Solo mining ethereum cryptographic

Only top voted, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Tag Info users hot new solo mining ethereum cryptographic. Hot answers tagged solo-mining day week month year all.

It's not true for You are most likely mining on some test-net or your own private network. The solutions you find are part of a bigger solution.

How can i tell if geth is done running? The way I check is: Find out what the last block is. You are looking for currentBlock. ServerGuy 51 1 2. The first thing to check is if the node you are working on is synced. If it is not synced, it will let your mine old blocks and you'r balance will grow untill yout get synced. It then zero's yout out In the same screen as the checkBalance comand, try Compare the value in the log file in the field named number with the value of the last block here https: Igor Barinov 1, 5 You will almost never get reward as, during the time you will spend mining, the difficulty raise will lower your luck of mining solo mining ethereum cryptographic block solo mining ethereum cryptographic much that you will finally never mine one.

Nicolas Massart 4, 12 Can you solo mine directly to solo mining ethereum cryptographic address you don't have the private key for? You can set the mining beneficiary aka etherbase or coinbase to any address you want, even a one that nobody has a private key of. It's very easy to calculate reward probability with a little information.

Because of the law of averages and luck involved in hashing algorithms, your variance in hitting a block time-wise will average out over the higher amount of set data. Will I lose all mining time if I restart my miner? Mining isn't like, well, actual mining, it's more like flipping a coin; each attempt at finding a block is independent of the previous one. As a result, there's no 'progress' to be lost by restarting. Nick Johnson 5, 12 Does my mining situation sound normal?

You should calculate your average block mining time on something like etherscan mining calculator before trying to mine. It will take you an average of Pure lost plus you burn your hardware. I'm not sure how you got 1. Current network solo mining ethereum cryptographic rate is Plugging these into the calculation: Is geth --rpc --support-dao-fork still valid.

On hard fork the PR was introduced to support the network split and those two options were added. Solo mining ethereum cryptographic PR implements setting the --support-dao-fork and --oppose-dao-fork flags. As of now they only modify a single database entry specifying whether the current default behavior should change. Nowadays both options were removed and the official You can use different methods. Is it possible to stop-start solo mining ethereum cryptographic when going solo?

You can stop and start without hurting your chances very much. Mining doesn't take a fixed amount of time, there's no progress to be lost. Every 15 seconds you have a relatively fixed probability of finding solo mining ethereum cryptographic block, regardless of when you started mining. I think it would be geth -G --etherbase value 0 or 1 depending on how many accounts you have. You having 2 accounts, you choose which one you want. Default value is 0 so I'm guessing you want the second account geth -G --etherbase value 1 is what I think you would type.

By what mechanism are ASIC-based miners made less favourable? Manually calculating ethereum mining profitability. I have the formula, but how to get the data? Here are some ideas. UserHashMh A couple of options, best described in previous answers.

Might depend on solo mining ethereum cryptographic mining software you're using, or if you're part of a pool. How to quickly check Ethereum Hashing Speed? How do I check my mining hashrate? BlockTimeSec Using web3, subtract the Does running Ethereum Wallet support the network? No, you are just syncronizing to other peers and updating your blockchain state. Roman Frolov 2, 2 4 Simple clock sync to avoid time drift.

For MacOS, the solo mining ethereum cryptographic should work to sync the computer's clock with a time server though you seem to be on Windows: Ajoy Bhatia 4 Ether is a denomination of currency, like dollars and cents.

The reason why your balance dropped was because your Is it worth to solo with 1Gh? You can use a Poisson table to determine how many blocks you can expect to find in a given amount of time. So in a 27 day period, assuming difficulty does not rise, you can go to This was caused by somebody who tried to make copatibility with Fedora work.

Not an answer, just advice It doesn't really matter if you find a block or not, because in the process of doing so the graphics card of the laptop will eventually die. Laptops are not meant to be used that way. Binary Code 11 2. Ethereum Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled.

The solo-mining tag has no usage guidance. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Tagged Questions info newest frequent votes active unanswered. Learn more… Top users Synonyms. How to solo mine?

Does anyone have a link to a good guide, or can tell me how to solo mine? Can I solo mine ethereum instead of pool? Would I be able to solo mine ethereum solo mining ethereum cryptographic for a higher payout? Or should I stick to pool Manually calculating ethereum mining profitability. I have the formula, but how to get the data?

I have the following formula which can be used to estimate someones mining profits for ethereum: Does running Ethereum Wallet support the network? If I keep solo mining ethereum cryptographic Ethereum Wallet open, am I helping the network? Internet User 67 9. Some questions are raising in my mind. Shahid Karimi 1 1 5. Where did my 5 Ether disappear? I am mining on my personal laptop I just found a solution to a block using the ethminer, then using Geth I saw that I have 5 balance of Ether.

Now restarted my PC, and it's back to 0. Am I currently mining? I followed the instructions as shown here: How solo mining ethereum cryptographic Mine Ether and use Ethereum on Windows? Cant see mining reuslt on ethermine I've been trying different kinds of mining. I've tried to mine on windows using Claymore which, as I understand, uses a mining pool. After running for 1 hour, I can go to https: Simple clock sync to avoid time drift. Ideally I'd love a utility or Bruce Seymour 48 1 8.

Best mining tool or exe I am trying simple mining test. Now I want to buy GPU hardware for real mining. I understand that for mining we only need to mining exe no need geth or other tools or download blockchain or download Stack Overflow for Teams is Now Available. Ethereum Stack Exchange works best solo mining ethereum cryptographic JavaScript enabled.