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All Bitcoin datasets include daily historical data that you can download, graph, embed or access via our free Bitcoin API. Just click on any Bitcoin statistic or graph to see the entire data history as a time series.

End of day price quotes are usually updated daily at 6: Quandl provides weighted average end-of-day price quotes and volumes for Bitcoin versus many other currencies:. Quandl provides several measures of the size and value of the Bitcoin market, including the total number of Bitcoins in circulation, the market capitalization of Bitcoin, and the number of unique Bitcoin addresses in use. This section covers Bitcoin transaction activity data: This section covers Bitcoin transaction fees: Quandl provides basic statistics on the economics of Bitcoin mining: All of Quandl's Bitcoin price data and market statistics including full historical data is available for free via our unlimited, unrestricted Bitcoin API.

If you prefer, you can download Quandl's Bitcoin data using our free apps for Python, R, Matlab and more. You can also download Bitcoin data directly from within Excel using our free Excel add-in. Bitcoin is a digital currency based on an open-source peer-to-peer software protocol that is independent of any central authority.

Bitcoin issuance and transactions are carried out collectively by the Bitcoin network. Bitcoin relies on cryptography to secure and validate transactions, and is thus often referred to as a "cryptocurrency".

Bitcoins can be "mined" by users, and also transferred from user to user, directly via computer or smartphone without the need for any intermediary financial institution. Bitcoin transactions are pseudonymous and decentralized. Proponents of Bitcoin argue that it is not susceptible to devaluation by inflation or seigniorage in the way other modern "fiat" currencies are.

Perhaps nothing better illustrates how visionary the project was than the way in which they raised awareness for the crowdsale. Through that grassroots effort, The DAO managed to raise Being such a successful token sale and raising so much publicity came with one major drawback: Unfortunately a bug was discovered, and a hacker was the first to discover it, which led to approximately 3.

The majority of the money was repaid to investors by means of the infamous Ethereum Hard Fork, which led to the creation of Ethereum Classic. An innovator in the field of venture capitalism, Blockchain Capital BCAP is looking to help fund the next great initiatives in the digital arena.

The portfolio that BCAP maintains is impressive. With current investments in big names like Coinbase, Bitfury, Ripple and ShapeShift, BCAP stands to be an accelerating force for innovation in the infrastructure of blockchain technology.

A DGX token is an on-chain proof of ownership of 1 gram of Augur , which launched its token sale in July of , functions as a decentralized platform for prediction markets. By decentralizing the markets, it allows the average person to gain access to them. This therefore creates a more accurate predictive engine due to the wider swath of people participating and investing in their predictions. What makes Augur especially innovative is that it also allows the average person to make his or her own prediction market, centered around an event or idea of their choosing.

An important distinction to make is that Augur itself is not a prediction market. Rather, it is an open-source code atop which markets can be built. The amount of tokens an investor ultimately ended up with was determined by the percentage their investment made up of the total crowdsale and how early they participated.

Instead, owners of REP are expected to report on the outcomes of events within Augur every few weeks. Those who report inaccurate outcomes will forfeit some REP, and their forfeited REP will be distributed among those who reported accurate outcomes. Gnosis is a platform for creating prediction markets and is a direct competitor of Augur.

According to the Gnosis white paper , WIZ tokens will also function as the payment medium for GnosisPremium, a platform that will be actively supported by developers and allow for stable coins, customization tools and other premium features.

Gnosis will also offer a free platform, GnosisBasic, that will not be actively supported by developers and will have a less robust user interface. Kik recently entered the digital asset arena with the announcement of their own token , Kin.

This announcement may signal the transition of digital asset tokens into mainstream commerce. Kik currently claims a base of over million users, a figure which includes 40 percent of American teens.

Even though Kik has such a large user base, it has been difficult to monetize their digital services, and therefore innovate at a competitive level with the social media giants like Facebook and Twitter, who get much of their revenue through advertisements.

The Kin token itself will ideally be used in a multitude of ways by different companies, including Kik, all aiming to create a digital interactive environment based on the currency. According to the Kin white paper , there are already foreseeable uses of the token in the Kik app. These include establishing VIP chat groups that require an entrance fee payable in Kin to enter, allowing premium, user-generated content to be accessed using Kin, and allowing users to highlight their messages in groups for a fee, among many others.

Kik plans to sell 1 trillion Kin during its ICO event. Kik has not yet given any indication as to when this ICO will occur. Poet , short for Proof of Existence 2. Poet lets users generate an immutable ownership certificate for digital content, track and license content on the web and on the blockchain, discover new content, and verify the authenticity and authorized use of all available content.

Poet is an evolution of Proof of Existence, the first use case of a blockchain that was nonfinancial in nature. Poet can serve as a system of record, as a notary to attribute license payments and to facilitate multiple different payment across different license models, territories and content formats. Poet is a platform and a utility that will eventually enable developers to utilize the Poet catalog for new services, thus adding value to the Poet token and the network itself.

The Poet team plans to release 51 percent of their 3,,, tokens to the public in their crowdsale, with the rest allocated to the Poet Foundation, angel investors, partners and founding team. Poet is akin to Mediachain , a recent Spotify acquisition. Although there is a lot of corporate interest in blockchain applications, Poet believes that open-source communities are the future of blockchain innovation.

This token will be used for micropayments between advertisers, publishers and users. Back in when I was writing about altcoins, these were the top ten. Where are most of them now? The hype around ICOs is real and growing.

While the next big thing could be around the corner, the possibility of failure for any endeavor in the digital asset world is real. Because of this, it is important to treat these opportunities with cautious optimism.

Study the different ICOs carefully before reaching a decision on whether or not to invest. Many times, knowing and understanding the team behind the project is more important than the idea they are creating itself. About Terms of use Advertise Store Contact.