to fiddle with hobbies. Want back to my neet ways, it's soul-crushingly devastating. Personally I like having focus on the former. Are you literally braindead? I rest my case, buy Dogecoins and be happy. Even at toshis that's. But as we know, When BTC decouples price trend for the short term, the active coins follow.

Please feel free to hold me to this as i know everything i stated as a fact. Based on these facts I've remortgaged my house and sold my wife into prostitution. I'll be living in mansions strewn with nubile, teenage baby bazookas and pert, supple milk missiles aplenty come winter.

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Also, thanks to all who contacted us about sponsorship. Exchange - Current Price Satoshi: This is how you can help: Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange: If anyone is asking why on earth the threads are merged again, feel free to link them to this thread: Molly Machine on Today at Anyway, feeling pretty gutted, and exhausted.

But thought I'd at least be honest and say I have no access to my wallet any more. Honestly, how can 1 single person be this retard? I will respond to what I can I already said I didn't hate him. If anything I am impressed he can make anonymous people want to look immature to defend his honor.

Why would it be hard to make a coin? I'm sure there are a ton of guides on top of the source. Can I ask how experienced you are in programming? I feel like all the bad news lately has created too much doubt for decentralized currencies to be taken seriously for the average person. I also don't see why the people that run the world would allow it to gain mass adoption if it would just affect their profits. I don't know about doge either but I think a fun meme coin is the best hope for getting people that would normally have no interest on board.

I'm thinking about making a video for PND but I'm not sure if we are changing logos or not. There seems to be a push for a logo change and if that happens it would be confusing on my part after the video is released. I like Ryuuko better, but neither are a waifu. Over on [s4s] we have our own doge. Do you guys know it? Anyone can do it. Special is probably having a somewhat largish userbase gathering around a cause and hitting an exchange with satoshi.

They are bad for the market. What does that matter? I am working as network administrator and security engineer. I mostly just want to do it for fun and maybe even be able to use it as a reference later in life if it turns into anything.

I would love to think of something different to incorporate into the client. I think huntercoin did something with a game but I only looked at it briefly. It's not getting their attention. So how is PND looking? Guys im a bit worried now. I decided then to turn off the computer and let it sleep for the night. Is my gpu dying and should i stop mining? So I know how to dump coins, but how do you actually pump them?

There are exchanges in the third post. No big problem for dynamic IPs but still. Wait is some ass ravaged mod banning people for having their wallet addresses in their names? I guess it's technically in the sticky though. So do addresses start with the letter of the coin they represent? It doesn't save intensity settings. I hear that sometimes helps under windows. Does it change while the miner is running?

I thought it would test just once, when i run the bat. If it drops again i'll let you know. Can anyone send me some PND? I just started out. Keep monitoring your temps. This power company just put up this ad for new recruits. This is a serious listing. You can always sell once it's up again and buy something nice instead of worrying. Think of it - First employee paid with dogecoin. This would give some good headlines.

They're a really forward thinking company and they get in trouble with a lot of their marketing campaigns. I think I'll apply at least. Always remember rule 34 I think Wolong should quit trading and go into comedy.

But if they do let me know. Do you know much Ruby? I barely know js at best. Hourly reminder to vote on MintPal. Ultracoin is catching up!

Later that day he edited the post. Guys if pandacoin shoots off I think i'll invest into a mining rig, what do you think is best value for money in gpu's atm? This is to prevent you from sending money to the wrong cryptocurrency's wallet. Once it gets onto Mintpal the value will probably rise by a fair amount. Trading is a little slow at the moment, but as long as it doesn't come to a halt that's not a problem.

Did something interesting today? I hope your day was great: How do they choose what to add? Does being top of the poll guarantee it? Since Darkcoin was added yesterday, we'll be on there by tomorrow as long as we're still ahead of Ultracoin. PND was never meant to live, it was always meant to be a joke but all the bag holders wanted some monies. Dogecoin equivalent of localbitcoins has opened up. Moon time mother fuckers. There's a decent hashrate and some shilling going on. Now look at it.

PND is the third pandcoin, and is a sequel to a scam pandacoin. People are understandably confused, especially by having the same logo as the scamcoin. PND is too closely linked, despite the backstory. People don't want to learn about scamcoin backstories, they want gimmicks and innovation.

They want to be a part of something that is the first of its kind. First coin since Doge to not have any pre-mine. Don't get too attached to PND. Most investors still don't care. Anything you'd like to add? Any early adopters still ITT? The community determines the coin's feature. We are not pushing it into any direction. If people like to make something out of it, lets get involved.

Are you involved in BTC? I hope you aren't impacted by the mtgox stuff. But alas we weren't in for the money since the beginning, I had so much fun during the fuck wolong period. Not good for cryptos as a whole even though it is just one exchange. But I'll hold regardless. What is a site I can buy dogecoins with EUR? Kraken wants me to submit a bunch of legal work and that will take me a lot of time.

Satoshi wants me to wait days for a wiretransfer.