Exmon exchange is not running on this computer 2010

Non-Microsoft Extensible Storage Engine detected. Exchange System Requirements. The blank user name indicates system usage and use of clients that have not successfully authenticated.

RFR target server has been manually over-ridden. To perform this procedure, run the following command, and modify the destination path as appropriate for your environment:. Slow Active Directory directory service calls.

Client Latency ms column is a superset of the CPU time and the server latency. ExMon Tracing is not Enabled on the Server. To view data, you do not need to install ExMon on an Exchange server.

Still the issue then check the disk space not running out of space, else reboot the server and check. Office Office Exchange Server. The effect of data collection on Exchange Server is less than a two percent increase in CPU or latency. Exchange Server WMI could not be accessed. HTTP port value is non-default.

SSL is enabled on the Public virtual directory. Description of ExMon Data Columns. Use the ExMon user interface to display data. SYS driver update available. You also must provide a password by clicking Set Password.

A high number of ACL upgrade failures are occurring. Some data columns are blank because some servers do not provide some information. To minimize the effect, you should not collect data on a hard disk drive that is currently being used by Exchange, such as the database, streaming, log file, or queue drives.

Offline address book site public folder deleted. Categorizer queue length beyond threshold. Cannot identify the specified Exchange gateway. Public folder content replication is paused. Junk store threshold not configured.