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The following sections run through installation, connectivity options, and a simple Hello World example. The Teradata Python Module has been certified to work with Python 3. Though these modules can be accessed directly, its recommended to use the base UdaExec module instead as it provides all the extra DevOps enabled features. In this example, we will connect to a Teradata Database and run a simple query to fetch the Query Band information for the session that we create.

We bitcoin qt exe data direct odbc driver UdaExec the name and version of our application during initialization so that we can get feedback about our application in DBQL and Teradata Bitcoin qt exe data direct odbc driver as this information is included in the QueryBand of all Database sessions created by our script. We also tell Bitcoin qt exe data direct odbc driver not to log to the console e. From the output, we see that one row was returned with a single string column. We also see quite a bit of information was added to the QueryBand of the session we created.

We can see the application name and version we specified when initializing UdaExec as well as the name of a log bitcoin qt exe data direct odbc driver. If we look at this location on the file system we can see the log file that was generated:. In the logs, you can see connection information and all the SQL statements submitted along with their durations. If any errors had occurred, those would have been logged too. Explicitly closing resources when done is always a good idea.

These features help simplify development and provide the feedback developers need once their applications are put bitcoin qt exe data direct odbc driver QA and production. What if we now wanted to run our HelloWorld. We would need to modify the source of our script, which is somewhat inconvenient and error prone. Luckily the UdaExec framework makes it easy to maintain configuration information outside of our source code. In this example, we remove all the hard coded configuration data and instead load our configuration parameters from external configuration files.

In this example, we make a connection to a data source whose name and configuration is defined outside of our script. The TDPROD data source is defined in our configuration file and provides the name of the system we are connecting to as well as the username and password. When not specified as method arguments, these values are looked up in the external configuration. This is true for almost all configuration parameters that can be passed to the UdaExec constructor so that any setting can be set or changed without changing your code.

As you can see, Bitcoin qt exe data direct odbc driver is attempting to load external configuration from multiple files. By default, UdaExec looks for a system specific configuration file, a user specific configuration file, and an application specific configuration file. The location of these files can be specified as arguments to the UdaExec constructor. Below are the argument names along with their default values. Configuration data is loaded in the order shown above, from least specific to most specific, with later configuration files overriding the values specified by earlier configuration files when conflicts occur.

In addition to using external configuration files, application configuration options can also be specified via the command line. If we wanted to change the table name we select from in the example above, we can bitcoin qt exe data direct odbc driver the table value on the command line e. Configuration options specified on the command line override those in external configuration files. You can set this value to False to prevent command line arguments from being included as part of the UdaExec configuration.

Sometimes it may be necessary to get or set UdaExec application configuration parameters in the code directly. As you can see, using external configuration makes it easy to write scripts that are reasonably generic and that can execute in a variety of environments. The same script can be executed against a Dev, Test, and Prod environment with no changes, making it easier to adopt and automate a DevOps workflow.

The UdaExec object automatically enables logging when it is initialized. If you create a logger in your script, your custom log messages will also be logged along with the UdaExec log messages.

By default, each execution of a script that creates the Bitcoin qt exe data direct odbc driver object gets its own unique log file. This has the potential to generate quite a few files.

For this reason, UdaExec also automatically removes log files that are older than a configurable number of days. Below is a list of the different logging options and their default values. Logging options can be specified in the UdaExec constructor, in the application section of external configuration files, or on the command line. The level that determines what log messages are logged i.

The number of days to retain log files. Files in the log directory older than the specified number of days are deleted. If there are problems during script execution, the log files provide the insight needed to diagnose any issues. When an error occurs during script execution, exceptions get raised that typically cause the script to exit. In some cases, it would be nice to be able to re-run the script when the error condition is resolved and have it automatically resume execution of the 2 remaining tasks.

This is exactly the reason UdaExec includes support for checkpoints. A checkpoint is simply a string that denotes some point during script execution. When a checkpoint is reached, UdaExec saves the checkpoint string off to a file.

