Neo geo metal slug 4 robot
Halfway through the game's story mode, the player is confronted by who they presume to be General Morden, however in the final stage they find an underground facility where android doubles of Morden are being manufactured. In their investigation, the group discovers that a rich terrorist organization known as Amadeus is behind the nefarious plot and has allied with General Morden's Rebel Army. Metal Slug video games List.
November 20, NA: One year after the events of Metal Slug 3 timeline wise, also after the Metal Slug 6which takes place after the 3 the world is trembling under neo geo metal slug 4 robot new threat of a mysterious but deadly cyber virus that threatens to attack and destroy any nation's military computer system. Two years later, Playmore published Metal Slug 4.
This article has multiple issues. A time meter will appear on the top of the screen, and if the neo geo metal slug 4 robot lives through the end of the level, they will be awarded bonus points for badges that represent feats accomplished. The discussion page may contain suggestions. Eri and Tarma were replaced with Nadia and Trevor. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.
Neo-Geo Mbit cartridge. You can help by adding to it. Articles needing additional references from December All articles needing additional references Wikipedia articles needing rewrite from September All articles needing rewrite Articles with multiple maintenance issues Articles using Infobox video game using locally defined parameters Articles using Wikidata infoboxes with locally defined images Articles containing Japanese-language text Neo geo metal slug 4 robot to be expanded from December All articles to be expanded Articles with empty sections from December All articles with empty sections Articles using small message boxes. This page was last edited on 14 Aprilat
This section is empty. January 31, PAL: The time neo geo metal slug 4 robot is determined from the type of emblem that is picked up. If the player safely escapes the base's bonus explosion stage, the credits will show the main cast eating a feast of food, but if the player gets caught in the explosion, the player character s will appear in the hospital, bandaged and bed-ridden, being brought get-well gifts of food from Eri and Tarma. Articles needing additional references from December All articles needing additional references Wikipedia articles needing rewrite from September All articles needing rewrite Articles with multiple maintenance issues Articles using Infobox video game using locally defined parameters Articles using Wikidata infoboxes with locally defined images Articles containing Japanese-language text Articles to be expanded from December All articles to be expanded Articles with empty neo geo metal slug 4 robot from December All articles with empty sections Articles using small message boxes.
A time meter will appear on the top of the screen, and if the player lives through the end of the level, they will be awarded bonus points for badges that represent feats accomplished. Single-player2 player co-op. Metal Slug 4 was mixed to positive received by players with users scores of 7. Views Read Edit View history. Finally, the player confronts the leader of Amadeus, who attacks with a series of powerful robots, but he is defeated and is trapped in his own devices as the base self-destructs, neo geo metal slug 4 robot killing him.
Finally, the player confronts the leader of Amadeus, who attacks with a series of powerful robots, but he is defeated and is trapped in his own devices as the base self-destructs, presumably killing him. This page was last edited on 14 Aprilat November 20, NA:
After the credits, a single computer monitor is seen transmitting data to an unknown location before shutting down. Single-player2 player co-op. While Metacritic and Gamrankings are given with Neo-Geo Mbit cartridge.
If the player safely escapes neo geo metal slug 4 robot base's bonus explosion stage, the credits will show the main cast eating a feast of food, neo geo metal slug 4 robot if the player gets caught in the explosion, the player character s will appear in the hospital, bandaged and bed-ridden, being brought get-well gifts of food from Eri and Tarma. Two years later, Playmore published Metal Slug 4. A time meter will appear on the top of the screen, and if the player lives through the end of the level, they will be awarded bonus points for badges that represent feats accomplished. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Eri and Tarma were replaced with Nadia and Trevor.