Litecoin proxy

We do list recently found blocks and their finders, but only for the sake of transparency. How do idle worker notifications work? You have the option to let the pool monitor your workers and notify you with an email when they go idle. Monitoring can be enabled separately for each of your workers , so if you wish you can have the pool monitor only a subset of your miners. If multiple workers go idle simultaneously within one minute , you will only receive one email listing all of them. You will not receive further notifications for any given worker until it starts submitting shares again, and in any case not before 15 minutes have elapsed since the last notification.

Can I use an exchange address for payouts? While technically possible, we strongly advise against using addresses provided by exchanges or other third-party services. One of the main problems is that you do not fully control these addresses, and in particular if a problem arises you usually have no way to prove that you are the legitimate owner.

On the other hand, if you create an address on your computer using any wallet software, you can easily produce a digital signature. If you decide to use a third-party address anyway, we strongly recommend that you do not lock the address. This is because at any point an exchange may stop accepting funds to an address and require you to use a new one yes, this has happened.

Why am I not receiving payouts? The exact conditions for payout are listed on your Payments page. Please note that for your own security, whenever you change your payout address all payouts are suspended for 24 hours.

It is perfectly normal to get this message a few times per minute. It simply means that your miner is switching to a new work unit, because the previous one is no longer valid. Because of the stochastical nature of mining, frequent work updates which are necessary for efficient merged mining do not mean that your work goes wasted.

That is also normal for some mining software. I've just started mining and all my shares are being rejected, what's wrong? Make sure that your hardware and software support scrypt mining, and that they are configured correctly.

Configuring a GPU for Litecoin mining strongly discouraged at this point can be particularly challenging. My miner shows up as online, but with 0 speed.

No, something is probably wrong with your configuration. See the previous question. Why doesn't the hash rate reported by the pool match that reported by my miner? Because of how pooled mining works, the pool has no way of knowing your exact hash rate, so it can only estimate it based on how frequently you submit shares.

After you start mining, it takes about 10 minutes for the estimates to become accurate. They will never be very precise , though; even if your miner's hash rate is steady, the pool estimate will keep fluctuating around the actual speed. The pool keeps reporting a much lower hash rate than my miner. If the estimate displayed on the site remains consistently too low even after a few hours, then chances are that you are experiencing hardware errors.

Mining software usually checks every solution generated by your hardware devices, and if one turns out to be incorrect because of hardware errors it rightfully doesn't even submit it.

Since pools can only estimate your hash rate based on how many solutions you submit in a given amount of time, their estimate will be lower than your real raw hashrate.

This raw hashrate, which mining software usually displays, is, however, not meaningful if the solutions your card generates are wrong. If using cgminer or one of its derivatives, such as BGFminer, you need to make sure that all not just the top one of the HW figures are zero or next-to-zero; if that's not the case, you need to review your settings.

There are many things that can cause hardware errors, but the most common ones are: It is worth noting that modern ASIC circuitry tends to deteriorate with time and use, and that when one of the many hashing modules inside an ASIC goes bad there is usually no way to fix it. What are stale shares? Servers provide each miner with some unique data that the miner must use to find a share. This data needs to be updated every time a new block appears on the Litecoin network, and that's why servers must promptly notify miners when they detect a new block.

Every second you keep on mining for the old block is wasted, because that block has already been found. You can use the Stratum Mining Proxy on any computer to connect to your desired Bitcoin or Litecoin pool. Then you can connect your mining software to the IP address of the computer the proxy mining software is running on.

All of the Getwork network requests from the mining software will be reshaped into the Stratum protocol and then forwarded on to the mining pool. You have two options:. If you would rather play it safe and stick to as many trusted sources as possible, or if you plan to make use of the Xcode IDE, go with the first option. To get started using this option you will need to install the Xcode. Xcode is a free download from the Apple App Store. The original Stratum Mining Proxy project was created by Slush , who also runs one of the more popular mining pools and is very involved in the Bitcoin community and development, from proposing the concept of pooled mining to proposing the Stratum protocol.

However his original project is for Bitcoin miners and pools only. You can either download the latest source as a zip file or use Git to clone the repository. If you downloaded a zip file of the mining proxy source rather than using Git to clone the repository, extract the zip file contents by double-clicking.

Use the cd command to navigate to the mining proxy source. For instance, if you downloaded the source as a zip file:. After this error continue mining but I don't make any coin…block and block again and sometime this error… Please help me. Hello sir i am runing my cpu litecoin mining with c: I am trying to complete step 4 but getting error message.

Can anyone help me out? I installed an old version and the button was in place. I attempt to copy and paste the command you have listed and my cpu just beeps. I try to type in manually and it still just beeps. I have both in the file, which I just saved to desktop as it seems difficult to save the downloaded proxy into the file with the minerd when extracting minerd file to c: A really good pool I can recommend is this: Hello, can solo mining be stopped and continued later on?

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