UdaExec checks for this file during initialization. If it finds bitcoin qt exe data direct odbc driver previous checkpoint, it will ignore all execute statements until the checkpoint specified in the file is reached. In the example above, we are calling execute 4 different times and setting a checkpoint after each call. If we were to re-run the script after the 3 rd execute failed, the first two calls to execute would be ignored.

Below are the related log entries when re-running our CheckpointExample. This call clears the checkpoint file so that the next time we run our script, it will execute from the beginning. While skipping calls to execute help to resume after an error, there are situations where this alone will not always work. If the results of a query are necessary for program execution, then the script may hit additional errors when being resumed. A call to execute returns a Cursor into a result set, so we call fetchone [0] to get the first column of the first row in the result set.

If the execute call is skipped, then fetchone will return None and the lookup of the first column will fail. There are several ways we can workaround this problem. If it is desirable to load checkpoints from and save checkpoints to a place other than a local file e. Below is an example of a custom checkpoint manager that loads and saves checkpoints to a database table. To use this custom checkpoint manager, you can disable the checkpointFile and call the setCheckpointManager method on UdaExec.

UdaExec automatically sets session Query Bands for any connections you create so that the runtime characteristics of your application can be monitored in DBQL and Teradata Viewpoint.

Reviewing application log files along with the associated log entries in DBQL are great ways to get feedback on the overall execution of your application. The table below lists the name and descriptions of the Query Bands that are set. The only deviation from this specification is that UdaExec enables auto commit by default. Since only a single Cursor is needed most of the time, UdaExec creates an internal cursor for each call to connect and allows execute, executemany, and callproc to be called directly on the connection object.

Calls to these methods on the Connection object simply invoke those same methods on the internal cursor. The internal cursor is closed when the connection is closed. Calls to execute, executemany, and callproc return the Cursor for convenience. Rows act like tuples or dictionaries, and even allow columns to be accessed by name bitcoin qt exe data direct odbc driver to attributes on an object.

Below is an example. All 3 print statements print the same thing for each row. There are bitcoin qt exe data direct odbc driver where it may be necessary to use a separate cursor in addition to the one created by default. A good example of this is when wanting to perform queries while iterating over the results of another query. To accomplish this, two cursors must be used, one to iterate and one to invoke the additional queries. Like connections, cursors should be closed when you're finished using them.

You bitcoin qt exe data direct odbc driver pass bitcoin qt exe data direct odbc driver to SQL statements using the question mark notation. The following example inserts a row into an employee table. To insert multiple rows, executemany can be used. OUT parameters should be specified as teradata. INOUT parameters should be specified as teradata. An optional name can be specified with output parameters that can be used to access the returned parameter by name.

Additionally, a data type name can be specified so that the output parameter is converted to the proper Python object. UdaExec enables auto commit by default. Transactions can be manually committed or rolled back using the commit and rollback methods on the Connection object. The interface that UdaExec uses to perform the conversion is called teradata. DataTypeConverter with the default implementation being teradata.

If you would like to customize how data gets converted from strings to Python objects, you can specify a custom DataTypeConverter during connect.

The table below specifies the data types that get converted by the DefaultDataTypeConverter. Any data types not in the table below are returned as a Python Unicode string e. Sometimes it is necessary to execute a SQL statement even though there is a chance it may fail.

UdaExec makes it easy to do this by allowing clients to specify error codes that can safely be ignored. For example, the following execute statement will not raise an error even if the checkpoints table already exists. This will cause any errors to be caught and logged and not raised up to your application.

Teradata ODBC along with Teradata Wallet can be used to avoid storing passwords in clear text in external configuration files. As UdaExec uses dollar signs to reference external configuration values, dollar signs used to reference Teradata Wallet keys must be escaped with an extra dollar sign.

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PowerShell is a task automation and configuration management framework from Microsoft , consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language. Initially a Windows component only, known as Windows PowerShell , it was made open-source and cross-platform on 18 August with the introduction of PowerShell Core. NET Framework while the latter on. In PowerShell, administrative tasks are generally performed by cmdlets pronounced command-lets , which are specialized.

NET classes implementing a particular operation. These work by accessing data in different data stores, like the file system or registry , which are made available to PowerShell via providers.

Third-party developers can develop their own cmdlets and add them to PowerShell. These applications can then use PowerShell functionality to implement certain operations, including those exposed via the graphical interface.

This capability has been used by Microsoft Exchange Server to expose its management functionality as PowerShell cmdlets and providers and implement the graphical management tools as PowerShell hosts which invoke the necessary cmdlets. PowerShell includes its own extensive, console-based help similar to man pages in Unix shells accessible via the Get-Help cmdlet. Local help contents can be retrieved from the Internet via Update-Help cmdlet.

Alternatively, help from the web can be acquired on a case-by-case basis via the -online switch to Get-Help. Every version of Microsoft Windows for personal computers has included a command line interpreter CLI for managing the operating system. Both supports a few basic internal commands. For other purposes, a separate console application. They also include a basic scripting language batch files , which can be used to automate various tasks. However, they cannot be used to automate all facets of graphical user interface GUI functionality, in part because command-line equivalents of operations are limited, and the scripting language is elementary.

In Windows Server , the situation was improved, but scripting support was still unsatisfactory. Microsoft attempted to address some of these shortcomings by introducing the Windows Script Host in with Windows 98 , and its command-line based host: However, it has its own deficiencies: Different versions of Windows provided various special-purpose command line interpreters such as netsh and WMIC with their own command sets but they were not interoperable.

In an interview published September 13, Jeffrey Snover explained the motivation for the project: I'd been driving a bunch of managing changes, and then I originally took the UNIX tools and made them available on Windows, and then it just didn't work. Because there's a core architectural difference between Windows and Linux.

AWK , grep , sed? I brought those tools available on Windows, and then they didn't help manage Windows because in Windows, everything's an API that returns structured data. So, that didn't help. The ideas behind it were published in August in a white paper titled Monad Manifesto. A private beta program began a few months later which eventually led to a public beta program.

Microsoft published the first Monad public beta release on June 17, , Beta 2 on September 11, , and Beta 3 on January 10, Not much later, on April 25, Microsoft formally announced that Monad had been renamed Windows PowerShell , positioning it as a significant part of their management technology offerings. A significant aspect of both the name change and the RC was that this was now a component of Windows, and not an add-on product.

PowerShell for earlier versions of Windows was released on January 30, During the development, Microsoft shipped three community technology preview CTP. Microsoft made these releases available to the public.

Windows 10 shipped a testing framework for PowerShell. It is distinct from "Windows PowerShell", which runs on the full. Windows PowerShell can execute four kinds of named commands: If a command is a standalone executable program, PowerShell launches it in a separate process ; if it is a cmdlet, it executes in the PowerShell process.

PowerShell provides an interactive command-line interface , wherein the commands can be entered and their output displayed. The user interface, based on the Win32 console , offers customizable tab completion. PowerShell enables the creation of aliases for cmdlets, which PowerShell textually translates into invocations of the original commands. PowerShell supports both named and positional parameters for commands. In executing a cmdlet, the job of binding the argument value to the parameter is done by PowerShell itself, but for external executables, arguments are parsed by the external executable independently of PowerShell interpretation.

NET type system, but with extended semantics for example, propertySets and third-party extensibility. For example, it enables the creation of different views of objects by exposing only a subset of the data fields, properties, and methods, as well as specifying custom formatting and sorting behavior.

These views are mapped to the original object using XML -based configuration files. Cmdlets are specialized commands in the PowerShell environment that implement specific functions.

These are the native commands in the PowerShell stack. Cmdlets follow a Verb - Noun naming pattern, such as Get-ChildItem , helping to make them self-descriptive. If a cmdlet outputs multiple objects, each object in the collection is passed down through the entire pipeline before the next object is processed.

