Naruto shippuden ep 344obito et madaravf

Hoozuki no Reitetsu - http: Will watch the rest. I can't believe I put it off for this long. Would have had a lot of potential as a full length show, they really screwed the pooch on this one TBH.

Finished Hideout, was pretty good. Will check it out tonight considering it's like 20 chapters. I ship YuutaXRikka so hard.

What did you hate about it? There was that one debatable incident in Geass, but generally it's a pretty solid story. Miuna too for that matter.

I really fukin hope Tw1tchy doesn't mean he's gonna start Death Note for the first time Also EagleStorm while that is very boner-inducing I'm talking about what you posted on Mal about two weeks ago Something about an asspussy If it is then the love triangle might yet breathe life. But dat scene, hnnnnnng, when will naruto shippuden ep 344obito et madaravf be mine turn to do dat scene. I'm doing good with Death Note, had to use up a lot of time today to organize my Winter season shows, download them, compare fansubs, organize them, figure out what order I was going to watch them, etc.

Death Note episode 2, cot damn son. Dam, will add to list. That's personally why I like it so much I don't see why. I'm legit impressed by the tactics used so far, very very eager to see what all Light can do.