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References Summary This review looks at the basic concepts of Headframes, including design considerations and different types of headframes used in mining industry along with the further recommended articles. It supports the hoists and is used to transport the workers and materials in and out of the underground mine.

The headframes should be high enough to accommodate the sheaves and the skips comfortably. Mining headgear images gives the distinctive look to the mine and thus iages used as a symbolism for mines.

Headframes are also known by different names like gallows frame, winding tower, hoist frame, pit frame, shaft-head frame, or headgear. Usually made of steel, these structures can be A-frame, four post, six post, etc.

These types of headframes are very common in China, India and Africa. This is one of the most common type of headframe used in North America and Australia. It basically consists of a tower which houses the sheave wheel.

The towers are both made up of steel or concrete or both and are usually supported by a backleg truss. A tower type headframe, McArthur River, Cameco The hyperbits bitcoin billionaire private limited of steel or concrete should be done prior to the headframe design based on the advantages and disadvantages of each.

They can be compared on the basis of the foundations, construction, accommodation of shaft sinker, appurtenances, structural stiffness and damping effects, plant layout, adaptability to future changes and additions, reclamation, corrosion, durability and maintenance, aesthetics, and cost. Flexible design Long spans of unsupported beams possible Construction mostly unaffected by the weather condition The overall structure weighs much less than concrete Generally less expensive than concrete structures Better suited for temporary mines as steel headframes have resale value Prone to corrosion Open structures and hence needs covering if the headframes have to be used for material storage or habitation.

This is the oldest still existing headframe in Germany, build in Source: More click at this page than steel under mechanical hyperbits bitcoin billionaire private limited The structures can be used for storing materials or habitation "Mining headgear images" more appealing than the steel structures Not prone to corrosion Construction mostly affected by the weather condition as adequate time is required for curing Generally more expensive than steel structures Doesn't have resale value Concrete Headgear at the Mining headgear images Diamond Mine One of the tallest concrete headgear is at 16 shaft at Impala Platinum Mine in South Africa.

Both steel and concrete headframes have associated advantages and disadvantages imagfs their use. A comparison between the two is mentioned below: Steel Headframe Less expensive hyperbits bitcoin billionaire private limited concrete head frame - More adaptable to modifications on any constructional errors - Lighter and require less substantial foundations - Construction of minkng headframe can easily be interrupted and restarted if necessary for statutory hyperbits bitcoin billionaire private limited or bad weather Concrete cannot Easy to demolish in case of mine hyperbits bitcoin billionaire private limited and may have scrap value Difficult to demolish and will give no scrap values - Require lesser maintenance than steel headframe - It requires cladding and insulation to protect from weather It provides an enclosure upon construction - Less susceptible to vibrations and sway less in high winds Use: Traditionally used when a drum hoist is employed Use: Various factors affect the design of the headframe such as the type of hoist used, the ground conditions, the estimated lifespan of the hyperbits bitcoin billionaire private limited temporary or permanent headframegeographical limitations, etc.

Hyperbits bitcoin billionaire private limited support design and structural engineering of a headframe are based on mine capacity, product, material weight, the depth of the shaft, speed of production and volume produced and several other determining factors. The specific final design of the headframe needs to involve SME consideration of the hoisting system, including:.

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