Mining monero with cpu
MyMonero Make sure you save the string of words it gives you because this is basically your password. Once you have this you'll need to copy your XMR address. To do this find out how much cache your CPU has and how many cores it has. So I have a CPU that has 4mb cache and 4 cores. In order to figure out how many threads you want to use you want to divide your cache by 2mb. This has 16mb of cache and 8 cores.
You would think that I should be using 8 threads, but that isn't the case. If the amount of threads you should be using is equal to the number of cores you have subtract 1.
We don't want to use every core. Click here to look at my config file. This file is set up for 7 threads so remove as you feel necessary. Also you will need to scroll down and change the wallet address to your wallets address. If you open up the config file you will notice a section outlining how to enable huge pages on Windows. But if you are lazy here is a pastebin link to what to do. At the end it will ask you to reset your computer. It depends on whatever you are mining on and how many threads you use.
If you want to calculate this you can google an equation on how to work out the power consumption. This was very helpful information on how to maximize the efficiency of your mining!
For the record, we are referring to the L3 cache, correct? As a general rule of thumb: Cryptonight, the PoW hash Monero uses, needs a 2 MB scratchpad in fast memory, so you will want to have all your mining threads able to keep their scratchpad in cache.
So the optimal number is likely to be your cache size divided by 2 MB eg, if your cache size is 4 MB, then 2 threads. If that number happens to be higher of equal to the number of cores you have, then keep it to the number of cores minus one.
If you use the machine for other things at the same time, you will need to decrease that number, and by how much will have to be determined by testing. In any case, you may want to test a number of configurations, testing is quick and easy, and will uncover any deviation your hardware may have from that rule of thumb. Interesting, are you sure it is L2? This is why it seems confusing because even before knowing all of this information I was mining at a decent speed using varying cpu threads.
Maybe it is L3. The best way is to just test it out by swapping up the config file to see which amount of threads gives you the best hashrate.
I have one question for you regarding the config file setting up with the miner. My question is just when connecting the worker to the pool for supportxmr. If you mine for another pool just copy the pools URL and port number and replace it where I had mine.
I think that CPU is around years old too. Thanks for this example. Whenever it states accepted that means that your calculations where accepted into the overall mining effort and should be visible in the dashboard of your mining pool.
Now you actually can wait for your machines to have accumulated enough shares to be considered as a large enough share of the payout in Monero to the wallet you specified. For each individual miner you can always check the output of the terminal. You can even pick different options for solo mining, pool mining and if you rent or own the hardware. There are different profitability calculators online and they should all be taken with a grain of salt, since both difficulty of the network, amount of miners and some other factors will play a role in the development of the currency.
Monero recently sparked the interest of a lot of people, not least because a browser based miner exists, written in web assembly, which allows visitors of your website to donate Monero mining effort to you.
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Or just by putting the address and port I will start to get my calculations accepted? I am using https: Do you earn significantly more than with coinhive, with tools like for instance https: Could not resolve host: