Pair correlation between poloniex bitcoin and sp 500
They have mostly been unable to keep up with the increase of trading, which is a huge concern for traders and the cryptocurrency markets in general, since Poloniex is currently one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. Just in the past two weeks, the exchange has had numerous ongoing issues with frozen coins, the inability to execute regular market orders, stop-losses, and margin trades, and there are currently long wait times for withdrawing currencies from the exchange, even with previously verified accounts.
The first two trade stoppages were about 45 minutes long and the third lasted over 4 and a half hours! This would be a cause for concern even if it was a one-time problem with the exchange. However, these have persisted for well over a week now with no end in sight. Poloniex has attributed this to a spike in volume and issued a press release on May 16thbut matters have yet to improve.
It should be noted that the stoppage of many trades has occurred just as markets begin to make large moves in either direction. It should be no surprise then that many users are outraged at the continued failures of the exchange. It's simply unacceptable for repeated failures like this to occur, especially when some trades in currency pairs can be executed while others cannot. There have even been many reported instances of some traders being able to trade while others cannot.
If severe problems are occurring with the exchange, then all trades should probably be halted until the problems are corrected. I would encourage anyone who has funds at Poloniex to consider doing the same if things do not drastically improve very soon.
Find an alternative exchange where you can trade and actually withdraw your money without severe delays. You do not want to be stuck with the inability to execute a trade or withdraw your money, especially if the exchange is under multiple attacks or cannot handle the load of increasing volume.
I have been on both Bittrex and Poloniex. The coins on both exchanges you can expect Bittrex to follow Poloniex. The withdrawal fees may be higher but isn't it worth the peace of mind? At the time of this writingI have been waiting on support at Poloniex for 11 days and my trading is halted because of it. I had one support ticket at Bittrex and it was answered within 4 hours and resolved. I regret moving back to Poloniex and when my support ticket is finally resolved, back to Bittrex i go.
Poloniex is in deep trouble and the only thing keeping it up is all the uneducated, non-researching noobs and their new money. The whales are relentless when the eternal lag occurs pair correlation between poloniex bitcoin and sp 500 they let their APIs drive down prices while all buy and sell functions are rendered useless. The Trollbox is never ending requests to mods to"escalate" tickets with no results and bans for those that raise their voices.
They are the leader in alt-cryptocurrencies exchanges and they are about to lose it as new exchanges have emerged.
Poloniex is now the high school of exchanges and it is time to use others until Poloniex get their act together. High speed transactions require high speed support or it is worthless.
I have a support ticket that is "Being Processed" for 13 days now. I hate the Trollbox but I go in there daily to have a mod "escalate" my ticket. Read my editorial on my observations and findings about Poloniex. I have already came to that pair correlation between poloniex bitcoin and sp 500 conclusion. I have started using Bittrex almost exclusively and on occasion I dabble with cryptopia, but I have my own concerns with the latter.
I have opened up an account on Bittrex and will doing my purchases on there now on! Too many issues with polo. I started on bittrex when its fee was 0. I switched to Poloniex because their fee is only 0. However, it appears the BTC network partially uses fees to prioritize things.
I've had a withdrawal take 22 hours recently. So I started using bittrex again but their fee is now 0. It is stuff like this that makes me hopeful that one day we won't need to use BTC as a middleman to convert to fiat if we need to make purchases with fiat.
I am sure there will be more currency exchanges or another way to transact that is free or a smaller fraction than what either of these two charge. I do like the trollbox on polo though! Now following you dwinblood. It only means that all cryptocurrencies are dependent to bitcoin. Without it, we could not cash out. So there may be other options. Also what you described is NOW. That could quickly change and with the slowness I expect it eventually will.
But the problem with coinbase is that they are not yet doing business towards our country, philippines. Fees get adjusted once a quarter.
Bitshares was paying its witnesses plenty when fees were much lower. The only reason why we don't have volume is because "the uneducated" wont trade there I've switched back to Bittrex recently, because I was noticing how long it was taking for deposits to happen.
I've had no problem with Bittrex. Bittrex is where I went. I think it's the second best option after Polo, but I would love to see other suggestions as well. I was first at Bittrex but switched to Poloniex because the rates are usually slightly better.
And the volume is much higher. I found polo so much better for short term trading for those reasons. Sadly, they have to fix their stuff before I consider coming back. Volume may not be lower there for long, with all these people jumping ship from Poloniex. I've been slowly transferring my coins from there to Bittrex and hardware walletsas well.
Polo pair correlation between poloniex bitcoin and sp 500 reliable for a long time too. The same thing can happen to bittrex as well if pair correlation between poloniex bitcoin and sp 500 aren't equipped to handle huge volume and mitigate repeated Ddos attacks.
I hope bittrex is watching polo's struggles and making preparations to prevent these things from happening there. Though if you use shapeshift. I will be watching the situation and if polo gets their shit together, I will return. I prefer polo to bittrex by a significant margin. I don't do a lot of trading I prefer it's fees Poloniex is as dirty as Maxine Waters!
The answer is, decentralised exchanges! I'm done as well. D That's what I pair correlation between poloniex bitcoin and sp 500. And for the rest of the crypto there is other wallets. When you are on 2. I would really like to withdraw pair correlation between poloniex bitcoin and sp 500 crypto from Poloniex but I won't be able to get to the computer in the nearest days and do it from the phone is simply unrealistic.
Every such post makes me feel myself more sad and helpless Well, there's no need to panic right now. Just keep an eye on things and be ready to withdraw if you need to.
And be wary of the delays. During the attacks many users pair correlation between poloniex bitcoin and sp 500 outraged that Polo did not halt trading. Now users are outraged they are halting trading.
The sad part is how those problems of Poloniex not only affected the traders on their site. But this mess caused the whole bullrun to a halt multiple times. We need a well functioning decentralized exchange everyone feels comfortable using. And we need it asap. I've been noticing some of that flatlining I still use Poloniex "for reference" because they have higher volume but all my trading is pair correlation between poloniex bitcoin and sp 500 Bittrex now As the number of leaving users increases, it looks like Polo will eventually recover from problems of volume!
I have been affected about 5 times ish during pair correlation between poloniex bitcoin and sp 500 last 4 weeks when Poloniex had an alt coin pumping insanely. And suddenly the entire exchange freeze for minutes. And when it start to work. Its been Ripple, LBC and a few others. After the last big "SCAM" Friday it had become so obvious that it's insider trading in cahoots with Poloniex themselves that i just moved all my coins out of there.
Im pair correlation between poloniex bitcoin and sp 500 the only one that think that. Just read what i posted 3 days ago. What is their fee I mostly use such services as a steem to fiat gateway I convert to bitcoin and then transfer it to a visa card.
Arbitrage Exchange. Whilst these tools are available in many cryptocurrency. You simply type a few commands to the bot and it goes to work for you.