Dogecoin reddit wolong reserve

I run 4 news sites that put Donald Trump into the White House. I really want to fucking hang this nameless coward. We will dump a hundred articles about this faggot and have our A. I would use the good luck, i'm behind 50 proxies but that wouldn't even be close.

You rely on me to voluntarily disclose my transactions to you. Fuck off; taxation is theft. It is not some random persons job to do that but a representative from tether.

And so far he has no proof at all, only a fucking conspiracy theory. But the biggest argument is this: Why the hell would the top bitcoin exchange risk everything in order to make some short-term money, and do this by issuing fully transparent Tether that every single person can track in real time, instead of just doing this so called manipulation on their platform so that nobody could see it.

Dude; these people know they are shills and will stop at nothing to keep BTC down until their contract expires which coincides with the last of the big whales getting in sub-8k. We're just posting for the lurkers benefit. Works really well for Sovereign Citizens kek.

Don't know who he is, just know that he sold all his coin at 1k this year and goes by bitfinexed on twitter and that he spams a new medium article about bitfinex every single week and it is becoming so annoying that I'm actually replying to these threads now. Find a coin that has a solid enough platform that it will be able to hold most of it's value if the worst happens to BTC.

Yeah, this seems just as coordinated as "the flippening" attempt. Is 1 week without FUD too much to ask for these days in crypto. Alright monkeys; let's play dare veekyforums.

This thread is filled with Kike Journalist. My 'extreme' post was specifically tailored for them. They can't resist my specifically tailored bait. Glowing neon colored bait. Gobble gobble you fucking simps. Because it doesn have the cash on hand to handle all these withdrawals.

Money going down has an exponential effect as people start getting worried about the exchange failing. USDT can vanish tomorrow and it wouldn't affect anything.

Exchanges could just get licensed and use USD instead, but the biggest exchanges would only survive. This is a ploy to kill the competition so only licences exchanges can sell crypto for USD, since USD licenses are rarely given. They make like half a billion a year. What's with all you beta cunts trying to out money the money-makers.

I seriously doubt anything shady is going on with such wealthy and successful people. They don't do anything wrong. Looks like he might do a podcast with some Tether representative twitter. All you need to completely annihilate this faggot is exactly that. A total nameless coward is complaining about transparency.

Do you have any idea how many times we can spin this angle, for months? We can spin it different ways Then we get into kikes and their love of historic name fuckery. We won't call them Kikes of course Oh what a time to be alive. You can literally see Jewish power melting away daily across multiple industries. You do know Medium is a kike infested rat house, don't you. It's in the same club as Jezebel, Gizmodo and that other fagrag that was sued for million and died embarrassingly.

Wow, within a few minutes of digging there are multi angles of attack here. What a fucking idiot. As if everyone behind him won't get exposed also. We know he's the loud mouth patsy. Holy fuck these kikes are desperate. No one has ever actually withdrawn fiat from Bitfinex.

And fractional reserve shit is a bit at odds with a currency that's meant to be pegged 1: It's not in the best interests of the cryptocurrency community for Bitfinex to play the Fed. This is how the Jews wage war though.

Through slander and lies. So many traders are going to be Red Pilled from this. On the Jews and Their Lies Pick up a copy, it might save your portfolio. So how does bitfinex crash then? Bank runs happen when people withdraw more fiat from the bank then the bank has on reserve, but the claim is no one can withdraw fiat from bitfinex How does this break bitfinex?

If they just completely remove USDT as a trading option, can't they still be a profitable exchange taking a fee from trades of all the other coin pairs? How does this hurt anyone who isnt holding USDT? If this price somehow crashes, there are going to be a lot of USDT bagholders. Bitfinex will crash because no one will trust them anymore. Bitfinex already got hacked and lost millions, couldn't repay customers. Which is part of why tether is a thing in the first place, easier to repay people with monopoly money that doesn't actually cost you anything.

New Jersey is a jewish american princess god that image is disgusting. Im gonna carry that book around with me in public. The scam is super simple. The terms of service say so. The only losers are the ones who get stuck bagholding USDT when the jig is up. Yes I want btc to die when there is a better alternative. Retard boomer mentality that does not want change no matter what. If people ever decide Tether is worthless, the value for Bitcoin and alts will skyrocket as people dump their Tether for the most outrageous Bitcoin prices.