NET classes , which the PowerShell runtime instantiates and invokes at run-time. Cmdlets derive either from Cmdlet or from PSCmdlet , the latter being used when the cmdlet needs to interact with the PowerShell runtime.

Whenever a cmdlet runs, PowerShell invokes these methods in sequence, with ProcessRecord being called if it receives pipeline input.

The class implementing the Cmdlet must have one. NET attribute — CmdletAttribute — which specifies the verb and the noun that make up the name of the cmdlet. Common verbs are provided as an enum. If a cmdlet receives either pipeline input or command-line parameter input, there must be a corresponding property in the class, with a mutator implementation. PowerShell invokes the mutator with the parameter value or pipeline input, which is saved by the mutator implementation in class variables.

These values are then referred to by the methods which implement the functionality. Properties that map to command-line parameters are marked by ParameterAttribute [28] and are set before the call to BeginProcessing. Those which map to pipeline input are also flanked by ParameterAttribute , but with the ValueFromPipeline attribute parameter set. The implementation of these cmdlet classes can refer to any.

In addition, PowerShell makes certain APIs available, such as WriteObject , which is used to access PowerShell-specific functionality, such as writing resultant objects to the pipeline. Data stores are exposed using drive letters, and hierarchies within them, addressed as directories. Windows PowerShell ships with providers for the file system , registry , the certificate store, as well as the namespaces for command aliases, variables, and functions.

Other applications can register cmdlets with PowerShell, thus allowing it to manage them, and, if they enclose any datastore such as databases , they can add specific providers as well. PowerShell V2 added a more portable version of Cmdlets called Modules. The PowerShell V2 release notes state:. Code from a module executes in its own self-contained context and does not affect the state outside of the module. Modules also enable you to define a restricted runspace environment by using a script.

PowerShell implements the concept of a pipeline , which enables piping the output of one cmdlet to another cmdlet as input. As with Unix pipelines , PowerShell pipelines can construct complex commands, using the operator to connect stages. However, the PowerShell pipeline differs from Unix pipelines in that stages execute within the PowerShell runtime rather than as a set of processes coordinated by the operating system, and structured.

NET objects, rather than byte streams , are passed from one stage to the next. Using objects and executing stages within the PowerShell runtime eliminates the need to serialize data structures, or to extract them by explicitly parsing text output. Because all PowerShell objects are. NET objects, they share a.

ToString method, which retrieves the text representation of the data in an object. In addition, PowerShell allows formatting definitions to be specified, so the text representation of objects can be customized by choosing which data elements to display, and in what manner.

However, in order to maintain backwards compatibility, if an external executable is used in a pipeline, it receives a text stream representing the object, instead of directly integrating with the PowerShell type system. Windows PowerShell includes a dynamically typed scripting language which can implement complex operations using cmdlets imperatively. Variables can be assigned any value, including the output of cmdlets. Strings can be enclosed either in single quotes or in double quotes: If it is used as an L-value , anything assigned to it will be written to the file.

When used as an R-value , the contents of the file will be read. If an object is assigned, it is serialized before being stored. Object members can be accessed using. The PowerShell scripting language also evaluates arithmetic expressions entered on the command line immediately, and it parses common abbreviations, such as GB, MB, and KB.

Using the function keyword, PowerShell provides for the creation of functions, the following general form: The defined function is invoked in either of the following forms: PowerShell supports named parameters, positional parameters, switch parameters and dynamic parameters.

NET methods to be called by providing their namespaces enclosed in brackets [] , and then using a pair of colons:: Objects are created using the New-Object cmdlet. NET objects is accomplished by using the regular. PowerShell accepts strings , both raw and escaped. A string enclosed between single quotation marks is a raw string while a string enclosed between double quotation marks is an escaped string. PowerShell treats straight and curly quotes as equivalent.

For error handling, PowerShell provides a.