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In the wild cannabis is a wind-pollinated plant, so it only spends energy growing and fattening buds that are exposed to a breeze and the sun. To make sure the buds are getting a breeze, each big cola on your plant should have a few inches of space around it that it's not sharing with leaves or other buds. Density Boosting Supplements — There are two main classes of bloom-boosters. Some growers also use Blackstrap molasses in order to accomplish many of the same goals without needing a special plant supplement.
Don't harvest too early! Harvesting too early will prevent your buds from finishing up. They gain a lot of weight and density during the last few weeks before harvest, and you're hindering all your hard work by not waiting just a little longer.
Don't overwater your plants — it's boring but true! Not much to say about this, but don't overlook this common issue and make sure to water your plants right. If your plants leaves are droopy, it means you could be missing out on better growth!
Continue reading to learn more in depth about these tactics and techniques to boost buds density! Provide enough light but not too much. Bright but not too bright. When new growers have problems with light, it's usually that their grow is under-powered. Although plants will grow under these types of light in the vegetative stage, they're not powerful enough to really drive bud growth in the flowering stage. Which cannabis grow light works best? The next most common reason growers have trouble with light levels is they keep their grow lights too close or too far away from their plants.
If cool enough, these can be kept just inches away from plants. Make sure all parts of the plants are within a few inches of a fluorescent bulb for the densest buds. The more powerful LEDs may need to be kept even further away to prevent bud and leaf burn in the second half of the flowering stage. CFL grow lights should be kept as close to buds as possible as long as heat is under control. If they're kept more than a few inches away from the buds, like these ones, the buds will never fatten up or become dense.
HPS lights produce intense light levels and give off a color spectrum that is ideal for big yields and very dense buds. Learn more about finding the right size HPS for your space. Close but not too close! Indica-dominant strains tend to produce more dense buds though not always of course.
To a certain degree, density is determined by strain. Sativa-dominant strains can still be high-yielding so you may end up with very long buds as opposed to small thick nuggets like with some indica-leaning strains. There are sometimes different versions of strains by different breeders. So when researching strains, always pay attention to the breeder in addition to the strain name.
Learn about some trusted breeders. Again, also pay attention to the strain breeder. Some of the reviews are in German or other languages. While it isn't always possible to control temperature , there's a lot you can do especially indoors to keep temps at the optimum levels for bud development. Choosing a suitable strain for your growing environment will also make a big difference. Cold temps can also keep buds from developing, like this outdoor plant grown in a cold climate. Cold temps can also cause leaves and stems to turn purple.
Purple leaves can be problematic since green leaves make more energy from light. Instead of relying just on a strain's classification as Indica or Sativa, it's important to learn about the particular strain and how it reacts to heat and cold.
Even more importantly, watch your plant for signs of stress! Don't forget about pH! In the budding stage, make sure to provide a little Nitrogen, a lot of Potassium, and a good source of Phosphorus.
Giving relatively low levels of Nitrogen during the flowering stage helps buds fatten up. Nutrient bottles list their nutrient levels with 3 numbers. These numbers stand for N-P-K levels. Avoid nutrients that are labeled "Grow," "Vegetative" or "All-Purpose" in the flowering stage! In an emergency, if you can't find specific Bloom nutrients, get cactus nutrients as they use a similar nutrient ratio as flowering cannabis plants.
As a bonus, when starting with properly composted soil, it's the one time you don't need to worry about pH! Learn more about cannabis nutrients. Buds hidden in the plant by leaves without access to much airflow or light stay airy and tend to never fatten up or become dense.
In fact, buds sitting in stagnant, non-moving air may stop developing completely. This is why you often see small buds on very leafy plants! Let me show you how much a difference it makes to expose buds to bright light and air.
This example used defoliation. Defoliation should only be used on very leafy, healthy plants that are under bright lights. Here's a leafy, healthy plant which is being grown under bright grow lights — notice how many bud sites are hidden in the middle of the plant. You cant even see them all! Learn more about defoliation. For the most dense buds, make sure each cola has a few inches of space to itself while developing. This spreads the plant out while producing many well-spaced colas.
Outdoors, it's best to find a strain that is suitable to growing in your climate, and give plants cover when you know there's going to be bad weather coming soon.
Before thinking about supplements, it's most important to making sure you're first providing the right base nutrients. So get your base nutrients first. Some cannabis supplements claim to increase yields and bud density, and generally these supplements contain a source of sugar. There is another common "formula" for bloom boosters that adds a lot of extra Phosphorus and Potassium.
It adds sugar as well as amino acids and various trace minerals. Nutri Boost 1 is blended as a replenishment to replace lost hormone generating properties that plants lose due to being under stress. A healthy plant produces these hormones naturally to maintain growth, but stressed plants suffer a severe loss of their ability to produce these essential growth regulators.
MP will develop stronger root systems and burst the growth of leaf and cellular structure. Helps create bigger flowers and improves aroma and flavor of edible products. SuperThrive Vitamins for healthy plants. For super healthy plants and blooms, add to your nutrient solution at the rate of 1 drop per 4 litres.
SuperThrive is an excellent plant reviver for stressed plants. SuperThrive has been used by growers' world-wide for more than 40 years. Well known and proven product. Pricey but an excellent investment for such an effective and concentrated product. Many enhancers can be used in both veg. Will help eliminate yellow leaves in seedlings and cuttings. Will accelerate vegetative growth when added to any nutrient. Recommended for soilless mediums.
Same great benefits as Humic Acid however Fulvic is formulated for water gardens. Assists plants with leggy growth problems, enhances resin and oil production in oil producing plants. Will also boost flowering weight. Mag-I-Cal is a highly enriched formulated blend of Magnesium, Calcium and Iron, that promotes vigorous and healthy plant growth for both soil and soiless gardens. Incorporated in your regular feeding program MagiCal increases flower bud absorption and improves the nutritional quality of plants while correcting nutrient related plant deficiencies such as grape stem rot, grass tetany, tip burn in lettuce, blackheart in celery, blossom end rot in tomato or watermelon and bitter pit in apple.
In addition to correcting nutrient deficiencies, MagiCal also accelerates protein syntheses, maintains high starch content in crops, improves the density of fruit and the production of essential oils, creates lush and greener foliage, and maintains a healthy root system. Their unique fermentation process has unlocked the secret in bringing out the full genetic potential for growth or bloom while releasing superior aroma and flavor.
Natural growers are going to love the tasty additives from PlantLife Products. Use as an additive to any fertilizer program.