Testnet bitcoin server

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This will download the packages insight-api and insight-ui and run the npm installation process. The next time you start your node, the user interface will be available at http: After the node is synchronized, to operate with Bitcoin, a Wallet needs to be created. This will allow you to not only review what is stored in the Blockchain but also send and receive transactions, create new addresses, etc.

Most of the next steps will be done from the command line, but the information about the Blockchain state will be visible in the User Interface. After a wallet or a new address is created, it can be previewed on the website.

For now, Bitcore is able only to read the data from the Blockchain and does not support sending and receiving funds or managing wallets and addresses. We need to install additional software called the Wallet Service.

Other nodes do not need to operate with the local database but also do not provide a web interface, only the command line interface. This should automatically start the mongodb service in the background. Those steps will install the insight-api plugin for bitcore, the wallet-service, and the command line available from npm.

Now, Bitcore should be restarted. These steps provide us with the ability to operate on the wallets and addresses, but we still need to open a new wallet. The bitcore-wallet npm package adds two commands to the CLI — the wallet-create and the wallet.

They allow us to operate on funds, addresses, and transactions, but first of all, the Wallet should be created. The Wallet is the primary place where the funds are collected. The mechanism of Bitcoin assigns many addresses to a single Wallet. Now, bitcored can manage the funds that will be sent to one of its addresses. Because Bitcoin provides full anonymity and the transaction title, the sender's name or any additional information cannot be included in the transfer; we need to create a new address for each payment or sender.

All the funds received at the addresses that we will create will be automatically assigned to the wallet. The new address will be output. This address can be used to transfer funds to your wallet.

However, the question is how to get the funds into TestNet. Mining requires a lot of computational power, time and does not give you any guarantees that it will succeed. Fortunately, Bitcoins available in the TestNet are free, and people like to share them.

You can use one of the websites that will send you Bitcoins when you enter the address, e. Information about my test transaction can be found at the address https: Remember that TestNet addresses and LiveNet addresses are different. If you enter the LiveNet address into one of those services, the funds will be lost, because the networks are totally separated and do not know about each other. Now, we have to wait for the Bitcoins to be transferred to our wallet.

The first step that will be done by the external application is to broadcast the information about a new transaction to the TestNet Blockchain. You can find this transaction by entering the transaction hash number into the User Interface that we installed. It should have 0 confirmations. Don't worry if the UI cannot find this transaction. Check if the node is fully synchronized with the blockchain. It may take a little bit. The second thing that will happen is that the transaction will receive the first confirmation.

Now, the transaction is included in the last block and can be easily found in the Blockchain. From now on, the funds are in your wallet, assigned to the address that they were sent to. The third step is to get more confirmations. I described in the previous parts that the number of confirmations is strictly related to the number of blocks that are mined after the block that includes the transaction.

The more confirmations a transaction has, the more confident you can be that the transfer is legit. When the transaction has at least one confirmation, the Bitcoins will be assigned to your wallet. To check the current wallet balance, we can use an API method: This will display the current state of the funds that are assigned to all the addresses you manage.

Now, it may be time for the first exercise for you. Please create a few new addresses, send Bitcoins from TestNet to them, and see what happens. All Bitcoins sent to all the different addresses will be summed in the wallet. However, if you transfer the funds from your wallet to another wallet, Bitcoin will get the funds from selected addresses, sum them, and send them to the address.

If the sum is different than the amount of funds that you want to transfer and the Blockchain fee, the difference will be transferred to newly created address. Do not worry; this address will be automatically assigned to your wallet. On the left side of the screenshot, you can see all the addresses that are assigned to the wallet.

The transfer could not be handled by only one address, so the Bitcoin mechanism created a transfer from three addresses assigned to your wallet to the final address. However, the sum of the funds does not match the amount of Bitcoins that should be transferred, so a new address was created the 1ErMJjE46irGo8vn6hrqaSpJ3yow4Sx which is assigned to the initial wallet and the funds are back.

As you can see, you do not need to worry about the addresses that you created. After a while, there will be plenty of them, and you will probably not remember which was created for what purpose.

But it does not matter, as long as you can transfer the funds from a single wallet. Check out the Docker doc Get Started. Make sure you are working in the directory containing the Dockerfile. The first time you build the image may be slow, especially if the Ubuntu image needs to be downloaded.

See this StackOverflow question: Docker updating image along when dockerfile changes. Refer to the Docker Docs run reference for all the details. Note that docker run creates a new container each time.

To have Docker clean up the container when it exits, use the --rm flag. Read more about the Clean up command in the Docker Docs: Start Bitcoin in headless mode, specifying the datadir as the node directory which contains the bitcoin.

Both the node directory and the bitcoin. You should see the output Bitcoin server starting before being returned to the prompt. From outside the Docker container we can use curl to confirm connectivity to the Bitcoin node.

When the container was started using docker run