Cgminer download windows litecoin

Cgminer download windows litecoin times it requires to tweak the settings even more, because every system is different. Open the archive you've just downloaded with 7-ZipWinRAR or some other program and upack it to your hard drive. By offering a simple and easy to use graphical interface, GUIMiner will let you take full control of your Bitcoin mining process without requiring complicated commands or constantly editing configuration files.

Prepare your worker Go to coinat. To use GUIMiner, download the latest version from cgminer download windows litecoin link above, open it and extract the archive to anywhere on your PC we recommend your Desktop so you can easily access itthen double click the GUIMiner executable to open the interface. Rename your newly created file to "coinat. Press the "ALT" key to open the following options.

You can choose between pooled mining and solo mining — the software embeds a list of mining pools to choose from. Press the "ALT" key to open the following options. Create an account Go to Register if you haven't cgminer download windows litecoin created an account. Make sure "--scrypt" is included in the parameters list!

Go to Register if you haven't already created an account. Click on "Folder options Find your optimal graphics card settings This step is very important and can require quite some time to squeeze out the last hash of your graphics card. Once GUIMiner is up and running, simply choose a mining pool we recommend using Slush's pool, to receive the most Bitcoinssetup your login details and hit "Start Mining! Provably Fair Black Jack.

Prepare your worker Go to coinat. Go to Mining hardware comparison to see what other miners use for their graphics cards. Click on "Folder options Start mining Right click on your batch file than click "Open" or double click it. After your miners are configured, you can even setup "Autostart mining" that will let you start mining for Bitcoins as soon cgminer download windows litecoin the program opens!