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Takatoku robot maker online had a growing amount of nice TF discussion lately. RIBFIR is a simple colorist's error that sadly infected hundreds of impressionable children's brains and has become a dangerous, virulent meme.

From ye olde comics. Dear GOD I'm a nerd. I just had to look it up on the wiki. Frenzy is Blue Rumble is Red. Rumble is Blue Frenzy is Red. I go by the cartoon. The point of this thread as laid out in the original post is to create strife and bile, not be helpful. Religious wars have been takatoku robot maker online over less. The cartoon says so.

If you don't believe the cartoon, I shit on your childhood. Keep those comic things away from me. They reek of Budiansky.

And Unicron would eat the Deathstar, nom nom. The genocide of the star bellied Sneetches and the inevitable government cover up that followed. You know what else the japanese are fond of? I can see that this is a foul conspiracy against the One True Color Scheme because not only is Topher espousing vilest heresy, but he is citing the wrong acronym!

What shall we fight about next? The artistic merits of Lord Ratbat and the Carwash of Doom? That's what I saw first unless you count takatoku robot maker online single slightly-broken Sideswipeso that's what I go by. No other logic will hold any water for me. Maybe they periodically switch colours for the very purpose of confusing everybody else? It's another Decepticon ploy! Don't fall for it!!! Evil Martian flingoes are invading supermarkets across the planet.

They have come to steal Earth's ammonia! F The cartoon says so. I thought the comics were lame too. Rumble is red, Frenzy is blue. It's right there on the tech specs. A Red Rumble Haiku: Toy begat cartoon Toy begat the Red Rumble; Cartoon begat lies.

And Frenzy is red! Soundwave would say Color is irrelevant. And I say Rumble sounded like a Brooklyn cab driver. You say the toys are the true source. This is from the toy company that had 7 mini cars bought from Takara but only released 6 with names and details and put the 7th in either a bumblebee or cliffjumper packing. I could inject more bile into this. How about I add a load of exclamation marks at the end of that paragraph? Maybe add a Megatron style Filthy Fleshcreatures to the start?

So takatoku robot maker online out of 10 for bile and vitriol. I guess the giggle dashed my chances to use that quote to create strife and bile, huh? Also, I am amazed that I have never heard of this issue before.

Minus 50 geek points for me. It has to be the cartoon first. Which toys would you use? The cobbled together takatoku robot maker online from 3 disparate toy lines? Are we talking Diaclone, Microman, or Takara? Going by the toys, Megatron should have a sword. Megatron isn't sword, he is mace.

Glowing purple ball of spikey-death. Megatron is blunt trauma! The Dinobots had pilot compartments! Where is Slag's pilot? Slag has missile launchers. Galvatron's function is listed as 'City Commander'. That's because Galvatron's original conception was as a counterpart to Ultra Magnus, who also was a 'City Commander'. Starscream is listed as the fastest of the Decepticons, but only has a speed of 8. Cars do not go faster than jets, I don't care how advanced they are! The cartoon that gave the Constructicons three contradictory origins.

I take what you shat on my childhood and fling it at you! In the live-action movie Frenzy may have been silver, but he had blue highlights The Hulk had GD purple pants!!!

The same cartoon that takatoku robot maker online Thundercracker's takatoku robot maker online to Starscream and vice versa. The same cartoon that showed an Autobot driving Hoist.

The same cartoon that had the Autobots flying in one episode and then not able to fly in another. The same cartoon that kept showing takatoku robot maker online numbers of identical Thundercrackers and Starscreams in the backgrounds.

I gotta give it to the toys. And none of this piledriver arm crap for Rumble, and especially for Frenzy. As I recall, Rumble was supposed to emit an ultra-low frequency to cause quakes, and Frenzy was meant to emit a high frequency to disrupt stuff.

But I could be remembering incorrectly. Oh, and for bile: I liked issue 75 of the comics, but the first were terrible. The toys are right and true, Ironhide and Ratchet don't get to have heads. Wow, I thought I was the only takatoku robot maker online who prefers the original toy versions of Ratchet and Ironhide. Very thin heads, but heads none-the-less. I dunno, Rumble looks kind of periwinkle to me. I don't care enough about Transformers to really have an emotional stake in the argument, but when has that ever kept a person out of a good flamewar?

For referring to the toy versions of Ratchet and Ironhide, that's a rule 3 violation at least. In fact, I think it's a 2, 3, 4, AND 5. Next thing you'll say is you prefer Megatron with the black helmet. But I won't see it 'cause you'll be on my ignore list. And if the toys are so almighty, explain Scattershot. The only toy with an extendable phallus! Since we're discussing takatoku robot maker online, What is the difference between Takatoku robot maker online and Skyfire?

And which of them is cooler? Feh, I'll stay out of this argument and stick with an easier answer. Rumble is bluey-purpley, Frenzy is red and black. It was in the cartoons, man. That's what I say whenever somebody tells me that the Flash can't fly. Didn't anyone ever watch the Super Friends? We need some poetry for this thread to properly mimic the truest takatoku robot maker online and bile. Sadly I'm crap at poetry. Not to fan the flames, but is Cliffjumper red or yellow?

Well, I had a Cliffjumper toy. It was yellow, according to the packaging picture on the front and the "stat card" on the back he was red. This is why I do not trust the toy line. Ergo, Cliffjumper is Red.