You are fucking retarded, you realize that you can push the price of BTC to 10k with just 50 millions dollars right? You don't need 25 billions to do that, it's all about liquidity. There should not be any concern with a bank run on an exchange because exchanges are not supposed to engage in fractional reserve banking.

Anyone who's on Polo or Bittrex is someone who already bought some bitcoins or ethers. This website may contain content of an adult nature. If you are under the age of 18, if such content offends you or if it is illegal to view such content in your community, please EXIT. We use cookies to personalize content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyze our traffic.

We also share information about your use of our site with our advertising and analytics partners. Answer this thread Start new thread. All urls found in this thread: Ive been spreading fud everywhere i can and also contacting the irs about people who use tether.

Whatever let the shorts get squeezed when the FOMO gets into overdrive during christmas season. Gotta make money, brah.

Hate the game not the playa. Maybe you should join us. You should short bitcoin duh then when the tether news breaks you'll make tons of monies! I don't margin trade and I hold some BTC right now.

Also, are you implying that biz could start an actual bank run? And if you're wrong? You miss the last 2k upshot and hold your cash bags?

I mean, I could be wrong, of course. Scum like this need to be purged. LMAO, it's funny how desperate you are. Asians killing their own exchanges? Lol, literally saying they don't have the Tether to back it up. Go ahead, disprove me. Does bitfinix getting fucled slowing down fuck up ethfinex, my zrx will be fine right? Something like that; but it wasn't a full audit. Ok, I give up, gotta get to bed eurocuck. Good luck out there, maybe the thread will still be going tomorrow.

Not trusting americans sounds like good business sense to me. Because US laws regarding forex trading are completely different from the rest of the world lets irrationally FUD and crash it to buy it cheap Nobody will want it after you FUD this hard, after 2 years BTC really won't have the brand value or technological relevance to ever be valuable again no elegant solutions Sure.

Veeky Forums has been good to me so it is time for me to give back The first post to get dubs after this post will get 1 btc! Ad hominem is not an argument, you said so yourself above ITT. Think about it, why would you listen to some guy who was fucking stupid enough to sell all his coins at the beginning of this mega bullrun Fuck bitfinexed. Same with you, what about arguing against the points the "salty faggot" made.

Got yourself a little website do ya? Created a journalist out of thin air, did ya? Is Bitfinexed Claims he's not Wow, within a few minutes of digging there are multi angles of attack here.

No one has ever actually withdrawn fiat from Bitfinex So how does bitfinex crash then? Tether failing is a good thing for the crypto prices. Disable AdBlock to view this page. Confirm your age This website may contain content of an adult nature. About Privacy We use cookies to personalize content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyze our traffic. Today is the greatest day of my life. At the time of writing it was still increasing—at a rate of 10 million per transaction.

Wolong ignored my attempts to make contact, but he has not been shy publicly. Last Monday night, he gave regular updates to the channel as he made large Dogecoin trades, pushing the price of Dogecoin higher and higher. Once the price broke that resistance, out-of-the-loop traders would buy more Dogecoin, hoping to see it rise even higher. Traditional currency exchanges have strict regulations that put a stop to market manipulation, but cryptocurrency traders are left to police themselves.

As such, altcoin traders are on perpetual high alert for manipulation, and speculation runs wild in the community. Day-trading is inherently a psychological battle, and leaving inexperienced traders to conduct unregulated warfare can create dramatic fireworks.

Yesterday morning offered a perfect example of this, when the CEO of , a now-defunct Bitcoin exchange, was arrested and charged with money laundering in connection with Silk Road. It took steadier hands to stem the flow, and a slow recovery is now afoot. But Wolong will need to sell his Dogecoin eventually. And when he does? Over the cliff we go. NewsI have long been a Bitcoin hater, for many reasons.

But then, a fortnight ago, something happened. Do I really believe that sentence? This question was key for my own understanding of Dogecoin and where it fits into the world. Is Dogecoin a real thing? And if Dogecoin is absurd, then so is the entire financial system. Dogecoin as symptom of the postmodern condition. And there are many different positions. Please note two things: That said, I am trying to represent it as accurately as possible in this post.

The simplest formulation of the subjective theory of value is this: I, as an individual, have goals that I want to accomplish. To accomplish this, I made a rational decision: I have various resources that allow me to accomplish this goal, namely, that I have three United States dollars. So I decide that getting out of the house is worth at least three dollars to me, and I got to exchange my 3 USD for one latte.